Needles Clackin’

This is not a normal Fast-Topic-Changing Friday. This is a Plow-Through-All-the-Knitted-Stuff Friday, which I just made up.

I haven’t been posting very regularly, but I’ve been knitting like a fiend. I’m going to keep the descriptions brief, because I have a lot of catching up to do…

day-10.JPG Central Park Hoodie! Love!

I’m wearing it almost every day (when it isn’t 80 degrees, like TODAY).


double-large.JPG New pattern available – Felicia Baby Sundress. Pattern includes instructions for both the knit and fabric skirts.


3147762827_4773fdf2b2.jpg Tomato Baby Beanie! Free pattern, in my normal baby hat pose.


day-24.jpg Another new pattern – Baby Hand Socks. Check back here (or on Ravelry) after February 1 for the free pattern.


3105382170_05510cdd0d.jpg Bella’s Mittens! Just like the movie Twilight, and a free pattern.


3209681549_5052d720ce.jpg The Hudson Hat!

Okay. Pant, pant. Enough knits for now. I’m caught up. Now for dog time.

day-22.JPG Dogs in the morning sun.

Have a great weekend!

12 comments on “Needles Clackin’

  1. Wowza! That’s a lot of knitting, and a lot of free patterns – thanks!
    Photos are great, your knitting is great -but best for last – awesome morning dogs – they must love the warm weather!

  2. I wish I could knit that fast! Hell, I wish I could crochet that fast too so I could come up with my own patterns every month. lol

    Great stuff, Staci!

  3. hi there. try getting the doggies to model the baby hats. very cute.

    also. Love the central park hoodie. might be one in my future. although i am just finishing an endless sweater project…………..

  4. I bet you’re wearing that hoodie today, along with knitted parka, mittens, and those shoesocks you knit!!!

  5. Pfoe (Dutch for Pfoo…) that’s quite a production. Love the CPH, love the tomatoebabyhat, love the socks, love the mittens but I absolutely dig (is that English?) the picture of the dogs in the morning sun!

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