Dig Those Crazy Ramparts

Happy Independence day, fellow Americans!

And welcome to the 2008 edition of the Fast-Topic-Changing Fourth of July.

I’ve been ignoring verypink for the last couple of weeks, but with a decently good reason. I also haven’t been taking as many photos as I normally do, so I’m recycling (recycling, good!) some of my self-portraits for this post. Let me explain…

day-202.JPG I’m not one to complain, but I’m also not one who normally gets headaches. Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been getting crazy, sudden-onset headaches. I’m working with my doctor to figure out what’s going on in my head.

In the meantime, I’m just trying to take it a bit easier. Please send good thoughts.


day-200.JPG In MUCH better news, I reached a milestone on my self-portrait project!


day-187.JPG Update on the little foster dog: Mia now lives with her new family in Calgary, and they ADORE her. It is such a happy story.

Mia has a human mom and dad, two Basenji brothers, and one Basenji sister.


yogamatbag.JPG Oh! Here’s the yoga mat bag that I didn’t manage to photograph before my last post.

Perfect for a yoga mat, or arrows (if you’re Robin Hood).

Ravelry details.


stockings.jpg Aaaaand some Christmas stockings I made as a store sample for The Knitting Nest.

I should have put something in the photo for size reference…these are normal, big stockings. Perfect for gift cards, or lumps of coal.

Ravelry details.


img_1875.JPG Today could be interesting. It’s my first 4th of July in the new house, and I’m not yet sure how many of my neighbors will set off illegal fireworks. (Pretty stupid, considering the fact that Austin’s drought status is currently “Exceptional”.)

Abe is terrified of fireworks. Last night he wouldn’t step outside when he heard some firecrackers.

img_1882.JPG Ike? He’s alright. I’ve only seen him afraid of ONE THING the whole ten years that we’ve been friends…and that was a llama.

Not much danger of seeing a llama today.

Have a safe, happy Independence Day!

Notes From Sherwood Forest

ME, the PERSON of VERYPINK, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Fast-Topic-Changing Friday.

forgot2.JPG I’m so glad this turned out well, since it’s a gift and all.

This is the Felted Yoga Mat Bag from Last-Minute Knitted Gifts.

It looks like a quiver (for arrows). The recipient gave me a fine Robin Hood monologue once he slung it on his shoulder.


img_1207.JPG At The Knitting Nest we’ve started a “Countdown to Christmas” campaign, encouraging knitters to get started on knitted Christmas Gifts.

One of my contributions is this stocking. It’s a Knitting Pure and Simple pattern, with a few mods.

I’m really happy with the way it came out. The fabric is dense enough to hold a lot of gift cards.

img_1199.JPG Aaaaaand, I’ve started a second one in green.


img_1212.JPG I’ve had this little foster girl, Mia, for about three weeks now. We’ve found her a great new home in Calgary, so she’s going to be Canadian!

Here she is, checking out the cabin of her flight capsule.

You can imagine, I’m really going to miss her.


img_1223.JPG Ever wonder what every color of Baby Ull looks like in a pyramid? Well, here ya go!

Need some Cascade 220? Please buy it from The Knitting Nest’s new eBay store! We have every color! (This is kind of my baby, and I’d love for it to do well.)

(Baby Ull will be in the store soon.)


img_1216.JPG Several people have told me that my dogs are photogenic. I agree. I’ve also heard that they’re talented in the way that they hold still for photos.

I never really thought about it until I started TRYING to photograph Mia.

She. Won’t. Hold. Still.

img_1217.JPG Ike’s all, lemme show you how it’s done.
img_1218.JPG Abe’s all, yeah – I can hold still.

Have a great weekend!

It’s All About Mememememe

I was tagged for this photo meme by Kate, my long-time blog friend. I don’t normally do memes, but I loved the idea of using photos as answers…


Notice that I was able to squeeze in a photo of Ike and me…

The rules:

a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.
b. Using only the first page, pick an image.
c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into fd’s mosaic maker.

1. What is your first name?
2. What is your favorite food?
3. What high school did you go to?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. Who is your celebrity crush?
6. Favorite drink?
7. Dream vacation?
8. Favorite dessert?
9. What you want to be when you grow up?
10. What do you love most in life?
11. One Word to describe you.
12. Your flickr name.

I’m not going to tag anyone for this meme, so if you’d like to play, consider yourself tagged. I’d love to see more mosaics, please drop me a note if you make one!

Have a great weekend!

Possums – 2, Basenjis – 0

I have another chapter to My Sensitive Security System…this time with photos!

It all starts calmly enough. Last night I was home from teaching a knitting class, watching Deadliest Catch and knitting. Abe is suddenly really interested in going outside. I put my knitting down and open the back door.

I plant myself back in my knitting chair. Then, over the din of crab pots crashing on the tv, I hear some strange doggie noises. Abe is making a frustrated yelpie-growl sound. I jump up to investigate.

img_0979.JPG His focus is this fence. I move in closer.
img_0976.JPG And I see these beady eyes.

“All creatures great and small”…whatev. Possums give me the CREEPS.

I find myself making this strange gargling noise of disgust in the back of my throat. Like a caveman sound.

img_0980.JPG Naturally, Ike wastes no time getting in on the action. He can’t see the possum at first, but he can smell it.

He knows something is there, and he wants it.

img_0983.JPG The boys spend several minutes running around, trying to figure out how they can build a ladder with no thumbs.

Then the frozen possum moves. It wobbles across the fence, sending the dogs into a frenzy. Then it FALLS, and Ike quickly snaps it up.

Even though my skin is crawling, it is actually pretty cool to watch my dogs hunt. They are so instinctively good at it.

img_0986.JPG I didn’t get many photos of this part, because I was really really trying to convince Ike to leave the possum alone. He doesn’t. He carries it around for a while, shakes it, drops it, carries it around some more…all while I keep making that grossed-out gargling noise in my throat.
img_0987.JPG Luckily, my domestic dogs don’t associate “hunting” with “eating”. Food is something that I lovingly present to them in a bowl, not something that they have to catch themselves.

Once the possum stops moving, Ike loses interest and comes in the house.

img_0993.JPG And Mia? Does not care about the stinky possum.
img_0997.JPG Once the dogs were in the house, I watched the motionless creepy rodent through the window and said to myself, “please be playing possum, please be playing possum.” Sure enough, the possum stood up and crept away.

Drat! Maybe next time…right, Ike?


Madder Than a Wet Basenji

Sort of a Fast-Topic-Changing Friday, except I’m going in chronological order…

100_1770.JPG My mom sent me this photo of my niece, Molly Renee, in the Vestee I made for her. I love to see my handknits in action.

Yes, this child is adorable.


2537387776_c329f3ce5f.jpg Last weekend, The Knitting Nest hosted Franklin Habit on his 1000 Knitters pre-book book tour.

He is as charming and delightful as I imagined.

Photo courtesy of Stephanie.

2539975575_e69441822c1.jpg And he left us a big present – a larger-than-life Dolores on a wall of store.

I think everyone agrees that Franklin is invited back to Austin any time he’d like to come.

Photo courtesy of Stephanie.


day-171.JPG Then.

Then I got food poisoning. Oy. I was too sick to knit, or even watch tv.

I wouldn’t wish salmonella on my worst enemy. Or a crocheter, even. (honk!)


day-172.JPG Once I started to feel better, I finished up this French Market Bag and felted it.

Felted bags are GREAT for grocery shopping, especially in warmer climates. The felted fabric really works to insulate your cold food on the trip home.


img_0847.JPG I also knit up this pair of Fetching.

Both the French Market Bag and these mitts are samples for a “Countdown to Christmas” campaign we’re running at The Knitting Nest.


img_0857.JPG Everyone is a little mad at me this morning. We were about half-way through our walk when it started absolutely pouring rain.

According to three Basenjis, the rain is my fault, and they are punishing me by ignoring me. (They’ll get over it once they get hungry.)

Have a great weekend!

All Pink and Girlie

Don’t touch that dial! It’s time for Fast-Topic-Changing Friday…with your host, Strawberry Shortcake.

One expects verypink to be a bit pink and girlie, right? Well, this week it’s double the long eyelashes, hair bows, and mani/pedis. Because…

mia.JPG Suddenly there are equal numbers of boys and girls in this house.

This is Mia, a girl I’m fostering for Basenji Rescue.

Before I even brought her home, we stopped at the pet store so that I could deck her out in a pink collar and leash.

She’s so petite and delicate looking next to my manly-men dogs.

img_0634.JPG Isn’t she fit and spry for a 9-year-old? She already has my boy dogs wrapped around her little…umm…finger. She’s a sweet thing, and we’ll find a good home for her.

(This is not going to turn out like my last fostering situation.)


img_0698.JPG This is me, as Strawberry Shortcake.

Not really. This is the beginnings of a French Market Bag. I’m making a sample for a class I have coming up in June.

img_0690.JPG Abe had some fun with the yarn when I very foolishly left it within his reach for about ONE SECOND.
bambam.JPG I really can’t blame Abe for liking yarn. I like yarn, too. I just wish he would show his affection for it differently. Maybe he could just smell it, like I do.

Photo taken by Alexander.


img_0679.JPG Ike is a Master Chillaxer.

Have a great weekend!

The Return of the Grumpy Knitwear Model

The people are real. The cases are real. The rulings are final. This is Fast-Topic-Changing Friday!

If you didn’t get that, it only means that you don’t watch Judge Judy.

img_0492.JPG Off the needles – another One Skein Wonder, but with some modifications. Like, two skeins.

I added sleeves to this one, and used 2×2 ribbing instead of seed stitch.

The sweater is cute, but I had a tough time with the photo session.

img_0500.JPG Here it is, minus one grumpy model.


img_0519.JPG For your yarn porn viewing pleasure…

Say it ain’t so.

It’s mostly Stacy’s fault, but I have STASH. And it’s growing.

I had better get knitting.


sew-bendy.jpg A quick plug for a talented friend…Melissa has a new Etsy shop called Sew Bendy where she sells her awesome hand-sewn bags. Perfect for knitting or whatever.

Not only do I love these bags, but I love seeing Melissa so passionate about what she’s doing. Her passion totally shows in her work. Go look!


img_0528.JPG I’ve had a goal this year to catch up on old movies I haven’t seen. I was doing okay on my own, then I happened to make friends with a guy who is a serious smartypants about movies. Now I have help.

I saw this one yesterday on his advice. Loved it.

btw…Ted Turner and your Movies Classics Channel? Yeah, you do me right.


img_0509.JPG Speaking of old movies, here’s Ike, doing his best to look like Bambi.

Have a great weekend!

Faster, Puppydog!

Fast-topic-changing? Not today. There has been one constant topic all week. It starts with a “d”, ends with a “g”, and has a bunch of badness in the middle.

I’ve had custody of all four dogs this week.

img_0134.JPG Little Lou…
img_0139.JPG Manly Gus…

This is a yoga pose called “peeing dog”.

img_0125.JPG Handsome Abe….
img_0111.JPG And Ike.

Besides knitting and teaching classes, this is what I did this week.

You can imagine, I was BUSY. And terribly happy.

day-150.JPG I still managed my self-portraits.

Now that I’ve found this cinder block wall, I want to marry it and take a photo in front of it every day. Unfortunately, it’s already seeing someone and has only agreed to keep me as a fondle puppet.

img_0190.JPG Kill! Kill!

Have a great weekend!

The Languages are Amused

Did someone say fast-topic-changing Friday? Okay.

It’s been a while since I’ve done this…almost a year, in fact. The text below was run through free translation software into Portuguese, then translated again back into English.

Here we go…

img_0487.JPG The Abe acted strangely a day. It acted ridiculous, then I supposed to be fair in an arrangement. Later, I found my eyeglasses of sun in the quintal, gnawed and broken-down.

They are ruined, but look happy, does not do they?

Near subject…!

laceribbon2.JPG It look what did I do! This is the Cord Gazes Shawl, a free standard of knitty. I high recomendo this standard. Very funny it knit.

It is actually called the “Lace Ribbon Scarf”.

Near subject…!

2.JPG This week in my project of self-portrait I did an “Impudent Knitting Stunts” series. This it is called “Blindfolded Clear Island”.

Geez…you’re going to have to go to flickr if you want to know what I really said.

Near subject…!

img_0505.JPG Canine macros of face! The Ike all, camera? Yes, please!
img_0497.JPG Abe? Not really so lively about the idea.

Have a big weekend and a Mother happy Day!

You Will Be Sold to Gypsies

We now join the fast-topic-changing Friday, already in progress.

sperrypoem.JPG Stacy entered me in the Interweave Knits poetry contest on the sly…

And I won second place! I’m pleasantly shocked and amazed.

The winners will be announced on Knitting Daily sometime soon.


image_121.jpg Playground rules at an Austin restaurant.

What are the gypsies going to do with all of those bad children?


crop.JPG A little knit I finished up this morning…the One Skein Wonder. I’m teaching a class on it this month, so this is the sample.

This is also my self-portrait for today.

img_0395.JPG This little thing can actually be a useful piece of clothing in Texas right now, since so many places over-do it with the air conditioning.

One word: Malabrigo. Yeah.


image_134.jpg Is it a holey tank top? A slutty camisole?


image_131.jpg It’s a mesh market bag, knit with corn fiber.

Paper or plastic, ma’am? Neither! I got me a corn bag!

image_136.jpg Anne Boleyn after her visit to the farmer’s market.


img_0226.JPG Silly Munky.

Have a great weekend!