Zigazig Ha

Someone please tell me that you “get” the title to this post. I think I’m hilarious.

Can I do a fast-topic-changing Friday, in the middle of the most chaos I’ve ever experienced in my life?


Just watch…

hair1.JPG So, I did it. I mentioned on Wednesday that I wanted to get a “Pob” (not my term), and I rushed right out and broke the news to my hairdresser.

He was cool with it. It was his second “Pob” this week, in fact.

In these photos, I’m sportin’ my best Victoria-Beckham-miserable-look, complete with huge sunglasses.

hair2.JPG Don’t you smile, Staci! It was really hard to stay miserable looking. Every time I snapped a photo and saw it on the screen, my lack of a smile actually made me laugh.

My hairdresser did a fantastic job. He even gave me some new “hoochie blonde streaks” (his term).


nails.JPG One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn’t belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?

Ah, I was ready to cut my nails, anyway. Most of my time typing was spent backspacing over mistakes.


sweater2.JPG Remember this baby sweater? (My own design, free pattern available here.)

I sent it off to my pal Craig for a little jazzing up…

sweater21.JPG And he did such a great job!

This sweater is already in Alaska, waiting for Molly Renee to grow into it. She just needs to be born first.


lou.JPG The boys are very upset with me today, since I made it rain and all. They are determined to “hold it” until the rain stops, which isn’t supposed to be until tomorrow. Could make for an interesting day.

Have a great weekend!

53 comments on “Zigazig Ha

  1. I got it!! When I saw your title on my Google Reader I couldn’t wait to see the new do!!!! Very clever…and your hairstylist should be applauded for a fantastic job. Looks great!!!

  2. gah, staci you just rock. i love the hair so much. it’s just perfect!

    your nails are envious. i can’t believe they get that long and look that healthy naturally. lucky lady.

    and oh my gosh – i love the final sweater outcome. how freaking presh! she’s a lucky girl.

    and finally, as always adorable dog pics.

    can’t wait to see you next weekend. hope this one is a good one for you. you look gorgeous – posh poses and all.

  3. Love the title, love the hair, love the sweater! Lots of love here today! It’s nice to know that my rat terrier isn’t the only one that refuses to go outside in the rain.

  4. “If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give … Slam your body down and wind it all around …” Now picture me bouncing and singing along as I opened your post. Looks very nice! I especially like the pursed lips – stern, might unemotional.

  5. Will someone please explain the title to me so I can get it to? I’m feeling sheepish…

  6. LOVE the haircut. Very, very sexy! The sweater turned out great with the appliques–I had forgotten about it.

    I understand about the doggies. My two hate the rain too, think it is my fault and give looks of “why don’t you make it stop so I can go outside”. We’ve had the rain constant up here in Okla. for several months but they do finally give in and sprint outside and run back in.

  7. Hi Meredith (and anyone else who doesn’t get the title)… The “zigazig ha” reference is a bit of a Spice Girls song…I think the song is called “Wannabe”. I’m sure you would recognize it:

    Yo, I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want,
    So tell me what you want, what you really really want,
    I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really
    really really wanna zigazig ha.

    Ring a bell?
    S t a c i

  8. OMG…did you see the television show they made out of the Beckhams coming to america. I thought it was a ridiculous concept but of course I couldn’t take my eyes off it. Victoria is hilarious (in that Paris Hilton kinda way). And Stac, you could be her decoy instead of the blow up doll they were using…you should apply for the job. LOL

  9. I knew as soon as I read the title, I was just hoping it turned out ok. And yes, he did a fabulous job!!! Tell him your sis in AK is soooo proud of him for giving you what you wanted!!! The color is perfect–I have to say I could not have done a better job,(well maybe). Now if I have that stupid song in my head for more than five secs I am gonnna call you and sing it every hour. K Ooh also, the hair makes you look really skinny!!

  10. Thanks, Staci! I actually sing that song to my husband all the time, but at didn’t know all the ‘words’ so at the end I just sorta made sounds.

  11. I think I like the cut on you better than on Posh. My dog (and my mom’s enormo lab) both hate going out in the rain. It’s such a pain. Good luck with the doggies!

  12. Just in time for the Spice Girls comeback! πŸ˜€ They’re coming to Argentina and I even considered going to see them… Shame on me. I just really really liked them about nine years ago, you know. And does anyone know what “Zigazig Ha” means, anyway?

  13. Staci,
    Not that you weren’t adorable before but you look SO CUTE with your new do. You rock the emo/hair in eyes, do not smile, look casually aloof look like nobodies business. When you put yourself on the dating market there is going to be a line a mile long coming to your door!

    The appliques on the sweater are totally cute! Tell Molly that when she grows out of that sweater we all out here in blogger land would like to take it off of her hands.

    What were you thinking making it rain? The. Nerve.

    If you are a Chris Daughtry fan…check out my blog next week. I saw him at the Orange County Fair on Wednesday and I got some nice pictures.

    I hope you feel as good as you look!

  14. omg!!! love the new look. hate that you can grow your nails and have them look that gorgeous. silly puppies. cody gives us that look too. my first dog actually had me hold an umbrella over him, AND i had to turn away he was so shy.

    i need some new hair again.

  15. I _so_ want that hair cut too! Your hairdresser did an awesome job. Love Victoria too!

    I can’t believe those are your natural nails, they are just gorgeous. You should be a hand model too!

    And my dogs hate the rain too – and I love in Vancouver! They dash across the yard and go potty under the canopy of a bunch of tree branches and then dash back across the yard. And we don’t go for walks on rainy days, so they can get quite frisky! Your puppy picture’s so cute!

  16. The hair is too cute, and you will actually look good with the “messy look” when you don’t feel like styling it. πŸ™‚ You need more and brighter lipstick to look like VB. Yeah, good job on looking so miserable. But please stop short of looking emaciated like her. πŸ™‚

  17. Your new hair style is great! Very flattering. And the sweater is adorable- hope you are doing well.

  18. Oh.My.God. Your hair is so MAJOR!!!

    Sweater… Wicked Major. (what can I say? I’m from Boston, I can only be so Posh)

    Defo go for the hand model gig.

    Rain. The evil invention of humans to terrorize and abuse poor hapless Basenji. I thought Raisin was going to explode this morning.

  19. I thought all guys liked to pee in the shower. Hm.

    I had a haircut today too. I told her not to really cut it…we just did a little shaping so it would look less like an awkward in-between stage and more like a real hairstyle. The ultimate goal is a cute little bob (hm, strangely Pob-like). I’m just going to try not to think about the next 6 to 9 months of Really Bad Hair. πŸ™‚

  20. Your hair is just great! I didn’t think it could get better than the Alaska cut, but… You have totally mastered the “I am rich, you are not; therefore, you bore me” look. πŸ˜€ Plus, you do have gorgeous hands — look like they spend hours in the salon being pampered and cooed over. (I know that with 4 dogs and innumerable knitting projects as well as life in general, THAT’S not true.)

    FYI – your rescue of Abe has inspired me to rescue a baby of my own. I am now the proud parent of a rescue collie, not a basenji. But, hey, I think one collie’s hair equals that of 4 basenji’s (and more).

  21. How DARE you make it rain!!! Sheesh…whata bad B Mommy you can be sometimes :-p

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!

  22. Ooh! The new haircut looks fab! *applause* As does the sweater. And, of course, the dogs (but I think they know that).

  23. Oh my gosh, CUTE HAIR! Damn it, now I’m tempted to cut mine, too!

    What a happy Friday post! I hope you have a fab weekend!

  24. You do the look so much better than her! Looks really great! You’ve got it going on, girl

  25. Didn’t get the title and (dare I say it?) the hair makes me want to grab a pair of scissors and have at it. This might mean that I’m old. (Ya think?;)) Or maybe it just means I think you are too beautiful to cover up your gorgeous skin and eyes. But I DO like the color, and the length!

    The sweater with appliquΓ©s is really adorable. Lucky Molly!

    Oh yeah — great hands, too!

  26. I understood the title too. LOL I think I still had some spice girl stuff on my computer before the reformat. *oh the shame*
    I love the hair, it really does suit you.
    And the sweater oh my it is so cute. And speaking of cute, your doggies are so cute as well.
    If it make you feel any better we have had rain here since Thursday. Heavy enough at times to knock out the power temporarily.

  27. Damn, That’s a really hot do.
    Looks sensational on you.
    Very, very good move.

  28. I love the haircut !!!!
    You have very nice hands, if you stick with short nails for a while you will look lovely.
    The sweater is so sweet, if Molly has a little brother someday he could wear it too.
    I wish that we could have some rain too.

  29. Love the haircut–I would totally get mine cut like that if my boss didn’t have the exact same cut. That would be kinda weird. πŸ˜‰

  30. You are the model for that do! Love, love, love it. I want one too! The sweater is so clever and cute. Baby will look adorable in it. PS, this is my new address–cherjray was the previous one i spoke to you with.
    You and Craig should do more projects together!

  31. Of course the hair is rockin! Love it! And you did an excellent job posing as La Posh too. The sweater is beyond adorable!

    Poor, poor babies having to endure the rain. That’s the saddest little face I’ve seen in a long time.

  32. I love the Pob! What a nice “in your face” for someone, huh? Now load up the boys and come to Austin. We’re having a break from the rain for a couple of days.

  33. That haircut is pretty stylin’.

    :\ All I can ever say is “Oh Craig.”
    I like what he did with the sweater though. It’s very sweet.

  34. Can I just say 2 things – first, how have I missed your blog? Head buried in yarn can be the only excuse. Second, I have been totally obcessed by Ms. Beckham’s hair ever since I first her on TV. It is cool, edgy and oh so hip.

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