No Need for Botox This Week

Edith Bunker! Come on down! You are the first four contestants on The Fast-Topic-Changing Friday!

Can I still say Happy New Year? Happy New Year! Miss Manners can drop me a note if she likes. Let’s get started…

day-7.JPG First up – new foster dog. He’s a handsome one-year old named Leroy, wise and calm beyond his age.

If Ike could have been this good as a puppy, I’d have fewer wrinkles now.

He’s a FOSTER. Really.


img_4830.JPG 2008 Christmas knits. I kind of blew it with the photos this year.

I was so desperate to get everything blocked and sent to Alaska that I didn’t have time for nice photos. As soon as this stuff was dry, I had to send it out. Luckily, the package arrived in Kodiak on Christmas Eve!


day-5.jpg Birfday!

All Basenjis are born in the weeks surrounding Christmas – it’s a weird thing. So they’re all having their birthdays about this time.

Abe just turned 5! I’m happy to say that he’s acting more like a puppy now than he did two years ago.


img_4863.JPG Saartje’s booties. (pdf link to free pattern)

I knit these up for a class sample. Man, they’re cute.


day-1.JPG Now that I’ve finished my year-long self-portrait photo project, I’ve started a new photo project. This one is 365 Year in Photos, or YIP. I’ll take a photo every day, but I don’t have to limit it to selfies. Should broaden my horizons a bit.


img_4848.JPG I knit another thing…this is Just Enough Ruffles, knit with double-strands of Babyboo.

I highly recommend this pattern.


img_4942.JPG (Another blocking board shot…sorry.)

My Central Park Hoodie is mere MOMENTS from being finished. I’m trying to psych myself up to be excited about the seaming.

Yay! I get to seam! I love seaming! Oy.


img_5005.JPG Ike is one of the few dogs I’ve met who seem to “get it” when it comes to photos. I’ll say Ike’s name and he’ll look at me, then I get a nice photo of his face. Every other dog gets up from their cute pose to come towards me, because they think I’m calling them. Leroy is no exception.

Have a great weekend!

All This Year’s Been a Busy Blur

I shot a Christmas video this year instead of a still photo…you’ll understand why…

In case you were wondering, here’s last year.
Merry Christmas!
Staci, Ike, Abe, and Tippecanoe
P.S. 750 Points to anyone who “gets” the title.

My Camera is Resting Now

Thank you for flying Verypink Airlines. Please ensure that your seat belt is fastened, your seat back is upright and your tray-table is stowed. Please switch off all electronic devices at this time.

Fast-Topic-Changing Friday prepared for takeoff…

img_4551.JPG This is perhaps the worst Winter Wonderland photo in history, but! Last week! Snow! In Austin!

We’ve all gotten over the shock now, and we’re back to 78 degrees today. Whew.


3116935446_67eece074a.jpg More exclamation points! Because! Addi Click set!

Addi just released their interchangeable needle set, and it rocks. The needles connect without the use of a tool, the join is lovely, and the cords are all Addi.

Somebody oughta tell Santa that knitters want this.


img_4503.JPG Sunday was a big day for me…I hit Day 366 of my year-long self-portrait project.
img_4519.JPG For my finale photo, I decided to do an art project within an art project.

This required a lot of card stock, printer ink, and lame test shots that featured the ceiling.

img_4580.JPG I really just got lucky…I started building the collage before I knew if my lens would pan out enough to show all the photos. I also didn’t know if I was going to be able to get enough light on the whole thing to show detail.

But as I printed, cut, and taped – I saw it coming together and WORKING.

img_4589.JPG I even did rehearsal shots, to see what photos my arms were going to cover if (when) I raised them.

I was able to incorporate every photo from the project but 40, and I chose to leave those out because they were too dark to really show.

The collage took me about a week to assemble.

3108061478_a0bd817a89.jpg Here’s the final shot. This was the first shot that day. I took more, but I think this one ended up being the best because my enthusiasm and expression were so genuine.

Here it is on flickr.


img_4494.JPG I’ve mentioned before that Abe has a fondness for dragging things into the backyard. (Unfortunately, he’s training Tippy in this skill as well.)

This is what I found when I got out of the shower the other day.

Have a great weekend!

Shake It Like a Polaroid

Christmas is coming, the dogs are getting fat. Please to put an organic liver treat in the old man’s hat. (My version of an obscure Christmas song.)

Friday! Change topics! Fast!

img_4457.JPG I checked the map, and Austin is still in Texas. Hard to believe today. It was 34 degrees when I walked the dogs this morning.

Know what’s sad about this photo? I knit FOR A LIVING, and the only handknit here is my scarf.


img_4464.JPG Oh, it’s so hard to get a decent photo of a black dog.

Abraham is ready for winter. He don’t need no stinkin’ handknits. He’s grown a thick, soft coat that feels like a bunny. In fact, it’s supercold right now and he’s outside. Sunbathing.


img_4467.JPG This blurry mess is handknit Christmas gifts. (Intentionally blurred for secrecy.)

My plan this year – chunky yarn, or double-strands of worsted. Big needles. Big stitches. Quick projects. Warmth for my family in Alaska.


img_4445.JPG Yesterday was an anniversary of sorts for me. I’ve now lived in Austin for one full year. I closed on this house on December 3, 2007, and moved in the next day.

Seriously, what a year of changes it’s been. So awesome.


img_4468.JPG Good news. Tippy has FINALLY stopped coughing. His body is winning the battle against the heartworms.

The bad news? He has more energy than ever, and he uses it for evil. I’m remembering now what it’s like to live with a three year-old Basenji. I never get a chance to sit down.


Last up – a little movie. Here’s the story…

I’m generalizing here, but Basenjis aren’t known for being super “bouncy” or “waggy”. They’re hounds, not terriers – and they have the demeanor of hound dogs. (My dogs spend most of their time trying to be cool.) This clip is an “excited” Tippy. His little cinnamon bun tail barely shifts from side to side. I have dog treats in my hand, and he wants one. (Please excuse my voice here…I’m using my get-the-dogs-riled-up voice, and it’s ridiculous.)

Have a great weekend!

We Are Here! We Are Here!

Horton Hears a Who, right?

We ARE here, I swear. Thank you for all of the kind emails wondering if we’re okay – and we are. It is my busy season right now (temps dropped a little, and everyone wants to knit), plus the fact that I’m using every spare moment I have to knit Christmas gifts for my family in Alaska.

Here’s a little catch-up:

img_4411.JPG Let’s start with Tippy, my new rescue dog. (He’s the “top dog” in this photo.)

Before I tell you how bad he is, let me say first that he’s sweet and loving and eager to learn.

Now for the dirt.

3039691156_ea99e35cf3.jpg Tippy chews handknits.
3075408570_2634a705fd.jpg Tippy destroys makeup brushes and shreds toilet paper.

He also tries to eat every piece of trash off the ground on walks, and (like Abe) he drags rugs and towels and tv remotes into the backyard.

img_4399.JPG Small things, really, when I consider how well he gets along with the other dogs.

We’ve had a setback on his heartworm treatment, but nothing to worry about. His body is just taking longer to rid himself of the dead worms than expected. He should be perfectly healthy soon.

img_4086.JPG Oh – I’ve been doing so much knitting, but I can’t show you much of it until after Christmas.

But here’s a little ditty I knit for myself – 28thirty from Zephyr Style.

Ravelry details.

babyhat.jpg Something else that’s keeping me busy…I only have 12 days left in my year-long self-portrait photo project.

I’m trying to think of an appropriate finale for the last photo. Hmmm.

img_4130.JPG Basenji torture = Ike as Santa.

I couldn’t get a decent photo while he was plotting my murder.

Last up – a little movie. This was supposed to be a video of Tippy purring (he sounds like a LION), but all you can hear is Ike’s high-pitched purr. Oh, and some post-breakfast yawning and smacking.

Oh – I Knit This, Too.

Knitting and dogs and heartworms, oh my!

Yes, it’s a Fast-Topic-Changing Friday.

day-327.JPG New pattern!

This is the Ida Neck Wrap, named after my great-great Aunt Ida. She used to whip up something like this for me and my sisters when we were kids. I gave the pattern a little more umph, and made it available here.


2937673937_041a5f1c5a.jpg Oh – I knit this, too. I realized that I’ve hardly talked about knitting on verypink lately. It’s not like I haven’t been knitting…of COURSE not.

I finished these mittens for Christy as part of a mitten swap. They turned out so pretty!

Ravelry details.


tounge.jpg I’m happy to have some good doggie news. Tippecanoe has officially survived two months of heartworm treatment.

I’m still supposed to try and keep him from getting his heart rate up too rapidly, but now he is at least allowed some exercise. He’s such a good boy.


2937674239_73981c5575.jpg Oh – I knit this, too. It’s Mr. Greenjeans, with a few mods.

LOVE this sweater.

Ravelry details.


img_3722.JPG Ike and Tippy are totally BFFs. It is so awesome to watch.

They both get along well with Abe, but it’s different. Abe is more of a loner (until bedtime). Ike and Tippy are both a little needier when it comes to company, and I’m so glad they have each other.


2.jpg Oh – I knit this, too. It’s the Moebius Shawl from Drops Design.

I held two strands of yarn together to knit this, one of them being an angora blend. Just enough fuzz.

Ravelry details.


img_3761.JPG This tiny little bed was purchased for this dog. Tippy is still pretty skinny (although he’s put on over seven pounds at my house!), so he can curl up into a tiny ball.

But clearly, this bed is too small.

img_3685.JPG Smoosh!

Abe, who is practically twice the size of Tippy, fits just fine. Well, he smushes into it just fine. This is ridiculous.

Have a great weekend!

A Piece of My Heart

It is with a heavy heart that I say that Gus, the 12-year old beloved Basenji, passed away last week. I didn’t mention anything about his illness, as we were hoping for more good days and more time with him.

I met Gus about a decade ago when I met Chris (my ex). When Chris and I started sharing our lives together, Gus became my dog, too. When Chris and I split up last year, Gus stayed with Chris. Over the last year, I was lucky enough to get extended “custody” visits while Chris traveled.

Gus suffered from tumors on his spine. They were inoperable and benign. As they grew, they began to effect the movement on one side of his body until it was too difficult for him to get around. Chris made sure he had the very best of treatments. Gus was not in pain.

Here’s what I’ll remember about Gus.

img_1124.JPG Gus was a sweet and funny guy.
nuggle.JPG He and Ike were best friends from the moment they met.

Gus was totally the boss, and Ike was cool with that.

stairs2.JPG Gus and Ike were a great team.

Before Chris and I moved in together, both dogs had huge issues with separation anxiety. Once they had each other, they could hardly care less when the humans left the house.

img_0533.JPG The family grew and changed, and every dog that came into the house knew to respect Gus.
425261160_dc666e767a.jpg Unlike other Basenjis I’ve known, Gus enjoyed quiet time on his own.

While everyone else was crowding in for a spot on my lap, Gus could be found happily chillin’, away from the chaos.

seattle.jpg Gus was a smallish Basenji, and super fast.

It was a nightmare to ever have to catch him when he didn’t want to be caught.

clogs.JPG Gus lived more places than most people. He was born in Texas, then moved to Detroit. Then Chris was transferred to Seattle, where we met. The four of us (Chris, me, Gus, and Ike) were transferred to The Netherlands. Then it was Houston, with extended stays in Austin with me.

He also traveled across the country in a car several times. He was a super good car dog.

img_1932.JPG His official official name was Augustus Africanis, or something very close.

His full name was Gustopher Wayne.

He answered to Gus, Gussy, Gussy Wayne, Baby G – and when he was a puppy, “Dammit Gus!”. (He was a difficult puppy.)

dsc01957.JPG Over the last several years, Gus and Ike have both mellowed-out and become more predictable dogs. No more worrying about someone eating the sofa, ripping up carpet, or hiding a toilet brush in the bed.
img_1689.JPG Basenjis are “barkless”, but Gus was quiet even by Basenji standards. When he was super happy he would wag his tail and make an excited little whine – but he never “barooed”.

I always said that the only time Gus would make a noise is when someone stepped on him, which was pretty accurate.

img_1363.JPG He was both sweet and demanding.

He would gently bite anyone who dared to stop petting him.

img_1650.JPG There are lots of people who are going to miss Gus and his big personality.

Chris and I both miss him very much.

I’d like to end this post on a happy note. This is how I’ll remember him most. Gus had a great sense of humor. While he was truly frightened by a few things – children, thunderstorms, and bouncing balls….there were a few things he pretended to hate for the comedy factor – pepper, chapstick, and spray bottles.

Here’s a little video of Gus reacting to chapstick.

Hail to the Chief

Semi-Fast-Topic-Changing Friday on the menu today. May I suggest a Cabernet Sauvignon as your wine choice?

day-300.JPG First up – I’ve made it to DAY 300 in my year-long self-portrait photo project. THREE-HUNDRED.

Now the panic is setting in…how do I NOT take a photo of myself every day when the project is finished??

It’s become such a habit!


img_3054.JPG Let’s talk about Brucie. If you need catching up – foster dog, skinny skinny, heartworm positive.

He’s now in the second half of his 8-week heartworm treatment. The first half was a breeze, but this half is tougher on him. Poor kid.

The good news is that even through the treatment, he’s put on seven pounds!

img_3529.JPG He was a dirty, flea-infested, outdoor dog with no indoor skills. Now he’s a well-behaved, house-trained, sofa dog.

His favorite things in life are (in this order): That Guy, me, food, the other dogs, air conditioning, and a soft bed. He’s come a long way, and I’m so proud of him.

img_3019.JPG Now I have a confession to make. His name isn’t Brucie.

Keeping with my theme of presidential names for my dogs, his name is actually William Henry Harrison. Nickname: Tippecanoe. Or Tippy, for short.

img_3432.JPG I’ve kept this a secret, because he’s officially a FOSTER. FOSTER.

But really, I don’t have it in me to care for a dog for two months through this awful treatment only to pass him on to another family. I couldn’t do it to myself, to the other dogs, or especially to little Tippy.

So with his new presidential name, we know what that means…

img_3128.JPG Dwight D. Eisenhower
Abraham Lincoln
William Henry Harrison

Ike, Abe, and Tippy…how lucky am I to have three resident dogs?

Welcome to your forever home little man!

Have a great weekend!

Crazy, Indeed

Just a quick post to say a few things:

1. Hurricane Ike didn’t hit Austin. We are safe and well with no damage to the house.

2. Hurricane Ike DID hit Houston. Chris (my ex) was without power until a couple of days ago. His house was hot and humid and needs repairs, so he brought his dogs here for a little air conditioning relief.

So, that makes FIVE dogs for me this week. You know I love them all dearly, but…FIVE.

To make things even more interesting – Gus isn’t feeling well, so he needs special care and extra help. Even MORE interesting – Lou and Brucie are usually either tearing around the house doing the Basenji 500, or trying to rip out each others’ jugulars. Every time I sit down for a second, I have to jump up to either resolve a fight or open the back door or refill the water bowl or go on a walk or move a dog bed or hand out treats or, or, or…

Here we are this morning after the dog walks. Oh, they are sweet things.

(Ike’s the blurry one doing a trick for the treat. Abe is off in the back, trying to stay out of the way. Brucie is the super-hungry one, front and center. Lou is the tiny one in front, flipping his head from side-to-side. Gus is on the right…I had just given him a treat, and he turned his head to chew it.)


Have a great weekend!

At Least MY Ike is Calm.

Over the river and through the woods to Fast-Topic-Changing Friday we go.

17455816_320×240.jpg Ike the Hurricane? Problem for Texas.
img_3049.JPG Ike the Basenji? Much less of a problem.


img_2961.JPG That Guy ripped one of his wool bicycling jerseys on a tree branch. He asked me to fix it, and “make it look like Frankenjersey”.

Ooookay, you got it. (I’ve never done Franken-finishing-work before. Pretty fun.)


img_3054.JPG Update on Brucie: he’s taking the heartworm treatment like a champ. He doesn’t seem to feel sick at all, just a little tired sometimes.

He’s a good boy. Mostly.


img_3037.JPG Brucie likes yarn. And not in a good way.

He “played” with this yarn for about .2 seconds, and this was the result.

img_3039.JPG Hey! This yarn is the same color as this box of wine!
img_3043.JPG Hey! I know this color!

(Pretty smart of the wine people to use Tiffany Blue. Caught my eye at the grocery store!)


img_3006.JPG I surprised That Guy by vandalizing one of his bicycles with knitting. He likes it.

It would have been a more intense act of vandalism if I had actually seamed it to the bike…but I opted for buttons.


img_3060.JPG I hope everyone stays safe during the hurricane this weekend. We’re sticking close to home and doing this.

Have a great weekend!