Hi Staci- Would you be able to do this technique in the round as well?
Hi Glena – no, you really can’t easily knit Intarsia in the round. I’ve seen people say online that there are ways to do it, but I’ve never really investigated how they say it can be done. The problem is that your working yarn is never in the right place when you need it to change color. Most intarsia patterns (argyle included) have you knit the piece flat and seam it together if necessary.
S t a c i
Hi Staci,
Thanks again for another great video. I have always stayed away from Intarsia, but you explain it so well I just might try it!!
I just love your website and refer to it often. I have also really enjoyed the patterns that I purchased and the videos made it all so easy. So thanks for all your hard work, dedication and professionalism.
I was wondering if you knitted the black sweater that you are wearing in the Intarsia video. If so, would you be so kind as to let me know what pattern it is? I would love to make myself one. It looks great on you.
hi staci..wow im a male knitter..no i dont knit men lol im a man knitter ive been watching your videos for three hours now…you are the most helpful knitting instructor ive ever seen! and one of my best friends owns a knitting store in scottsdale arizona…here is my question..ive been looking for a basic v-neck mens cardigan vest with just St st..i want to create my own color scheme so i just need the basic pattern..i own a million books and have searched the net…who would think it was so hard to find a basic stocking net mens v neck cardigan vest? HELP ME PLEASE…by the way i love the way you knit..im a continental knitter and just learned your way…it is very helpful when doing fair isle ..now i can hold 2 colors at a time knitting one continenal and the other your way..it makes the floats a lot more even and no puckering of your knitting…..thanks
Hi Kris – I don’t know of any men’s vest patterns off the top of my head, but a quick search on Ravelry brought up a lot of different patterns:
Are you on Ravelry yet? If not, you should be. It’s free, and it’s a great resource!
Hope that helps!
S t a c i
I love your videos. They explain everything perfectly. Thank you so much.
Hi Staci,
Can you do a combination of intarsia and fairisle in 1 project. For example I am knitting a moose cardigan with two moose(s) going across the back. Thought it would be easier to do the legs in fairisle and then the body of the moose in intarsia. Does this make any sense and is it do-able?? Thanks for your help. Virginia
Virginia – yes, it is possible to do both fair isle and intarsia in a project. But keep this in mind – for the legs of the moose to be workable in fair isle, the design has to continue around the entire sweater. Both colors of yarn are carried from the beginning of the row/round, to the end. With isolated designs like you’re describing, I actually prefer to knit it plain, then use duplicate stitch to add the design: https://verypink.com/2011/02/15/duplicate-stitch/
Hope that helps!
S t a c i
This is so useful to me!!! Thanks, Staci!! May I ask, though, where did you buy the bobbins that you’re using?
Thiss magniicent crimson sandstone constructing was witness to history and
do their own Claridges Claridges Motls & Resorts has HotelThe
tthe epitome of mmagnificence and charm elegant touch for many years.
So, iit is without doubt one of the ccoolest place near Delhi.
Hi Staci. Just had to let you know that your intarsia tutorial just kept me from giving up on my project so thank you. Hopefully you can answer my question. I’m working on the double ten stitch blanket by Frankie on ravelry. I was wondering if the braided technique you show in your ten stitch tutorial is possible on the double ten. It makes the project seem just a little more intricate
Thanks for your time
Hi Chantal – thank you for the note. I’m afraid I can’t help you here, as I’m not familiar with the double ten stitch blanket pattern. All I can suggest is to give it a try!
Good luck!
S t a c i
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Hi Staci- Would you be able to do this technique in the round as well?
Hi Glena – no, you really can’t easily knit Intarsia in the round. I’ve seen people say online that there are ways to do it, but I’ve never really investigated how they say it can be done.
The problem is that your working yarn is never in the right place when you need it to change color. Most intarsia patterns (argyle included) have you knit the piece flat and seam it together if necessary.
S t a c i
Hi Staci,
Thanks again for another great video. I have always stayed away from Intarsia, but you explain it so well I just might try it!!
I just love your website and refer to it often. I have also really enjoyed the patterns that I purchased and the videos made it all so easy. So thanks for all your hard work, dedication and professionalism.
I was wondering if you knitted the black sweater that you are wearing in the Intarsia video. If so, would you be so kind as to let me know what pattern it is? I would love to make myself one. It looks great on you.
Thanks again.
Hi Kim! Thanks for the nice note. The sweater I’m wearing is called Sitcom Chic, and it’s available for free on knitty.com. Here’s a direct link:
S t a c i
hi staci..wow im a male knitter..no i dont knit men lol im a man knitter ive been watching your videos for three hours now…you are the most helpful knitting instructor ive ever seen! and one of my best friends owns a knitting store in scottsdale arizona…here is my question..ive been looking for a basic v-neck mens cardigan vest with just St st..i want to create my own color scheme so i just need the basic pattern..i own a million books and have searched the net…who would think it was so hard to find a basic stocking net mens v neck cardigan vest? HELP ME PLEASE…by the way i love the way you knit..im a continental knitter and just learned your way…it is very helpful when doing fair isle ..now i can hold 2 colors at a time knitting one continenal and the other your way..it makes the floats a lot more even and no puckering of your knitting…..thanks
Hi Kris – I don’t know of any men’s vest patterns off the top of my head, but a quick search on Ravelry brought up a lot of different patterns:
Are you on Ravelry yet? If not, you should be. It’s free, and it’s a great resource!
Hope that helps!
S t a c i
I love your videos. They explain everything perfectly. Thank you so much.
Hi Staci,
Can you do a combination of intarsia and fairisle in 1 project. For example I am knitting a moose cardigan with two moose(s) going across the back. Thought it would be easier to do the legs in fairisle and then the body of the moose in intarsia. Does this make any sense and is it do-able?? Thanks for your help. Virginia
Virginia – yes, it is possible to do both fair isle and intarsia in a project. But keep this in mind – for the legs of the moose to be workable in fair isle, the design has to continue around the entire sweater. Both colors of yarn are carried from the beginning of the row/round, to the end. With isolated designs like you’re describing, I actually prefer to knit it plain, then use duplicate stitch to add the design: https://verypink.com/2011/02/15/duplicate-stitch/
Hope that helps!
S t a c i
This is so useful to me!!! Thanks, Staci!! May I ask, though, where did you buy the bobbins that you’re using?
Thiss magniicent crimson sandstone constructing was witness to history and
do their own Claridges Claridges Motls & Resorts has HotelThe
tthe epitome of mmagnificence and charm elegant touch for many years.
So, iit is without doubt one of the ccoolest place near Delhi.
Hi Staci. Just had to let you know that your intarsia tutorial just kept me from giving up on my project so thank you. Hopefully you can answer my question. I’m working on the double ten stitch blanket by Frankie on ravelry. I was wondering if the braided technique you show in your ten stitch tutorial is possible on the double ten. It makes the project seem just a little more intricate
Thanks for your time
Hi Chantal – thank you for the note. I’m afraid I can’t help you here, as I’m not familiar with the double ten stitch blanket pattern. All I can suggest is to give it a try!
Good luck!
S t a c i