Wait, Santa – Come Back!

Is it too late to get Christmas presents? Or to buy one for myself?

I had the pleasure of spending time with friends on New Year’s Eve, including my married pals Kristin and Josh. To make a long story short, Josh has an awesome camera.

Josh knows a lot more about photography than I do, so his photos are all really nice…but…but…but…I WANT THAT CAMERA. Santa! I wasn’t done with Christmas yet!

Today’s photos are courtesy of Josh.



A new camera would be reallllllly nice for my year-long photo project. Maybe Santa takes late orders.

21 comments on “Wait, Santa – Come Back!

  1. Oooo! What kind does he have? I got a new camera for Christmas and I’m still trying to sort out how to best store and display them. Hope Santa’s listening for you ….

  2. That was my second choice for a camera. And really, it was a tie between the XTi and the D40x. I went with the D40x because my dad has TONS of Nikon lenses and such and I know that they will be coming my way eventually.

    One great thing about the D40x and the XTi is that you can get remote controls for them. That’s right–a lot easier to take self portraits! I can set mine on remote-control-with-2-second-delay so that I can push the remote and have time to put my hand down. See here: http://flickr.com/photos/minilaura/2157787427/

  3. You know, I am still trying to get a hold of Santa to tell him that he forgot to bring me that really cool Harmony Options set. Guess, I am going to have to hit up the Cupid this year!

    They boys are so handsome and the pictures are super!! You should totally splurge and get you one!!

    Happy New Year!!

  4. Happy New Year!
    I joined the 365 Challenge yesterday (learned about it from your previous post) and it was part of my justification for getting a Nikon D80. I can’t wait for it to arrive… will then take forever to figure out how to use it! Go for it… you’ll use it and enjoy it!

    Now – to take day 2 ; )
    – Debra/JavaNut

  5. Santa is a very busy man on Christmas Eve, I’m sure he knows that he just can’t do it all in one night. So I’m guessing your camera is on the “Later List.” He probably checks that one twice too.


  6. cute pics. that’s one of the two camera’s we are debating on. i’m torn between that and the nikon d80. caro uses this camera (xti) and all her pictures are gorgeous but i also think a lot of that is the photographer. i wish it was magic and i could get one and be a pro all of a sudden.

    good luck with your late order!

  7. ugh, that wasn’t meant to suggest you wouldn’t be a total badass photographer when you get yours. i turned that whole thing around to talk about me. memememememmememememe.

  8. You totally deserve a belated Christmas present! I have a D40X and I really like it. I’ve decided to take a picture everyday this year so I can push myself to improve my photography skills. The remote someone mentioned is definitely handy for self-portraiture.

  9. dear santa,

    please send my friend staci a belated christmas present of the canon: eos digital rebel xti. she has been a very good girl all of 2007 and really deserves it. and just think of all of the nice pictures of her dogs you’ll get if you get her this camera. πŸ™‚ rudolph and the boys will love them. plus, i know if you give her the camera, she will promise to be a very good girl in 2008. thank you in advance.

    your friend,

    happy new yarn!

  10. Like Meg says, this is the one I have and I love it. I picked up the 50mm lens not long after buying it. And then a cool tripod. And then a remote. And now I have my eye on a few more lenses. Heh, the customization never ends, but it’s well worth the investment. Costco has them with the kit lens for a decent price… I say DO IT!

  11. I sent my request to Santa as well. I think he will send you a new camera. After all we are asking him so nicely.

    My hubby is a professional photograher and he uses Nikons. He has a D50, D70, D1H, and D2H (maybe a couple others too)but can’t remember. He has a ton of different lenses. These cameras are very expensive (3 or 4 thousand and up), but the Nikon D40 is affordable and very good for everyday use.

    I use his cameras when I want to really take “photographs” but carry a little Nikon Coolpix L14 with me all the time for all those little “snapshots”.

    Hope you get your camera soon.

  12. Aren’t digital SLRs so fun to play around with? If you’re thinking of buying one make sure you take into account the cost of the lenses though! Hope the holidays treated you well and I look forward to reading your blog in 2008! πŸ™‚

  13. Staci, you know as well as I do that “want” is practically the same as “need”. Go for it!

  14. I was hoping to get the “dooce” canon for Christmas, unfortunately I got a new comfort system (read: furnace/air conditioner combo) instead. The shelves look fantastic, chicks with power tools rule!

  15. Don’t hesitate, here in Holland Santa leaves after January the 13th, Twelfth Day. Why don’t you let it deliver by three wise men from the East? πŸ™‚

  16. The XTI is awesome! That’s what my husband shoots with. However, I must say that the camera(s) are only as good as the lenses you put on them. πŸ™‚

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