20 comments on “Fimmel Hat Tutorial

  1. Is the cast-on in this video a variation of the German Twisted Cast-on video you did about 4 years ago? The last couple of steps are a little different in this video. Does this make it a bit stretchier?

  2. I’m with Susan. I see the four-year old German Twisted Cast On video as significantly different than the one in the Fimmel Hat video. The one in this week’s video–is it stretchier than your original German Twisted Cast On?

  3. My kit just arrived. Has anybody else had trouble reading the chart? It’s so small that the row numbers are almost impossible to read, so I’ve used my copier to blow it up quite a bit, splitting it into 2 halves on 2 pieces of paper. Even my adult son, who has great close vision, had trouble reading the numbers. I guess Dale was trying to save on paper for the booklet, but sheeesh! Anyway, I’m eager to cast on and follow along with your excellent tutorial, Staci.

  4. Staci, another issue: Did you receive different charts for each colorway? I ordered the #2 colorway and received the right color yarns. But the chart is for the #1 colorway. For instance, the cast on is in the color black, and I have no black yarn. Being relatively new to Fair Isle and chart reading, I’m hoping a #2 booklet exists and that Dale Garn/Mango Moon can send it to me in PDF, rather than making me wait for postal delivery. I’ve sent an inquiry, but they have so far been rather slow to respond.

  5. Paula – you can ask them if they will send you another chart, but you can assign any colors to the colors used in the chart. The yarn colors in Kit #2 are really just lighter versions of the yarn colors in Kit #1, which is the colors the chart uses.

    • Yup, someone from Mango Moon got back to me and suggested how to use the colors as just pastel versions of the #1 chart. I still think they should issue separate charts per colorway, and make everything bigger! Thanks, Staci. Going to try the German cast-on now, slavishly following your video! It’s enough like the regular long-tail method that I’m afraid it’s going to mess that up for me! Just kidding…..but muscle memory is a tricky thing!

  6. You have a sample you knit up, but you couldn’t remember its purpose. Were you perhaps going to demonstrate how to change colors in the round without creating color shift? If not, do you have a video that demonstrates how to do that?

  7. This will be my first fair isle project and I’m so excited! I thought I had the right size needle but don’t have the smaller size for the cuff in the 16 inch size. Could I use the magic loop method for the cuff and then change to the larger size?
    Thank you, as always, Staci! Another great video tutorial.

  8. Staci, some advice? I’ve started the hat and have gotten to row 10 in the ribbing. All is going well, except that I just recounted my stitches, and even though I counted and recounted during the cast-on, I somehow have 2 few stitches. I am NOT going to start over! Do you think I could simply increase 2 stitches on the first non-ribbing row, so the star pattern will work out right when I get to the decreases? WWSD? (What Would Staci Do?)

  9. Paula – you should be able to find the spot where the two stitches are missing, since you already have the stitch pattern established, and you can increase at those spots. (You might also want to look back at the work and find out how you lost those stitches.) I’m happy to answer simple questions, but for pattern support, please contact Tanis Gray, the pattern designer. Ravelry message should be a good way to reach her. Good luck!
    S t a c i

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