Life is Happening.

One of the reasons I enjoy doing verypink is the fact that my life generally moves along swimmingly, predictably and without chaos. This gives me the time and energy to have fun with my posts. I adore taking the photos and writing the text. L-O-V-E it.

Unfortunately, I’m unable to muster up the photos OR the funny right now. Things are not moving along swimmingly. I sort of hate the fact that I’m writing a post about not writing a post…but I think this is better than just disappearing. I hope to be back up and running very soon.

Rest assured – everyone is healthy. The dogs are fine. I will be fine again, too.


In the meantime, Lou and Ike.

34 comments on “Life is Happening.

  1. hope everything is alright. I don’t blog either unless I’m better than good. Just thought I’d let you know that I’ll miss your posts and I hope everything works out ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Stacie, I hope that whatever is taking you away, will not be for long. Take care and we love you.

  3. Take care, Stacie. I’ll be thinking about you and sending happy thoughts your way.

  4. Hang in there Stac – we’ll be here when you get back. Heck, we’re here even when you’re here just to tell us you’re not here.

  5. Just remember, Staci – whatever it is – this, too, shall pass.

    (As an aside, and not saying it’s even relevant in this case, but I have found that my life is SO much more placid since I hit menopause. Or maybe it’s since Doug did! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Hormones produce, or maybe just aggravate, the highs and lows of life! So far, that’s the only good thing I’ve found about aging!)

  6. Hi Staci

    Longtime lurker, first time poster. I just wanted to drop a line to say how much I love your blog, love the new site, and hope that you are well. It’s ok to feel how you are feeling right now-just take the time you need to make yourself feel like you again.

    We’ll be right here waiting. Take care

  7. Staci,

    Please know that I am thinking of you and I hope that things look up for you. Stay positive and know that you have many friends, real life and cyber world that think the world of you. Hug your puppies daily; as we all know that doggie hugs and kisses can make you feel better when things are not going well for you.

    Dusty sends schnauzer huggs and kisses!!

  8. Virtual hugs headed your way from Los Angeles right about…. now. But there’s rush hour, so, you know, it could be a bit. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. we all have those days. even when they last weeks, months, years. if it helps, your site has always given me a giggle, even if that’s the only one i have all day. thank you for the puppies. they help make you a lovely family.

    i hate this saying, but as chey said, this too shall pass.

    if nothing else, we all love you!


  10. You don’t need to tell me about taking breaks! Hang in there and know that we’re thinking of you and looking forward to you getting back to blogging!

  11. Staci! Sending positive thoughts your way for whatever you’re having to deal with right now. As worried as I am, I’d be more worried if you hadn’t posted at all.

  12. Are you missing Alaska? Want to come back??? Just think winter – that’ll snap you back into reality real quick! Although we can knit and wear wool all year around! There are times I just don’t feel like blogging and last month I deleted almost my whole blog. I was completely disgusted with everything and felt the need to delete for some odd reason. But my blog is back up and I’m feeling better about all of it. So fire up, girl!! I love your blog!!

  13. I hope you and the dogs are back in all their glory soon. We’ll miss you while you’re gone, but completely understand you needing to go away for awhile. Life happens, but you’ll get through it! Thinking of you ….

  14. nothing wrong with taking a break here and there to tend to life. take care and drink a glass or wine or beer or several and maybe take a dip in the pool. lord knows it’s hot as hell out here.

  15. Hi Staci!!!
    Glad you made it back safely! Basenji Baroos and yodels to you!!! We all get off our game from time to time…
    Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  16. Take care of yourself! Get all the puppy love, knitting and reading you need. I’ll be sending good thoughts your way.

  17. Hi Stacie

    Sorry to hear your road is bumpy. I hope things smooth out before long. Studies show petting animals is a proven stress reducer!

  18. Staci-I am a big time lurker who enjoys your blog so much. It’s at the top of my list. Love your knitting, love your dogs and love your blog. Whatever is going on- we are all thinking of you and missing you. Hang in there. We knitters are strong. After all we make funny loops with sticks and string and create beautiful objects. Hang in there!

  19. Lorelei- I realize you posted the saying as a positive, and it did make me laugh but perhaps not in the manner intended! The first time I read it, years ago during a personal bad time, the first thing that popped into my head was “Dear God! If it is supposed to get better in the end, does this mean things could get WORSE before then?!” I have since adopted a more positive outlook, but my previous pessimistic self had a chuckle when I read it again.

    Staci, my thoughts are with you and the hounds, take care.

  20. I just stumbled upon your blog (pretty!) and it’s funny, because I very recently posted a similar type of post.
    I hope whatever it is that ails is soon better.

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