After many, many requests for an Entrelac tutorial, I’m SUPER EXCITED to be able to offer this. And it’s FREE!
In this tutorial, we’re using a free pattern designed by Allison LoCicero from frecklesandpurls.com. You can get your free copy of the pattern HERE.
Yarn: 4 skeins of Noro Silk Garden (or 440 yards of any worsted weight yarn, preferably “long strand” variegated)
Needles: Size 8 US, circulars or straights
Additional Materials: Row counter (optional, but I highly encourage it)
Here are direct links to the different sections in the video:
Intro 00:00: http://youtu.be/B4GGXzurphk
Base Triangles / 00:58: http://youtu.be/B4GGXzurphk?t=58s
Tier 1 / 08:42: http://youtu.be/B4GGXzurphk?t=8m42s
Tier 2 / 20:59: http://youtu.be/B4GGXzurphk?t=20m59s
Final Tier Triangles / 24:35: http://youtu.be/B4GGXzurphk?t=24m35s
I have been watching your tutorials for about 30 minutes. When I get the yarn and tulle I’ll start over. The kitchen scrubbie and crocheted blanket may be the first. Thank you
Staci, thank you for sharing this wonderful pattern. In the beginning, it was a bit hard to figure out which way to go, but after a few practice rows, I am almost done with the scarf. This was my practice scarf, so now I can start on the multicolored yarn. Do you know if anyone has made several panels and joined them together with a single crochet stitch, then attached a pretty colored ribbon down each crocheted seam to make a coverlet for the bed? Would think that would looke great in a kid’s room or guest room.
Thank you so very much for your lovely and just great tutorials..I have always had problems following along and being able to understand these types …but I have no problems with yours.. You do some super work..it must be fun to do this kind of work…thanks once again …Shirley2
thank you . thank you . thank you… i am now an entrelac knitter.. could you tell me how i could add to this scarf pattern to make an afghan… at least 54″ by 70″/// how do i add to the base to increase width?? and then do i just add ‘blocks” to the next tiers???
again.. thank you very much.. i followed your complete concise utube video.. and used this pattern to learn entrelac and now i am obsessed..
try as I might, I cannot get a copy of the entrelac scarf knitted pattern.could you please help me I love the video but it is a bit confusing without the written pattern.Thanks a lot .Padma
Padmasoma – the pattern is free to download here: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/entrelac-scarf
S t a c i
I would like to say thank you so much for your step by step instruction video it was big help. You made it supper easy. now i can add this to my stitch know
Thank you
love your web site
Thanks for this video. I have purchased a book and an on line video, none was as informative and clear as your instructions. I am very happy I found your Web site, you are an excellent teacher.
I’ve been knitting about a year, and after being told at a yarn shop that I would need to take a class to learn this stitch, I came home and found your tutorial…I was able to do it! Thank you so much for helping those of us who are learning. Your instructions are clear, and very easy to follow. I’ll be a regular on your site!
Hi Stacy,
what a wonderful scarf, the Silk Garden you used is perfect for this project. I would like to know which color number you have used for it?
Kind regards and thank you very much for the tutorial,
Karin – thank you for the note. Sorry, I no longer have the info on the color number of the Silk Garden.
S t a c i
Fabulous tutorial…I am ready to try this! I have one question though.Could one do a different color for each section? The base triangles, tier 1, tier 2 and the final tier?
Thank you so much for your wonderful video. It was so informative and made the knitting so easy to follow. I finished knitting the scarf last night and am very pleased with the result. Thank you again.
I understand many people learn very well using videos like this, but I much prefer to see the instructions actually written down. Are they available anywhere?
Linda – this video is made to accompany a written pattern, link here on this web post above: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/entrelac-scarf
S t a c i
I’m enjoying your tutorial very much! I’ve learned so much about following patterns and learning new stitches. However, when picking up stitches, I’m having a problem. I’m on tier 1 and every time I try to pick up the stitches, I only count a maximum of 7 ‘V’s to pick up stitches through. I’m not sure how to pick up the 8th stitch. I see that you ran into that on the first square of tier 1, but you didn’t really explain what you did to fix this problem.
Thanks in advance!
Rhia – you just make it work! Cram that stitch in there.
S t a c i
I’m guessing it doesn’t matter as long as one is consistent, but do you like to force the extra picked up stitch before or after the “v’s”? Does it make a difference in how smoothly the finished project lies and or where there might be little holes? Thx
I just used this pattern for a pillowcase – so cool! You can see it here
The color of the yarn in the photo is #87 (it’s on the pattern)!
I taught myself Entrelac years ago…and did one amazing project. I never did it again, until today! (The ex is holding my piece hostage so I need to make a new one!) I tried many other sites instructions & they each do things just a little differently…
Your way is perfect!
The pattern is well explained…the instructions are impeccable! The video is next on my list…
So thank you for having all of this to help guide those of us who knit alone!!
I have never knitted entrelac before, but I would love to make a blanket out of it. How many of the base triangles would be needed to make the blanket wide enough? What length needles would be best? Would it be difficult to change yarn at every tier, because there isn’t a great selection of variegated yarn in the wool shops where I live?
Love it can’t wait to try. How do you do this pattern in different colors of yarn?
On the pattern for entralac scarf, I found a problem either with pattern or video on the tier 1. Said to k1,p6,k2tog. The video said k1,p6, & p2tog please tell me which to use. Thanks in advance
Cheri – I demonstrate the techniques used in the video, but you will want to follow the pattern for the accurate step-by-step instructions.
S t a c i
Too awesome, I’ve started knitting 7 years ago and stop after 2-3years due to boring pattern. Now that I’ve found this challenging pattern !!! Yeepee !!! Try it immediately 🙂 thank you from Singapore 😀
I hope you can help me
i am knitting a scarf in the entralac pattern the right side is beautiful however the wrong side has ridges where i have picked up the stitches, It is not smooth
any suggestions or is this the way it has to be??
Barbara – ridges are normal on the back of the work, and the occur any time you pick up stitches. The front and back are not identical.
S t a c i
Thanks again Staci for a great tutorial. This is the first time trying entrelac and I love it. I don’t know why I was afraid to try it. I too questioned the Right Side Triangle Row 3 instructions and thought it must be a typo. [I thought it should be p2tog instead of, as written, k2tog] I researched the author’s website for help and she says it’s a matter of choice. So, no worries! I had another question about using two colors of yarn, alternating on each Tier – is there a way to do this without having to cut the yarn?
Truly one who does not like to weave in ends,
Hi Staci,
I crocheted a Tunisian Entrelac blanket about 2 yrs ago and now the stitches are unraveling could you tell me how to fix this, I tried to stitch where they unravel but after a while I find that another of the squares open up how do I fix it.
Vasanti Pereira
I am new to this technique and am loving it. Your video is brilliant. I just want to know how to join different colours like the scarf in the photo. I notice that you had a small ball of wool in the tutorial and i am figuring that this is what I need to do just cut amounts off of each colour I have. Thank you so much
Thank you so much for sharing this pattern with us! I’ve been knitting for years but have never tried this technique before and am eager to attempt it!!! Please keep those cards and letters coming, thanks again!!!