If you’ve been following the Pona story, you know that he’s been a foster dog here at my house since September. Pona came into the Basenji Rescue system after he had been hit by a car and was picked up by Animal Control. He had a broken femur, broken tooth, heartworms, whipworms, and scratches and bruises all over his body.
But those days are long gone! He is healed, feeling good, and running around like he should. Here is a little video I shot a couple of days ago:
As you can see, the healthy Pona is very different from the Pona we saw back in September.
So, yesterday was the big day! It was time for Pona to move in with his new, forever family. As difficult as this sounds, it was actually awesome. We’ve been working on this adoption for a couple of months now, and the transition was smooth. Pona’s new daddies are Steven and Jeff, who happen to be good friends of mine.
This is one of the first things I saw when Pona and I arrived, and I reacted with all of the appropriate “awwww”s. These personalized mats show how excited Steven and Jeff have been to get their dogs. | |
I said “dogs” because Pona wasn’t the only adoption yesterday. They also adopted a Basenji girl named Kate.
Here are Pona and Kate in the backyard. I think “frolicking” is the appropriate word. Pona and Kate had visited a few times before yesterday, so we already knew that they get along really well. |
Can you tell that Steven has treats hidden in his hand here? Pona and Kate know he does. | |
Here is the whole family in a very sweet photo. Such a life change for each of them. They’re all going to have so much fun! |
One last video, taken today by Steven. Pona and Kate haven’t known each other long, but they’re already acting like old pals. (Thanks, Steven. I totally stole this from your photostream without asking.) If you’d like to continue to follow Pona and Kate, you can see them on Steven’s photostream and his blog.

And me? I’m doing FINE. Surprisingly well, not one tear shed! I really thought giving Pona up would rip out a chunk of my heart, but I’m really okay. I think it’s for two reasons – first, Pona’s in an awesome home, and second, I know I will see him again. It also helps that Steven and I have kept in close touch for updates since yesterday.
Best of luck to Kate, Pona, Jeff and Steven! I’m so happy for all of you. 🙂
I hugely admire you for the rescue work you do. I’m not sure how you kept the tears at bay — I cried just reading this and looking at the photos! So glad Pona has a wonderful new family, and so glad folks like you are out there, making a difference in a really wonderful way.
I was so thrilled when I saw on Steven’s blog that he and Jeff were adopting Pona. I had been reading about him here and even though I knew you and Steven were friends, it seems so amazing that Pona is going to live with someone I know! I have several friends involved in rescue, and I don’t know how you do it…
That is so great, Staci. What you do is amazing, I still hope to own a basenji one day! Glad you will still get to see Pona from time to time 🙂
Yay! 😀
Aww, that is so great! What a beautiful, loving home for Pona and Kate — hold on, I think I’ve got something in my eyes … *sniff*
I love happy endings! My gosh, their house is so clean and white! I predict that in 1 year they will no longer have that white carpet. Pona and Kate look like lucky dogs.
It’s not often that I find myself crying but your post today did me in! Part of it was joy seeing Pona doing so well and part of it was sadness of what he had to go thru to get to this place. I am so happy that he has a nice forever home. Wouldn’t it be nice if they all did?
Maybe you didn’t shed a tear, but I did! I’m so happy for Pona & Kate and their new family!! You do great work, Staci.
*tear* how appropriate that as i read this, “circle of life” is playing. total coincidence.
First, congratulations on your success and Pona’s success.
Second, I must comment about how he went from the couch, across your fireplace hearth to the next couch – too funny.
Third, my lab puppy enjoyed your video immensely – although I think she liked the sounds more than the images
Congratulations all around, what a wonderful success story! I wish Pona and his new family many wonderful, healthy, happy years together.
Hey, I recognize that sweatshirt!! Love the story and the update. Even tho I knew it was going to happen….. how are your other 3 taking this???
What a happy ending–and what a giving spirit you are!
How adorable! I love the personalized mats, and Kate and Pona already look so happy with their new family!
Thank you for doing what you do, I can see how much joy you’ve brought both the dogs and the humans in these photos