One Year Ago…

One year ago, I was experiencing a seriously rough time. Like, life-changing rough. I didn’t know WHERE I wanted to live, or HOW I was going to live. All I knew was that I was suddenly single, and that everything was changing. So much has happened in the past year. It’s so different, and so very good.


I love what I do every day. When I leave the house, I kiss the dogs and say “Bye, I’m going to knit!”. I never use the word “work”.

I am surrounded with friends. Not just any ol’ friends. Friends who look at me with a soft focus. They are slow to judge, and quick to help. They support me when I need it (or they send their husbands if it involves electricity or a lawnmower), and they call me out when I deserve it. They challenge me, they knit with me, they hold me, they make me laugh. They are introducing me to this new city, drinking wine with me at my house, and skipping dinner to talk with me on the phone. I’ve found friends who don’t expect me to censor myself or to try to impress them. They’ve seen me swear like a sailor with chipped nail polish, and they are still my friends.

I have a dinky, outdated, wonderful house. I have a big yard that has me complaining every week, but I love it. Every morning I wake up, make coffee, and open doors and windows to let the fresh air in and the bad dogs out. I’ve been here six months, and I haven’t even finished unpacking. It’s new and awesome to me every day.

I’m dating. I don’t talk much about it on verypink, but it’s really fun. (Enough said on that for now.)

I’m busy. I knit, I take photos, I teach knitting, I design, I hang with the dogs, I date, I see my friends, I watch old movies, I read, and I try to feed myself well. I manage all this, plus a 15 minute nap in the afternoon.

I’m learning. About who I am as a single person, and what I enjoy when there is no one else to consider. I’m learning about Austin, and air conditioning, and allergies, and photography. About food, and dogs, and other people.

I am so grateful. Every single day. I can barely remember the woman who was so sad and confused one year ago. Lookit me! Hey! I did it!

Thank you, thank you. For the support, the Christmas cards, and the emails. I don’t know how to express how much they helped. People actually email ME now to ask me how I made it through the turmoil. ME!

I am so happy, and excited to see what the next year will bring.


60 comments on “One Year Ago…

  1. I am so glad to see you on the other side. I know this last year was rough. congrats on the dating thing though. Thanks for keeping us all up to date and as one who has been there, nice to see you come out of the tunnel intact!

  2. I understand those anniversaries. Every New Years Eve I’m not in the hospital is a good one. Congrats on making one year. I bet each year will be better than the last.

  3. Aw, your post made me tear up a little bit! Having gone through my own personal turmoil and written one of these “I made it to the other side!” blog posts myself, I know just how you feel!

    Heartiest congratulations, fellow Stac/i/ey/y/ie! You deserve all the rewards you can get for staying in the fight for the good life! Have a fabulous week!

    (And wow, have I been reading Very Pink that long? I guess so!)

  4. Good for you Staci! You deserve the happiness that you have now and I’m thrilled that things have worked out so well for you–even if it did mean you had to move away from here.

  5. YAY!! For two things…

    – For posting, because I miss seeing v e r y p i n k in my reader.
    – For doing so well, for learning about yourself and learning how to be happy again.


  6. I’m so proud of you.

    And thanks for letting us be there with you this year. Know that its inspirational, sappy as that sounds.

  7. Congratulations on a year of learning. And thank you for sharing v e r y p i n k with us.

  8. You go, Staci!! I know you only from your fabulous blog but I’d say that you deserve only the best. Smooches to the boys and HOORAY for dating!!!

  9. HUGS! wow, it has been a year. we’ve both come out the other side and we’re definitely better than ever! i can’t wait to hear more (you know you have to dish about it all soon!!!) and share with you.

    congratulations, to both of us.

  10. Yay! It’s good to take the time to realize what you’ve been through and that you’ve (very) succesfully come out of it.
    Also, I envy your ability to take 15-minute naps.

  11. Your post gave me ‘goose bumps’ : )

    I am thrilled that you are happy and that the tough times are behind. I know there are always challenges ( that is life) but you have and will overcome some tough ones and came out smiling and successful !!!

    Keep smelling the fresh air and enjoying all the wonderful things in your life !

  12. wtg, Staci! I am so glad that your life is happy and full of adventure. 🙂

  13. I started typing something all preachy about how going through the rough makes you a better person… but…bleh!

    Doesn’t having fun and not having to answer to anyone but you totally rock?!!!! Getting over crap happens in bits and spurts – enjoy every second you can.

  14. yay! i know all those good things were really about me. it’s cool. you’re welcome. 😉

    i keed i keed. i’m glad you’re here and things have turned out so well for you! you deserve it, sistah.

  15. Congrats Staci, you are awe inspiring, plus a really good knitter. Love following your blog. best Wishes for another fantastic year ahead.

  16. I am so happy for you! I admire how much bravery it must have taken to move to a new city and start over. I am not at all surprised that others are seeking your advice.

  17. Congratulations to you and I must say you GREAT! I have just recently myself come out on the other, better side. Well done.

  18. I’m so glad that you have moved to a place where you have found unconditional love and support! I hope that the next year brings new surprises (the good kind) and continued joy … PS You’re just as talented with your photography hobby as you are with knitting 🙂

  19. Hi Staci,

    And, I thank you for your great classes and for helping me figure out my knitting how-to’s and making me laugh!

    I am so glad you have weathered the “storm” and feel so good about yourself and Austin and your new-found home. Oops, and your dogs!! There’s nothing like positive growth and I’m SO happy for you. Sylvia

  20. Staci:
    I am so very proud of you! I know how hard it can be when something that you held so dear was suddenly gone. It is such a hard thing to deal with and you did BEAUTIFULLY! You are such a strong, beautiful, and talented woman! Congrats to you for learning you you are and loving it!!!
    Love and Light…

  21. Go you! I’m glad you have come out of such a rough spot and are doing well. Despite moving to NJ – I’m still enjoying every post, keep it coming.

  22. I’m so thrilled to hear that you are doing well and loving where life has planted you for now. You look gorgeous and happy. Congratulations on finding yourself contented and invigorated, and sending you many well wishes for continued growth and peace in the coming years!

  23. Bravo, you have gotten through this year with an amazing amount of class and grace. I have so much to learn from you sensai!

  24. Whew, I always worry when you take a leave of absence from your blog – I’ve come to look for a new one every Friday, at least!

    So glad to see you taking stock of the wonderful things about your life. You are indeed a lucky and very lovely woman. Thanks for sharing your talents with us!

  25. Hey Staci! I am so glad to hear that you are happy and doing well. I miss seeing you at SNB but I’m so glad you found a place that feels like home.

  26. Gosh! One whole year already? You are in SUCH a better place – I can totally “hear it” in your posts. I’m happy for you.

  27. You must feel terrific! I have a couple of friends who have been divorced for a decade and haven’t made it to the place you are! Good for you. It’s so great to have been able to “share” your year and see you come out of it so gracefully and ON TOP!!!

  28. Cheers to you and your new life! The way you handled the BOOM of last July is really admirable. I hope the next year is even better!

  29. I remember the boom post–you’ve come a long way, baby! :O) But you must have always had this strength and joy in you, so I’m glad you’ve come even more into it this last year.

    I stumbled onto verypink from cuteoverload somehow, and now it’s in my reader. I’m also glad you posted some of the flickr portraits, and I check those sometimes. They’re like mini-versions of verypink posts 🙂 Thanks for sharing all that, Staci. I’m always rooting for you across the internets!!

  30. Congratulations! It is truly wonderful to see you a year later stronger than ever and enjoying life to the full! And thanks so much for sharing your journey with all of us!

  31. I’ve been a lurker for a couple years now, first comment. Congrats, on making the best of life, you’ve chosen happiness, good for you! Keep on truckin’!

  32. I’m so happy to hear this. This kind of thing is so hard, and I’ve never seen anyone handle it with better grace or compassion. I am so jealous of the life you are living 🙂 enjoy every minute of it!

  33. Staci, i first found verypink a couple/few months ago after stumbling on one of your beautiful projects on ravelry (though it could very well have been cute overload; i’m visiting both far too often). Your entertaining writing, beautiful photographs, and adorable dogginzes moved me to read through all the archives, and I’ve been surprised by how much I look forward to seeing new posts. I hope your headache troubles are past you; you seem to have kicked your heartache in the ass, and more power to you! I think you’ve pegged all the important things in life, and loads of people twice your age can’t say that.

  34. Staci,
    I feel really blessed to have you as a friend, and I wouldn’t have ever known you if you didn’t live nearby. You’re an inspiring person to say the least! You’re upbeat and happy, and a damn good knitter who makes me constantly challenge myself to try new things.
    I know how fast life’s changes can break you down, but I also believe that these types of things happen for a reason, and I could be wrong (but doubt that I am!) when I say that you seem to be content with where you are in life right now, and I only hope that the passing years feed your soul with happiness and delight.

  35. Gosh, has it been a year!? Congratulations on your milestone – and thanks for your honesty and for sharing it with us. Here’s to the next 12 months.

  36. Hi Staci,

    I rarely make comments, but I have been a loyal lurker since way back when you were in Holland.
    Grace, bravery, dignity and strength: The past year has shown that these are what you are made of. It’s kind of a surprise, isn’t it?

  37. wow, a year already? congrats! you look so happy, and your house is awesome, and honestly, i’d love to have your life right now. jealous!

  38. Congratulations for surviving the storm! I’ve been through a divorce too and it’s not pretty no matter what the circumstances are. You’ve blossomed in the past year and it shows. Doesn’t it feel good to be so clam and happy?!

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