Keep a Secret, Tell a Secret

Is it Friday again already? Wasn’t it just Friday, like, a couple of days ago?


We now return to your regularly scheduled fast-topic-changing-Friday, already in progress.

img_6415.JPG I cannot WAIT to show you what I’m knitting. I could show you what I have so far, but it would make the final product a little anti-climatic.

I’ve arranged it in this photo to hide the good parts.

I should have something to show you on Monday. And it’s FUNNY.


austin3.JPG I’m ready to go public with one of the big changes I have coming up.

I’m moving to Austin, and I’m so excited.

I thought that I should wait until I actually have things set up there, but then I thought again. Wouldn’t it be better to open up the possibility of making more Austin connections before I even leave Houston? Yes, indeed.

Details as they happen.


weather.JPG Now that I’ve decided, on my own, that Texas will be my new home – I need to make a big change.

This former Alaskan needs to cowgirl-up. I need to acclimate to Texas weather. I need to make friends with it.

I promise to do my best, right after this godforsaken heat wave passes.


img_6412.JPG Apparently something happened outside that only red dogs could hear.

Have a great weekend!

40 comments on “Keep a Secret, Tell a Secret

  1. Yes, I believe it was Friday 7 days ago πŸ™‚ Check my math on that though. I can’t wait to see the big reveal on the bobbin thingy. I’m intrigued to hear about your new adventures in Austin! I’ve heard that Austin is amazing and, if it wasn’t in Texas, we’d move there in a heartbeat! I’ve said it before, but I love Abe – he’s my fave …

  2. Congratulations on the upcoming move! And I agree with you about the heat! I live in SE Oklhoma and it is supposed to be in the tripple digets every day for the next 6 days! Hang in there and stay close to the air-con. (what a great invention!)

    As usual, the boys look great. They certainly are majestic looking creatures. Love ’em!

  3. Maybe the red dogs are trying to confuse the black dog? It could be all a planned consiracy to convince the poor guy that all of his amazing doggie powers are gone. “You mean you didn’t hear that?”

  4. Big hugs for you today, Staci! I’m excited to hear that you’ll be moving to Austin. It’s supposed to be such a great place… lots of culture. Do you know a lot of people there already?

    Bravo, too, on embracing the hot Texas weather. Be sure to stay hydrated, lady!

  5. Congrats, Staci! Hopefully, we get to meet when you move to Austin! Step by step…good thoughts coming your way!

  6. Ooooh! I lived in Austin several years when I went to school there. You’ll love it! I may actually be going there right before Thanksgiving for a lure coursing trial when I go visit my mother in West Texas. How soon are you thinking about moving?

    Debbie B-T

  7. I could never get used to that weather, unless I had an air conditioned house and a swimming pool, then I could even learn to LOVE that weather πŸ˜›
    Only 2.5 months until I learn to knit! My mom is going to teach me how to knit when I am home, and how to follow a pattern and stuff.

  8. Oh I am curious about this knitting project. I love the anticipation!.

    Now on to weather. . . OMG you are cooler than we are here! I’m further north (N. Okla) my logic says we should have cooler temps than you ‘way’ down in Texas. There is something wrong with the weather.

    I totally agree with the above mentioned conspiracy theory. Red dogs getting something over on the new guy.

  9. Congrats on some big decisions and good changes for you… I went to school in Houston and would NEVER live there again. But I love Austin – only place in TX I would consider living (although I don’t think I can give up my glorious Bay Area weather). But Austin is great, I visit friends there almost every year – a huge sense of community and of course – Hill Country Weavers!

  10. I love that yarn- the color is great!
    Although I’ve never been there, I’ve heard Austin is a wonderful place to live- lots of fun, interesting stuff to do and great people. I’m sure your move will go smoothly, and there will be many doggy friends to be had.

  11. It’s good to have weather like that for African dogs. After they’ve baked a while in the broiling sun they can come back in to the a/c and sleep well while dreaming of their ancestors in “the old country.” Then they can wake up refreshed and happy they are with their “warrior princess of the knit.” πŸ˜€

  12. Congratulations on your upcoming move – figuratively and physically. I’m glad you’re taking steps to do what YOU want to do with your life. Yes, it’s hot and I’m personally sick of it. We have temps around 100 here today with predictions of it hitting 103 by Monday. Plus we have nice, sticky humidity to go along with it – ick!

    Looking forward to seeing your secret project. I’m in awe of your knitting skills seeing as I don’t knit at all myself!

  13. I knew you were going to move. I just knew it! Not that I want you to leave–I just thought that there wasn’t anything hold you here. You’re going to love Austin! It’s so much nicer than Houston.

    I’ll miss you a lot, but I know you’re moving on to bigger and better things.

  14. I am looking forward to seeing your project! It looks beautiful so far!

    I really wish you all the best with your move to Austin. I love the Hill Country and would do anything for us to move to San Antonio.

    Just love the doggies!! They are just too cute for words!

  15. Yay! So exciting! Can’t wait until you get here. By the way if it makes you feel any better we’re only looking at a high of 98 degrees on Saturday and Sunday here in Austin. That two degrees could make all the difference.

  16. must. wait. for. monday. ack, i can’t. just show us already!!!

    i was wondering when this was coming. i’m excited for you. i’ve been told that austin, tx is very similar to madison, wi. i know i love it here. πŸ™‚ good luck with the move in the heat. hydration hydration hydration.

    they’re totally pulling a fast one on abe. silly boys. i do have to ask the icky question though… how many of the boys are you getting to take with you?

  17. Yay for you! I’ve heard nothing but awesome things about Austin. This will be such a good thing for you. Good things are coming your way!

  18. Great news! Do tell where you’ll be living. Are you bringing all the dogs? There are tricks to learning to deal with the heat. I won’t share them until you get to Austin, mostly ‘cuz they don’t work in Houston.

  19. Good Choice!!! I fell in love with Austin and a lot of the people there about 6 years ago. I’ve been back way too infrequently. If I were relocating it would be top on my list. I know you’ve been before but in case you missed these:

    Quick Tips:
    1)Go to Romeos for the Tomato basil soup and their kick ass Bloody Marys
    2)Everyone has to go to Stubbs for their Sunday Gospel Brunch.
    3)Joe’s for their Iced Turbo (a must after a night out) and cranberry scones.
    4)And the absolute number one thing! Go see Bob Schneider at Antone’s or better yet the Saxon Pub. Fun City. Just make sure to bring a sense of humor.

    Good luck and have fun! I’m jealous!

  20. Your observation about the dogs is cute!

    Congratulations on your decision to move to Austin. I hear it’s a wonderful city. In fact, I’ve never heard anything bad about it.

    Wishing you a fabulous weekend. Thanks for teasing us with your sweater secret. Do take care.

  21. So thrilled you’re coming to Austin! I am convinced you’re going to fall madly in love with the place. And please holler if we can do anything to help you get here.

    And I’m all atwitter to see what the bobbin bonanza turns into.

  22. Good luck with Texas weather. It is a beautiful state though, so you should really enjoy the new atmosphere.

    Great picture and caption with the doggies! I laughed out loud.

  23. Congrats on making a move. I found a huge move to most beneficial too. Like a breath of fresh air! I know you’ll have a fantastic time with it all. Super best wishes to all of you! (PS-if TEXAS weather doesn’t become your BFF, consider mid-Missouri!! heehee!)

  24. I do love me some Austin. Went to grad school there. Am somewhat out of touch with it in recent years, but am sitting here remembering driving up and down and around West Lake Hills, riding the big orange student shuttle up 15th St. until it turned into Enfield, and I am actually nostalgic for the giant termite at the pest-control place on Lamar. And the original Whole Foods. And walking along the creek and Town Lake.

    Austin goes up and down! And it has seasons other than summer that last more than two days!

  25. Congratulations on the Austin move! I’m not sure what the slacker S&B will do without you, though. They’ll have to come visit…there must be an Ikea in Austin, right?

    I recommend Hamilton Pool outside of Austin on hot days. I mean, my knowledge of Austin is essentially zero, but I did do that when I was there last month and it was very nice and extremely beautiful.

  26. See that 290 road? Leads right on over to where I live. I’m just sayin’… And depending on where you are in Austin, it is only 2 hours or less away!

    I’m still surprised you’re not leaving to head back up north. Although I must say, January is generally pretty nice here. This 100 degree cr*p though? I’m so over it!

    Let me know if there is anything that you need. I have connections in Austin in the geek & marketing fields. And I promise to come and visit!

  27. I don’t know how you could choose Austin when Pflugerville is just up the road (see map). Maybe you could live in Pflugerville (so you could have a Pflugerville mailing address and would be able to tell everyone that you live in Pflugerville) and you could drive into Austin for the day. Think about it . . . Austin is so weird (they are even proud of it!), but Pflugerville sounds like a place that Dr. Suess designed.

    Congratulations! I’m so happy for you and glad that you are staying nearby.

  28. Congrats on new vistas. I am very envious as I would rather be in Austin myself;-). We’ll miss you at the Breakfast Club…looking forward to hearing more of the logistics.

  29. Oooh, I’ll definitely check back on Monday to see that project!

    Good luck with planning the move! I have heard so many good things about Austin–great music, food, and shopping! I am sure you will have a great time there. πŸ™‚

  30. Oh, no! I just met you and you’re leaving. Is it something I said? πŸ™‚

    Seriously, Austin is great. We wish we could make a living and live there. You’ll find your place and love living there.

  31. Congratulations on moving to Austin! I have to say that it was the best decision I ever made. There is so much to do here. I’ve lived here for seven years now, and I’m still discovering new things about Austin that I love. πŸ™‚ If you haven’t been yet, I highly recommend going to the Alamo Drafthouse (there are four locations, but I believe the best ones are Downtown and Village) to see a movie. There are also sing-a-longs there that are hilarious. And the food there is wonderful!

    And, of course, if you need anything, please let me know. You’re going to love it here!

  32. Staci, what great news for you. Of course we’ll miss knowing you’re here (which is about all the Thursday night knitters can do anymore… πŸ™‚ ), but I too believe you just can’t go wrong with Austin. Plus, built-in knitterly lurve! Fabulous. Mazel tov, and please come see us at least once before you go!

  33. Actually the black and white dog is a Jedi Master and knows how to use The Force so well that he DOESN’T HAVE TO LOOK.

  34. Awesome! I’m excited for your move! Can’t wait to hear more about you getting to know Austin—it’s on my list of cities I need to visit. I’m even more excited to see what the lavender-bobbin goodness evolves into. Oh, those red dogs–too damn hilarious!

  35. I am sooo jealous! I totally miss Austin. My husband and I talk about moving back there, but that won’t happen anytime soon. Just promise me you won’t move there in August. It is usually 105 degrees in Austin in August, and when I moved there for school the heat took out my truck’s water pump. Not fun.

  36. wow.. a move is always super exciting! congratulations! I wish I could borrow just a little of that heat right now, I’m so sick of winter coats and scarves and boots… sigh.

    Have you bought/rented a house? or an apartmen? or not yet. Anyway will look forward to reading (and seeing photos of) the move!

  37. How exciting! Will you actually get a fall and winter there? Just curious!

    I have tons of questions, but I see others have already asked them, so I’ll just wait to read as you reveal more. πŸ™‚

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