Remember the Krofft Supershow on tv in the ’70s? With shows like Land of the Lost and Bugaloos? While putting this post together this morning I thought about one of those shows called Far Out Space Nuts. The title to this post is a line from that show. I remember Gilligan was in it. Anyway…
3…2…1…Blast off! It’s a launch! And a giveaway! Stuff that has been in the works for months is finally ready to go today. Back in June, Parker and I were busy shooting video –

Here is a sample of the results by way of a short promo –
So far, I have videos in Knitting Basics, Increases & Decreases, and Tips & Tricks. We’ve already been talking about what to do next, which is very exciting.
I’ve also released several new patterns, including Learn to Knit Socks, which includes six instructional videos to get you through the rough spots. I just counted, and I’ve taught over 80 people to knit socks at The Knitting Nest. I’ve used what I know about what trips people up in a basic sock pattern, and hopefully made sock knitting easy as pie.
If you take a look over on my patterns page, you’ll see other new designs I’ve just released – including a hat, socks, and trick-or-treat bag. I’ve also updated my About Me page, so now it FINALLY includes Tippy as one of my dogs.
You might be wondering why everything is ready to go today, and not sooner? Well, remember my post about Spam Monsters? I had to get verypink updated to the newest version of WordPress to keep it from getting hacked several times a day. I didn’t want to add a bunch of stuff to verypink only to have it spammed and cluttered by the Monsters.
Giveaway! I will randomly pick three comments to this post on Tuesday, Oct 6 to win a copy of any one of my patterns.
And because I know you’re going to ask, Pona is doing fine. He’s still unable to jump on the furniture by himself, but he is getting around really well. He will sometimes put some weight on his broken leg, but he really wants to move, he just picks it up and goes “tripod” without any difficulty.
Seriously, I’m waiting for the real Pona to show himself. The real Basenji. The one who challenges me and pushes limits and gets into things and eats sofas and puts the toilet brush in my bed and…well, you get the picture. But that Pona doesn’t exist! He’s just 100% sweetness and such a good boy. Aww.
Have a great weekend!
I’m so glad you defeated the spam monsters and have uploaded a new post. I discovered your videos earlier this week and I think I might actually finally graduate from scarf knitter to sock knitter.
Glad Pona is on the mend (I’ve also seen his progress on Flickr.) You are such a brave and strong person to nurse him.
Looking forward to working through the videos.
There seem to be some connection issues right now…not with the videos, but with the links around verypink. I hope to have this figured out soon, seems like a problem with my host.
FYI, I had problems clicking on the comment link to leave a comment.
Congrats on the videos. They look really cool!
Great videos! They are so easy to follow 🙂
Awesome, Staci! Love the new stuff on the site and am glad to see Pona doing better 🙂
Staci! I loooove the promo video! Such a cute logo! 😀
Hey Staci! I’m so excited about the videos! I’m referring my students to your site when they need a refresher.
Glad to hear about Pona’s recovery.
Your promo video is great! I also love the picture-in-picture of your instructional videos. One of these days I’ll sign up for one of your sock classes. 🙂 I hope you’re doing well! Give Pona some scratches behind the ears for me.
Just saw the promo video. I’m off to look for the others now. FUN! Glad the puppers is feeling a bit better. Such a sweet pic.
Hey, Staci. Glad to read that you’re doing well. It sure sounds like you’ve been very, very busy. Good for you – and for those of us who struggle with socks, as well!
Can’t wait to watch your videos! I am still not finished with the leaf tie sweater! I really need to get back to that.
Great videos! And very professional. I’m totally jealous of just about everything you do.
The movers showed up today so I should be back up to my elbows in sock yarn as soon as I can find it! 🙂
I am so hooked by your opening video scene! I cannot wait to see more of what you have to offer. The new patterns look amazing!!!
Staci…congratulations! Everything looks great!! And thank you for the Pona report…my pack worries about him and sends love to the other pups.
Thanks so much for the sock video. I have started a new pair-I want to make them for my brother for the Romanian mission trip. I made him a hat already and now am making some warm socks for him too. You know how I got so frustrated with my last socks-but you walked me through them and I got them finished. YEA!! So now I am making these new ones and the video has already helped. I am taking the sock on the plane tomorrow to Cali (keeping the grandkids for a week) so I’ll have something to do for the 6 hrs of flying tomorrow. I absolutely LOVE the videos-you guys did a great job.
These videos are fantastic, Stace. I’m gonna forward them to my aunt; she’ll be thrilled! Veeery nice work.
I love the promo. I’m so glad you’re doing well in Austin. I miss the Houston group. Seems like everyone there has scattered.
So glad to hear you defeated the spam monsters – they can be tricky beasts! Can’t wait to check out the videos. And yay for Pona’s continued recovery!
I was one of the 80! Thanks to you, I’ve actually taught a few people how to knit socks myself. 🙂 Super cute promo video.
I love the promo! ANd Pona looks great 🙂
I am so glad Pona is doing better and you have won against the Spam Monsters. Love the new changes.
How cute is that teaser video!! I can’t wait to see more!
Great videos…so clear and easy to follow…thanks!
Thanks so much for all of the videos–they help me a lot. 🙂 I’m going to try socks soon, and your videos will really help!! Pona looks great, and is so cute, by the way!!
Marvelous videos, Staci! You’re as patient and clear on video as you are in person. And Parker did an awesome job. I can totally believe those lights were hot — so bright! Glad to see Pona’s doing well.
And I totally remember “Far Out Space Nuts.” I always used to get it confused with “The Lost Saucer” which starred Ruth Buzzi, Jim Nabors, and some freaky dog-horse hybrid called Dorse. Sid & Marty Krofft may have totally been on crack, but I loved those shows.
(Why haven’t I ever posted here before. I think I tried once and it didn’t work?…)
Love LOVE the picture of Pona!! He’s got such a sweeet face.
Staci the videos are awsome! I love everything about them. And my husband wants me to tell you you have very nice hands!
Glad to hear Pona is doing better. I still think you’re a saint for taking such good care of him!
Staci,I’m so glad that Pona has improved so much! My mother currently has her fourth basenji, so I know very well what you mean when you say you are still waiting for the REAL Pona to show himself–they are such wonderful dogs, and their personalities make you want to love them one moment and tear your hair out the next, but right when you start to pull, they wiggle their tails, chortle, and you are back to love again in a split second!
Great production on the videos… love the picture-in-picture and the demo is so clear. Definitely the best quality I’ve seen…
and thrilled to see more of Pona’s recovery… what a trooper!
Congrats on the new videos and on the “About Me” update! It’s like the polish on your shiny new self!!
Enjoyed your promo video. Wish I lived to Austin to take classes directly from you. Would love to win one of your patterns. Thanks!
Hey Staci, it was great to see you this Saturday at the nest. LOVE the videos, LOVE the promo. I’m so glad you have something like this now, for when I need a little help from my master…
Glad to hear that you defeated the spam monsters and are back to blogging about knitting and Basenjis.
Congrats on the release of the videos and patterns!!! As someone who has learned to knit relying heavily on internet resources including videos, let me tell you what an absolutely wonderful thing this is.
Staci-greetings from CA-babysitting the grandkids is going great. I went ahead and gave them the scarf/hat sets I was planning to give them for Christmas and they are both thrilled. Problem is that I brought the socks I made a few months ago and my granddaughter has taken them and won’t give them back unless I make her a pair. So my feet are cold and she is wearing these huge socks for her little feet. So I am knitting away and trying to get a pair made for her in this next week. Thank goodness I have your video to look at and its going well.
Staci I loved the video! Pono will be eating couches in no time at all!
oh, Staci, I had such a good love with your promo film. I love it, love it! I replayed it four times and it keeps me smiling. Great work! Good work!
Of course I meant laugh… I loved it, though.
I so love your site…u are an excellent instructor. I am a beginning knitter attempting an intermediate project…moss stitch with cable dilemma is knowing the right side from the wrong side…is the right side with the cable panel facing me? I am knitting on circular needles for length…not joined….searched your site for a tutorial bot no luck…I learned and accomplished knitting socks from your tutorials.. Help if u can…thanks…Diana