10% Korting!

I’m ready for my 10% Korting. (More on that later.) The last few days have been thrown a little off-kilter with Tropical Depression Erin, and her fondness for dumping rain at dogwalking times. I shake my fist at you, Tropical Depression Erin! And my dogs shake their tiny paws!

Buy one fast-topic-changing Friday and get the second one for half-price.

I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.

korting1.JPG Let’s address the title of this post. I still subscribe to some Dutch retail store emails, because it is the only way I have to see how much of the language I can remember.

I realize that I am forgetting Dutch…but I do know that this says “10% Savings on Everything!” Not really all that useful, but a personal triumph.


img_6477.JPG I mentioned that I’ve been caught in a few rainstorms lately. I happened to get caught in one yesterday after getting a Mystic Tan….and the bronzer part of the spray melted off my body and onto my clothes.

This is my tshirt after yesterday morning’s walk. I would have been embarassed if any neighbors saw this. Ah, vanity.


img_6481.JPG On Wednesday I ordered take-out Cuban food. Chicken, rice, black beans. When I got home and started eating, Ike went NUTS. Like, really crazy. He WANTED MY FOOD.

I couldn’t understand it. Chicken? I eat chicken all the time and he doesn’t care. Black beans?

I figured out pretty quickly that it was the fried plantains. Huh? I don’t get it. This is a fussy, fussy dog who won’t even eat most dog treats. Maybe he’s Cuban.


img_6478.JPG Another result of the wet weather has been that all of the wild creatures have been seeking higher ground to avoid drowning. According to an army of ants, Lou was higher ground.

This poor little man was bit so many times! The more ants I brushed off of him, the more ants I found.

Even with a Benadryl inside him, he’s still so very itchy. Poor Louis.

Please stay out of ant hills and have a great weekend!

One last thing…
I got nominated as a Rockin’ Girl Blogger by Denise, so now I get to nominate some blogger girls I think are rockin’.

I’d like to nominate Janet, Laura, and Jeanne.

Thank you, Denise!

18 comments on “10% Korting!

  1. Awww poor Lou! Glad you still remember some Dutch and that the storm, though annoying, isn’t too powerful… Have a nice weekend!

  2. Oh poor Lou,

    I understand your pain. I fell into a fire ant bed when I was 1 1/2 years old. It was not fun. From then on I freaked out at any bug or black speck.

  3. Poor poor Lou. Fire ants are the worst. Hate ’em.

    That self-tanner mishap is hilarious. I have some on right now but thankfully, am wearing black. Erin’s still dropping some remnants on us so I’m prepared.

    Dude, that fried plantain on first inspection – looked like a turd on a plate.

  4. I wonder why the ants are only picking on one doggy out of 4?

    Years ago I went to Hawaii as a chaperone with a high school marching band. Being so fair skinned that I am almost transparent I decided to get a Mystic Tan a few weeks before the trip. I went to 6 sessions but I only got a light spray, just enough that the glare of my white skin wouldn’t blind anyone on the shores of Oahu…and I thought, “Cool! I look really good!” When we got to Oahu after we checked in to our hotel the first thing we all did was hit the beach. I was the first on in the water…Yahoo! Great fun ensued… Then when I got out of the water and dried off….I discovered that salt water disolves even weeks of Mystic tanning. Each rub of the towel left a streaky, muddy mess. I put my swim suit cover up pants on and went back to the hotel and tried to fix this color carnival that was taking place on my body but it was to no avail. Plain water did nothing so I had to go back to the ocean and let the salt water do it’s thing and then wipe the tan off with my towel. So by the end of my first 4 hours in Hawaii my tan was gone. It was very attractive and not at all embarassing.

  5. mmmm..plantains. It’s so funny that Ike likes them. Joe refuses to eat any fruits or vegetables. He only wants things that are bad for him, especially chocolate. Anytime I’m eating chocolate he gets right up in my face. (And no, I do not feed my dog chocolate).

  6. In defense of my photography skills…I wanted to mention that the photo of my tshirt is dark, because I took it during the storm. Not much natural light at that time – or for the whole day. (It’s sunny now, but the shirt is in the washer.)

  7. trying to remember dutch… that’s funny.

    i need the occasional uv from tanning. even if it does age me prematurely. i try not to go so often i get leathery and i moisturize regularly.

    nice, ike is into “foreign” food. very cool. cody was eating broccoli the other day.

    poor lou. 🙁 nasty little ants.

    i see that erin isn’t going to gain strength before land-fall. don’t float away on us. 😀

  8. Sorry to hear about the nasty weather, I am so glad we only get the tail ends of the storms, we have wind and rain today and probably more to come.
    Hey about the Dutch, I have an idea… I don’t want to lose my dutch, since I worked so hard to learn it, we could start chatting back and forth in dutch. LOL I wonder if either of us would understand any of it, mixed dutch between two non dutch speakers eh?
    Hope Erin goes away quickly. So the doggies can start to enjoy the weather again.
    Hope Molly Renee shows up soon.

  9. Hi – I live in the neighborhood. Where’s the Cuban take out place? I’m currently on strike from cooking and we need more take out choices.

    I have recently discover the world of knitting blogs and I think that you are a definite Rockin Girl Blogger.

  10. aw thanks for the nomination! You’re so rockin’, too.

    Did you get the Cuban food from that place on Washington? (El Rey? is that what it’s called?) I’ve been dying to try it out. If the have plantains, I’m going!

  11. YAY! See people agree with me! You so Rock GRRRRRL!
    I’m surprised that the mystic tan did that to your shirt – that’s crazy!Maybe you’ve invented a new form of fabric dying… think about it!
    Poor Lou….. but he’s lucky he’s got you to look after him. What kind a Benedryl did you use? I gave some Children’s Benedryl when my dog was stung on the paw by a bee last week, but she didn’t keep it down. Only 1/2 tsp for a 55 pounder
    Have a super weekend.

  12. I giggle every time I see the photo of a fried plantain on a plate.

    Thank you so much for the nomination — you’re so rockin’ yourself! I’m honored!

    Poor Lou! I hate those wicked ants. And seriously — enough rain already!

  13. Hi Stacy, Denise beat me to it. I was nominated by a friend of mine for Rockin’ Girl Blogger, and I had plans to nominate you as well.

    I am also glad to see that you are not letting one stupid man stand in your way of a happy life.

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