Our lovely sponsors this week:
TurtlePurl Yarns
For 15% off, use the code VERYPINKNOV at checkout!
Warby Parker
Visit WarbyParker.com/verypink.
Casey’s interview this week is with Sarah Corbett from Craftivist Collective.
Sarah’s book, How to be a Craftivist: The Art of Gentle Protest
Sarah Corbett’s Ted Talk on introverts
Casey’s website is kcknits.com.
To get your knitting question on the show, just email it to podcast@verypink.com.
Things we talk about in this episode:
The episode with Fashion Revolution
Reading Your Knitting
The political ads and rhetoric have been horrible in central NC this year. When Casey’s interview was being introduced, I wondered if I would have the stomach for it. I’m so glad I stuck it out. The conversation was so kind and thoughtful. Great job, Casey!
Your sponsor this week is Warby Parker. That always makes me think of this talk. The first minute is the most relevant bit! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxbCHn6gE3U