Today’s Early Bird Special – a fast-topic-changing Friday. I’ve said this before – I’m a stashless knitter. I am not a yarn collector. I buy yarn, I knit it up, and then I buy more for the next project. Here is my best definition of a knitter’s “stash”: Yarn that is purchased by the knitter, […]
Ahhhh. That’s Why.
Over the last few posts, I’ve mentioned that Abe has been acting strangely. Sometimes bad (eating my cell phone), sometimes funny (dragging stuff around), sometimes just plain weird. Since dogs don’t talk, I’ve had to try to figure out what was going on. Along with some suggestions from verypink readers, I guessed: 1. He’s more […]
Milestone Birthday
Fast-topic-changing Friday ahead… Yes, a milestone birthday – but not me. (Not yet. Three more months.) Today, Ike is 10! Happy Birthday, my sweet Munky. He and I have a lot of history together, and I’m so happy we found each other. He is as active and spry as a 4-year-old. Next…! Carrie test-knit the […]
Leave the Bottle
Welcome to fast-topic-changing-Friday Island. While I was drunk with power and in charge of The Knitting Nest (and having crazy sales that involved extra discounts on pink yarn), Stacy was at TNNA in California buying new stuff for the store, driving around in a convertible, and getting a tan. It was a win-win. Stacy also […]
Rest in peace, finished object. Bye for now. Here’s the story… My FAVORITE socks. Finished back in April of 2007. Toe-up pattern, Socks That Rock yarn. Approximately 26,680 stitches. So vibrant, so young, and such a bright future ahead of them. The other night I was enjoying some downtime with my homey-dogs, wearing my favorite […]
Just Like Everyone Else
Blogging from work! Yay! Today was supposed to be a different fast-topic-changing Friday than it is, because I had a problem. I’m here at The Knitting Nest with my laptop, but my external hard drive is at home…safely keeping some of the photos I wanted to use today. Change of plans! This photo is from […]
Perfectly Acceptable
(There’s a note to local Austin/San Antonio folks at the bottom of this post.) When you live with another person, there are things you do (and don’t do) to help keep your home a happy one. Now that I’m on my own, I’m learning how I am without another person around. Swift and ballwinder = […]
That Knitting Thing
Remember how I used to talk about knitting all the time? I realize that since the move and the holidays, I haven’t really kept up on that whole knitting thing very well. Today I’ll fix that. First up, I want to mention something I’m really excited about. I’m offering several knitting classes this month at […]
Working Title
I love fast-topic-changing Fridays. Just by typing “Next…!” I am forgiven for randomly jumping around like a bunny rabbit with ADD. Let’s get started… Take a look at this wall of cards! You people are so freaking nice! Besides the sheer volume (108 at last count), there were a few things that pleasantly surprised me: […]