Where the Weather Suits My Clothes

This is the last post from my Alaska vacation, and it’s Friday. Prepare yourself for fast topic-changes…


Sixty degrees!

I am so not kidding when I tell you that everyone here is in shorts and flip-flops. I’m wearing them, too!



Since there were a couple of requests for it, here is my new cut and color. Compliments of my pregnant, hairdresser sister.

Self-portrait and a little windy, but you get the idea.



Timmy: Look, Mom! I got 100% on my spelling test!

Molly Renee: Look, Mom! I grew lungs!

My sister is very proud of both of her kids.



To all of the Deadliest Catch fans out there…ever wonder where the crab pots go during the off-season?

Well, they become lawn ornaments.


Again – so not kidding. This is a very common sight in Kodiak.



A prettier scene…this is Kodiak Harbor. The center of commerce in this little city.



Phyllis and Izabelle. This is the only pregnancy photo my sister would allow on verypink. She looks good, but she’s feeling kinda huge.

I leave here Sunday night, arriving back in Houston early Monday morning. Forgive me if there isn’t a post on Monday.

Have a great weekend!

17 comments on “Where the Weather Suits My Clothes

  1. your hair looks so great! i love it. that picture of izabelle and phyllis is so cute. i love how izabelle is popping up for the camera. too freaking adorable. she looks mischievous.

    kodiak looks exactly like you’d think it would. at least for me.

    safe travels and get some rest when you get home. (enjoy that cool weather, it’s humid as all get out, here) at least it’s a little cooler than normal.

  2. Love the haircut! Came out from lurking to comment. Hope your trip home is safe and quick. I know all the boys at home will be soooooo happy to see you.

  3. From Hormones Hamlet to Testosterone City! I think that’s going to be a longer trip than from Alaska to Texas.

    Good luck on your trip back — I know you’re missing Chris and the boys but it’ll be hard saying good-bye to the Kodiak part of your family.

  4. This must have been a good week for Alaska vacations. My in-laws and one of Peter’s friends are in Alaska right now. Of course, they are all on boring cruises–probably not having as much fun as you 🙂

  5. I love your hair !! Your sister is adorable too, and the spellign test and ultrasound made my silly eyes tear up.

    Izabelle and the B-Boys, now that would be a FAST topic day !!

    Have a good trip home….

  6. Your hair looks great and Izabelle and your sister are adorable! I hope your trip back goes smoother than your trip there!

  7. Hi, just ran across your blog searching for keyword Kodiak. Glad you liked our little town. Your hair is very nice. Very Hillary, which may not be something someone from Texas likes to hear.

  8. Adorable hair, fabulous color, beautiful sister with fabulous kids. I had to call Mike into the room to see the crab pots, especially since we just watched the show the other night.

    As for that 60 degree weather? Oh goodness. I’m sooooooo jealous!

  9. Love the stack on your hair (I learned that from shear genius..lol) Are you still sleeping?? All the lights are off in your house every time I walk by.

  10. very cute hair! my bloglines does not like to update with your site, so I have not been keeping up so well with you lately.

    Isn’t it funny how people don’t understand how you have not seen the entire state of Alaska, even though you have lived there? That you spend your vacation mostly indoors with family? Don’t worry, there are people where I live who have never even left Greenville. Or SC. 🙂 We are not so strange. 🙂

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