Ground floor perfumery,
Stationery and leather goods,
Wigs and haberdashery,
Kitchenware and Fast-Topic-Changing-Fridays…going up!
One-hundred points to anyone who recognizes this song.
We have a new foster boy, named Brucie.
I picked him up from a bad situation as a representative of Basenji Rescue. He’s a foster. He’s a foster. He’s a foster. Repeat as necessary. |
He is a handsome, sweet, and skinny thing.
We’re working on getting him up to normal weight, and on Tuesday, he starts heart worm treatment. We’re focusing on his bright future, not his rough past. |
Next…! |
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Stephanie and I are working on a little “how to knit” booklet for a kit to be sold at The Knitting Nest.
She takes such nice photos. Next…! |
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I won a Namaste photo contest on Ravelry (well, I tied for first) with this photo. This is all the gear they sent to me! So exciting.
They make such nice knitting gear. |
When the box arrived, Abe went NUTS. I handed him the packing paper, and he was good for hours.
To see all three winning photos, visit the Namaste site and click on “Photo of the Month”. Next…! |
On the needles…the Tapestry Cowl from pepperknit (aka MintyFresh).
Such a great pattern. I’ll be teaching this project as a class in September…so many lessons! Magic cast-on, double-knitting, colorwork, chart-reading, and how-to-make-the-perfect-omelet. Next…! |
This crate is set up for when That Guy comes over to visit with his dog. (She has to be crated when we’re out of the house.)
I spent YEARS trying unsuccessfully to crate train Ike. Now that I don’t care anymore, he hangs out in here all the time. Have a great holiday weekend! |
But the question is, are YOU being served? Hopefully a margarita by “the guy” with the tall legs! have a great holiday
Ms. Perry, are you free? I love that show! Have a wonderful holiday. 🙂
You guys got it. Here’s a link to the theme song:
That b+w photo by Stephig is gorgeous! Reminds me of the Columbia Minerva booklet my grandmother gave to me (from the 50s?) to teach me how to knit. The photos were BIG, BASIC, and very easy to understand (I even used it to learn the loopy cast-on… can’t remember the name now).
Also, I have a question for you! Do you still have that video of Meg at the race track? Where she says, “Where’s that shitty little kid?” Now that I “know” Meg, I’d love to see it again (but I can’t find it on your blog…)
Aw, everyone beat me to it. I love “Are You Being Served?”! That b&w shot is goooooor-geous!
Congratulations! I like your photo best. 🙂
Wow! You were actually able to capture a shot of Brucie peeing on the gazebo! I like Abe’s looking on like “Are we ALLOWED to do that?!”
First floor telephones, gents ready-made suits, shirts, socks, ties, hats,
underwear and shoes…going up
Oh how I love that show!
awww the new baby is adorable! and congrats on the win, that is a sweet prize. lol @ ike and the crate.
Can’t wait for your Tapestry Cowl class! And you’re teaching us how to make omelets?? BONUS!! 😀
You can make omelets? How do I work that alarm clock?
Good luck with the foster dog. We fostered a beagle mix from the beagle rescue for a few days and then found out that she had heart worm. The treatment was hard on her and afterwards she was not allowed to do anything for six weeks. We could let her out of her crate but had to make sure that she just laid around; if she so much as ran there was a chance that the dead heart worms would rush through her system and kill her. After nearly a year with us, she received a clean bill of health and was adopted. It Was Hard. (But it was the right thing to do.)
Once again, a wonderful post worth waiting all week for! Congratulations on the win, and major hearts and hugs for you fostering another – you are so generous, and I’m sure those boys appreciated it so much. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that he recovers from heart worm quickly and effortlessly.
Thank you for being an inspiration, your posts are creative and fresh.
I love that show!!! “…Mr Humphries, are you free?…” It always cracked me up how they would look around and then say, “…yes, I’m free…”
Wow, you’ve got so much goin’ on right now!
I LOVE Brucie, he’s a total cutie… and I haven’t even met him yet.
You’re Namaste photos are great.
The tapestry cowl shall be on my neck this winter; I’m so glad you’re offering that as a class, it seems perfect for teaching double knitting.
Are You Being Served????
HE IS SOOO CUTE!!!! I want him!! He just needs some manners thats all! Ike is so funny, he is alos so spoiled!!
I thought it was familiar…then double checked and googled it. I haven’t seen that show in aaaaages. When we were stationed at Camp Lejune, my neighbor across the street got me watching it. Let me not forget, “Keeping Up Appearances”. Poor deluded Hyacinth could never convince the community to pronounce her name the way she wanted them to say it.
Not on topic but thanks for the kindness, VP… xo
Yes, I wish I was being served. Great knitting bag photo and good on you for the manicure for the booklet. OPI Big Apple Red?
ooh, that knitting picture is lovely! and of course the new guy is super sweet. You are awesome to be a foster mama. Congrats on your win! I am drooling over that Peacock color…and I might have to get another bag…
Are You Being Served is a favorite show in our household!! just can’t get enough of it!
Hooray for Brucie! What a gorgeous boy. Abe and Ike must be real sweeties to be so willing to share their house. Extra karma points for you!
Wow, a bajillion people beat me to the song title. Apparently, we’re all nutjobs.
And, as per usual, your pups are crazy awesome.
I love dogs! So glad to see so many others who do too. 🙂