Our lovely sponsor this week: Care/Of For 25% off your first Care/Of order, visit takecareof.com and use the code verypink at checkout. Things we talk about in this episode: Slow Motion Correcting a Dropped Stitch Slow Motion Weaving Ends

Our lovely sponsor this week: Care/Of For 25% off your first Care/Of order, visit takecareof.com and use the code verypink at checkout. Things we talk about in this episode: Slow Motion Correcting a Dropped Stitch Slow Motion Weaving Ends
“Tinking” is the word we use for “unknitting”, or unraveling stitches one at-a-time. In this video, I demonstrate tinking in slow-motion, both knit and purl stitches. You can see my other slow-motion videos here. You can see my regular speed tinking videos here and here. The yarn I use for demonstration is Paintbox Yarns Wool […]
Our lovely sponsor this week – Yarn Vibes Irish Yarn Find them online at YarnVibes.com, Instagram, and Facebook. For 20% off orders over $100 through June 2019, use the coupon code VERYPINK. Casey’s interview is with Carson Demers and his book Knitting Comfortably: The Ergonomics of Handknitting. Other things we talk about this week: The […]
These needles can be found here. And the necklace can be found here. To enter the giveaway, please fill out your email address at first name to sign up for the VeryPink Knits Quarterly Newsletter. (If you are already subscribed to the newsletter, you still need to fill out the form to enter. You won’t […]
Our lovely sponsor this week: Turtlepurl Yarns The shop is stocked with tons of colors! Use coupon code VPJUN19 for 15% off in June. Things we talk about in this episode: Binding-off: Tidying Up the Last Stitch Ravelry Shopkeepers Group Choices! A Review of Knitting Needle Types
Weaving in ends can be tricky enough, without multiple colors going on, right? In this video, I demonstrate how to weave in ends when you’re working with narrow stripes. The yarn used in the sample is Paintbox Wool Mix Chunky.
Our lovely sponsor this week: We Are Knitters The beautiful kits that contain everything you need! Here is what I’m knitting, their Pola Scarf in Salmon Pink. Things we talk about in this episode: Stellar Swatching Converting a Flat Pattern to Circular
As part of my slow-motion series for very visual learners, I demonstrate weaving in ends. You can see all of my weaving ends videos here (there are so many!). You can see my other slow-motion videos here. You can see my regular speed weaving in ends video here. The yarn I use for demonstration is […]
Patrick Raycraft, staff photographer, The Hartford Courant Our lovely sponsor this week: Artistic Ewe Featured yarn this month – Stroll Sock Weight For 20% off the month of May use the coupon code VERYPINK20 Casey’s interview this week is with Wilma Hoffman from Hartford Public Schools. You can read more and see photos in this […]