Yesterday was my birthday, and the whole adding another year to my age never seems like a big deal to me, but I like to make it a bigger deal by using that time to stand back and take a good look at my situation. Even more than New Year’s Day, my birthday is a time for evaluating what is and isn’t working, and making sure I’m on track with what I really want to be doing.
So, that’s what I’ve been doing the last few days. I’m relieved to say that most things are going pretty darned well. I feel pretty lucky, in fact.

The end of April is an ideal time to have a birthday if you live in Austin, Texas. It’s easy to feel optimistic when it’s sunny and warm and gorgeous outside. I love waking up in the morning and sliding my feet straight into flip flops instead of warm slippers.

The dogs love it, too. (Ike and Abe – Tippy was being camera shy.)
I did, of course, think of a few things I’d like to change in the upcoming year, and one of them is how I use my website. A few months ago I reworked the site to make it easier to navigate, and to allow me to easily blog without making it difficult for folks to find videos and patterns. Well, the website is reworked, but I never started blogging again. I also hardly take any photos at all anymore, and I’d like that to change, too.
Lookit me taking action! I’m posting something other than a knitting video! With photos!

This pile of unblocked knitting is my current project, which I started because of several requests from people who want this lesson. I’m finally creating a pattern and tutorial for learning to knit a women’s sweater. The pattern is nearly finished, and we’ll probably start shooting videos in mid-May.

Ah, there’s Tippy.
I’ve noticed the whole no blogging and photographing thing. Get to it! I’ve missed seeing your guys.
Oh and Happy Birthday youngun’!
Happy birthday one day later!!
I just had to pop in and leave you a message because (1) I’ve been a follower for a while and I am not sure that I have ever left you a comment (2) I feel bad about that because I think you are one of the nicest bloggers I follow, and I follow many (3) you just had a birthday and I think birthdays are very special and finally (4) I have been meaning to tell you for a long time how much I enjoy your videos. Even though I am rather an experienced knitter and don’t actually “need” your tutorials, I always watch them because I think they are so very well done and I am taken by your kindness and generosity in producing them.
Sorry I haven’t told you all this before. I’m a bad reader. But you’ve inspired me to take stock also and do something about that. A long way to explain the long comment – promise they won’t be so wordy in the future 🙂
I’m sure you had a happy birthday. You deserve it. So good to see pictures of the boys. Tippy looks very relaxed! Good thing he’s keeping that blanket from floating away.
Happy Birthday! I too am an April baby and Spring is in the air. I so appreciate all your hard work and talents that you so generously share with all of us. Whenever I am stuck, you are my first resource because you not only show HOW but also make a person feel like they CAN. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
A very happy belated birthday to you! Another very appreciative blog/pattern/video follower/advice & answer seeker here wishing you all the best in the coming year. I have learned much from you already and look forward to your future lessons with much anticipation! Thank you for all you do! 🙂
Fantastic, love it really missed your blogging.
And thats a pattern I will be doing, cannot wait!
And I also appreciate all your hard work and tutorials.
A big thanks…
Looking forward to the sweater videos!! Hope your birthday was great!
Yeah you are back to blogging and taking photos of the boys. I hope you had a great birthday.
happy belated birthday!!! i cant wait for more blog post 🙂
Welcome back to the photography world! So nice of you to post pics of the hounds — what handsome little devils! Btw, I still follow Pona’s progress on Steven’s flickr site. What a cutie! It can be difficult to find the time for photo opps., but, I hope to see more pics from you soon (they’re always terrific).
I just today discovered your website and blog! I love your work. I was so excited to see the sleep sack pattern with a peter pan collar! I have been searching everywhere for a sweater for me with a peter pan collar. Any chance you will include that as an option on your new sweater pattern that you are working on? I would love it and think others might too!
All the best,
Happy birthday!You are my knitting guru. I am knitting my second sock now. I tried to learn sock knitting in a 2 hour class with 20 people with no luck at all. Your patterns and videos are great and I am excited about the upcoming sweater project.
Best to you and I hope you have a wonderful year.
A belated Happy Birthday, Staci.
P.S. I’m really looking forward to that women’s sweater pattern and video…what a lovely challenge!
Happy belated birthday Staci! I’m sorry I am late ! I miss hearing about your day-to-day life, pictures of the boys etc. I especially miss your self portraits! I do hope you will have the time to go back to regular blogging but we all haver to make a living don’t we? I hope you enjoyed your wonderful, warm, sunny week! Cheers!
Happy belated birthday!
I have learned so much from watching your videos and have bought nearly all your patterns. Can’t wait for your ladies sweater pattern.
Thanks for all your hard work.
yay, yay, YAY! I’m a noobi knitter of less than a year, and I scour the Internet for tutorials and inspiration. I’m self taught by using YouTube and the occasional helpful shop owner. I’ve got two little preschoolers and a super active 9yo so going to classes is not in my budget nor are there enough hours in the day! I love your videos so much, and can’t tell you how psyched I am for a sweater lesson!!! I will finally have something to keep me busy at all those football practices that are around the corner, and I can’t wait! your my big ol’ helping of awsomesauce!