Pour some Fast-Topic-Changing-Friday on me. Okay. Warning: This is a seriously Basenji-heavy post. It’s been a seriously Basenji-heavy week. Brucie, my foster dog, started heartworm treatment this week. He is supposed to be still and quiet for TWO MONTHS. So That Guy bought this sweet, teenytiny bed for the teenytiny dog. Brucie never gets to […]
Wigs and Haberdashery
Ground floor perfumery, Stationery and leather goods, Wigs and haberdashery, Kitchenware and Fast-Topic-Changing-Fridays…going up! One-hundred points to anyone who recognizes this song. We have a new foster boy, named Brucie. I picked him up from a bad situation as a representative of Basenji Rescue. He’s a foster. He’s a foster. He’s a foster. Repeat as […]
The Reject Pile
I’ve mentioned before that I’m working on a self-portrait photo project – a self portrait every single day for one year. Today I went back through the reject pile for some of the more ridiculous outtakes. There is a common theme with many of these photos…don’t ask me how, but I manage to take a […]
Lights! Camera! Fast-topic-changing-Friday! Tropical Storm Edouard was a total disappointment ’round here. Austin’s thirsty lawns were only given a sip of water. However, the storm did drop the temperature about ten degrees. It was only 95 degrees that day! I tried to stay warm. This photo is part of my self-portrait project. Next…! Gus and […]
Monday is the New Friday
Monday isn’t really the new Friday, but a fast-topic-changing Monday can make it feel like it. I give you permission to pretend the weekend starts today! Funny, after not posting for a while, I’m kind of nervous. Like, maybe I’ve forgotten how to do this! Let’s see how I do… I’ve had all four Basenjis […]
One Year Ago…
One year ago, I was experiencing a seriously rough time. Like, life-changing rough. I didn’t know WHERE I wanted to live, or HOW I was going to live. All I knew was that I was suddenly single, and that everything was changing. So much has happened in the past year. It’s so different, and so […]
Dig Those Crazy Ramparts
Happy Independence day, fellow Americans! And welcome to the 2008 edition of the Fast-Topic-Changing Fourth of July. I’ve been ignoring verypink for the last couple of weeks, but with a decently good reason. I also haven’t been taking as many photos as I normally do, so I’m recycling (recycling, good!) some of my self-portraits for […]
Notes From Sherwood Forest
ME, the PERSON of VERYPINK, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Fast-Topic-Changing Friday. I’m so glad this turned out well, since it’s a […]
It’s All About Mememememe
I was tagged for this photo meme by Kate, my long-time blog friend. I don’t normally do memes, but I loved the idea of using photos as answers… Notice that I was able to squeeze in a photo of Ike and me… The rules: a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into […]