Needles. Sharp needles. Always for good and not evil, but a bit painful at times.
Do you remember the tv commercial that said “Pokin’ at ya, pokin’ at ya”?
Ever since I started my No More Short Socks Campaign, I’ve been working on these babies – currently my own nameless design. They fit my two newest rules: toe-up pattern (no yarn wasted), and massive yardage (Fearless Fibers’ sock yarn has 550 yards!).
I’m knitting them on my most favoritest new needles – Knit Picks Options DPNs. These needles are SHARP, and it’s getting painful. |
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You see, I knit funny. I knit fast, but in a strange way. My friend Laura isn’t satisfied with using the traditional terms “picker” or “thrower” to describe how I knit, so she made up a word: “flicker”.
If you need to see this in action, I made a silent little movie. Shooting this video was a bit awkward with the tripod in my lap, but you’ll get the idea. |
Because of my weird way of knitting, the index finger of my right hand brushes the tip of the needle on every stitch. That’s okay, until my finger brushes for like the billionth time. All of the skin is worn off of my finger by then.
Knit Picks Options have actually made me shed blood on my knitting. But they’re still my favorite. What doesn’t kill me will make me stronger, right? I figure if I keep at it, I’ll eventually develop a monstrous callous, and I’ll never be injured again. |
Speaking of being poked with needles, Gus is undergoing acupuncture treatment for a neck injury.
He’s responding really well, and is nearly back to being the bossy little bastard I know and love. |
Awww! Poor finger and poor Gus! I had the same problem with some size 1 bamboo dpn I tried and I couldn’t take it! Way to be stronger than me – I hope the callous develops soon….
Holy cow you’re fast! I’ve never seen a “thrower” knit that fast. I hold the yarn like you do only in my left hand (silly ambidextrous knitter). I’d love to see a purling video though. C’mon, let’s have it.
Kate – that video is a knit AND purl video. That row was k2, p1. (I actually knit faster than the video shows, but not with a tripod in my lap.)
I’ve tried Continental (picking), and it’s like being a beginner again. My stitches are goofy, and I feel so clumsy! You lucky ambidexes.
Did you see on Yarn Harlot’s blog a few days ago, when she was asking folks how many SPM (stitches per minute) they knit? Most everyone was giving numbers upwards of 50! Maybe I’m not as fast as I thought I was.
I loved being able to see how you knit! It’s fascinating — and does seem quite fast.
Kisses to Gus!
Yep, you’re a flicker. Of course, this means your street name should be Flicka. Flicka what?!
I’m glad I’m not the only one with Knitpicks needles battle scars
Thanks for the video, that’s very cool. Now I know how you finish everything so fast! Time to buy a Costco sized box of bandages! Actually sometimes I use the rubber finger cover from the office supply section, depending on the needle point and project.
My dog is so excited to see other people that she sends the accupunture needles flying and they don’t work for her. But so good to hear that Gus is on the mend.
I wimped out on the Callous Development Project last night, and resorted to a band-aid so I could keep knitting.
Wow! You are FAST!! I am envious! LOL. I get those owies all the time and them suckers hurt! Especially when you get something in it like lemon juice. But what I do for my Options needles! Love those things.
Glad to hear that Gus is on the mend. He’s such a cutie patootie!
Yay for the Yarn Harlot! I can’t wait to see her tomorrow!
Woah! You do knit fast!
Yay for girls that knit weirdly! (Eunny Yang does too, apparently.)
I don’t knit the same way you do but I do rub my finger. You can pick up these little clear padded stickers called Thimble It at most fabric or craft stores and they work like a charm. Stick one on and no more bleeding fingers. I don’t put them on until my finger starts to get sore so I can build a little callous first. No pain no gain 🙂
I knit very simalar to you.
Poor Gus, hope he’s back to his old self real soon.
Wow, now I see why you get so much done. Thanks for sharing…it is very fasinating to us non-knitters.
Hugs to Gus, hope he feels better soon.
Your knitting video was fascinating to watch. Fast! I hear you on the funny knitting though – I wind the yarn so tightly around my index finger it looks like that finger will fall off at some point 🙂
How did my dear little Gustopher injure his neck?
Wow! That is some sock — I’m impressed! Ouch! I’ve got a habit of pushing the needle with my left pointer finger, so it gets sore sometimes (when using the Knitpicks needles, I’m trying to learn not to do that, and I’ve been partially successful), but I’ve not yet bled!
I’m glad Gus is feeling better!
i like the way you knit. it seems more elegant that what i do. and i love the socks. and the dogs.
I’ve got a knitting callous on my right index finger, and a weird little “spot” on my left. Almost like something was imbedded in it. For the longest time I would poke and prod it, until I used really pointy needles, stabbed the dot said “ouch” and then “oh, I see”.
My cat got acupuncture, was pretty mellow, and then she freaked and ran under the couch at the vet’s.
Hope Gus is feeling better!
You need to get this T-shirt:
but beware of people misreading it.
Thanks for giving me credit for making up the term flicker. I’ll pretend to be famous now 🙂
Owey is right! I’ve heard they are really pointy little devils even if they get the job done. Love the sock length and the source you found to do it–note for later! Yeah, I’m glad I didn’t supply my numbers to Yarn Harlot’s blog since they seem to have blown me out of the water! LOL! The knit goes on….