Laurie Perry made it to Houston on her Drunk, Divorced, and Covered in Cat Hair book tour. Back when I was Sober, Committed, and Covered in Dog Hair I contributed a pattern to her book. Friday was the first time she and I met in person.
I was feeling pretty low that night, but I was really excited to meet her. Laurie knew that I am now Drunk, Divorcing, and Covered in Dog Hair, and she also knew just what I needed.

Laurie gives good hug. She is a sweet thing.
Thanks for the photo, Drew!
Such a great time!!
Wonderful! I just listened to Cast On podcast with CAP last night and she was great. I hope her talk cheered you up!
This makes me a bit choked up and happy at the same time. What a great photo!
Aahh, that is such a great picture. Same mixed feelings for me too: choked up and happy.
I should mention this, since it always comes up…
Laurie and I have the same last name, same blond hair, same fondness for sharing our home with 4-legged beasts – but we’re not related.
Doesn’t the way a person hugs say a lot about them? From the picture, it looks like Laurie hugs just like you’d imagine.
What a great picture! I love it and good hugs are a good thing. It helps to see someone who has come through on the other side, especially since you weren’t in that position when you were designing for the book. It reminds me I must purchase it. Take care! and many (((((hugs))))) to you.
I’ve recently discovered your website and CAP’s also. I knew ya’ll would have much in common, not including the knitting. I’m really glad to hear that ya’ll had already connected. I’m looking forward to hearing about your life in Austin.
I bought CAP’s book Saturday night and stayed up until 2 a.m. reading it cover to cover. It brought back many memories for me of my divorce, and I was grateful to read that I was not the only one who wanted to flip out time and again. I am happy that you were able to connect with Laurie this weekend, and that she was able to give you what you needed when you were feeling down. And I especially hope that you are feeling better now. 🙂
yay for you! yay for both of you!
Awww! Yay for friends! I teared up at this pic, too. Friends are good. 🙂
I’m going to buy a copy of her book when I get paid and donate it to my library (where I work, that is.). I manage the display cases, so maybe after Halloween, I’ll do a knitting display!
i just saw her book being advertised on! awesomeness!!! i “know” someone who’s in there. 🙂 you go girl! we’re all covered in pet hair.
I read laurie’s past posts concerning her divorce and found them to be amazing. She helped me realize it’s not just me feeling as I did. She also helped by making me laugh out loud! I’m very green you were able to meet her. Sure do wish she were visiting Missour-ah!
Beautiful photo. I hope you felt a lot better after that hug!
you cant put a price on the perfect hug. Some people just know how to give them. I hope everything is moving forward. You’ll get there!
Awesome! I’m considering going to the Seattle signing tomorrow night… BUT… Staci you remember how nasty downtown Seattle is around that time of day? Ugh. We’ll see…
I hope you’re plugging along, confident that things will get better…someday. Just put one foot in front of thr other…
There are some cute pics of you on CAP’s flickr, in case you haven’t seen them!
you’re such a superstar!
Hugs are always good and good that you got one from her! Keep hanging in there–you are a strong woman who has lots of support out there.
Awesome hug! Congratulations on being a book contributor! And try not to feel low, you have so many friends world wide!