The Fire of the Emerald

I used this random title generator for the title of today’s post. Very silly. Now on to business –

old-computer-thumb This gentleman and his random number generator helped me pick the three winners for the pattern giveaway that I announced on Friday. The winners are Merrie, Reagan, and Karo. Send me your email, ladies, and get your prize!
lofthouse O lovely Lofthouse
Cookie or cupcake? Which one?
My fondness is strong.

I’ll leave you today with a Pona story…I walked past the spare bedroom to see this. What? I didn’t put him up there! Pona can jump now! (left to right: Tippy, Pona, Ike. Abe was in the other room.)


5 comments on “The Fire of the Emerald

  1. You can hardly call it a “spare” bedroom when the room (and the bed) get as much use as that one does!

  2. Why was Abe in the other room?? Why did Pona suddenly decide to jump up on the bed? It looks like you might have been set up. Have you counted those cookies lately? Those boys are cute, but…

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