I’m often surprised when I get questions from knitters about patterns, and I discover that they aren’t Ravelry members yet. If you are knitting or crocheting, you need to become a member! It’s free and awesome!
Let me sell you on this idea. First up, it’s a perfect place to store information about the projects you’ve finished, or are currently knitting. You get your own “notebook” page where you can upload photos, add details about the yarn and needles you used, etc. Here is a screen shot of my notebook page:

While you’re uploading information about your projects, other people are doing the same thing. If there is a project you’re interested in starting, you can see how the pattern has worked for other people. What yarn did they use? Did they enjoy knitting it? Was the pattern well written? How does the design look on different body types?
Here is a detail of one of my project pages.

Those are the two main ways that I use Ravelry, but there are lots of other ways to be involved. There are forums and groups where people socialize and help each other. There are knit-alongs and yarn swaps and people looking for test knitters. (Help me out here – leave a comment and tell newbies how you’re using Ravelry!)
Here’s what to do –
1. Go to www.ravelry.com, and sign up
2. Enter at least one project that you’ve finished (or are still knitting) when you’re ready
3. Find me here and “friend” me, I’m happy to be your first friend!
4. Explore! If you like, you can join the conversation in the verypink discussion group
If you have any questions, feel free to leave it in the comments. While I was writing this post, I saw on Facebook that Margaret Atwood just joined Ravelry. 🙂
How many hours do you have for me to tell you how much and why I love Ravelry?
If it existed for no other reason than the following I would adore it.
Go to the search feature under patterns.
Tell it what kind of yarn you have, how many yards of it you have, and what kind of “thing” you want to make (a scarf? a sweater? a blanket? a hat?) or, if you don’t care what you make, you just want to see what’s available out there for your type of fiber and the amount you have. The search feature will reward you with DOZENS of choices and you can go straight to the notebooks of people who have made these items and see what they look like “in real life” and any notes the users made to the pattern. These glimpses at other’s projects is so helpful that there just are no words.
I basically don’t make a knitting move without Ravelry.
Join now. Come visit and friend me too (I’m seashoreknits). You will never be sorry.
BTW – this is only ONE wonderous thing about Ravelry. I’ll just spare you more effusions. 🙂
I love Ravelry! I just assumed everyone who knits and/or crochets is on Ravelry. Go figure! lol
I love Ravelry too….
I’ve not long been a member as I’ve only been knitting for about 6 months and hence only just discovered it..
I love the way I can organise my knitting projects, stash my yarn so I know what I have for what project.. I love the way you find things to knit by seeing completed projects on others people’s notebooks and how you make worldwide friends..
It is truly Fab-U-lous
Ravelry is a wonder! I’ve been knitting and crocheting for a long time, but I think the support and sense of community (both online and connections to actual groups in my area) that I’ve found through Ravelry has made me even more head over heels for fiber arts. What I want to know, however, is why isn’t there a Very Pink Knits Ravelry group??? There should be one!
Oh, but there is a Verypink Knits Ravelry group! You must have just missed the link there at the bottom of the post! Here is the link again:
S t a c i
Oops! Sorry I missed that link. Yay! Off to join!
I love Ravelry too! I have been a member for a while but have a hard time remembering to go there and update! I need to add my other in progress knits 🙂 Did join your group and I love this blog and your tutorials!
Like Seashoreknits, I could go on and on about Ravelry and how much I love it. I can’t tell you how many questions I have answered there, or how many frustrations have been alleviated there, or even how many bad patterns I have avoided because of it! Also, my notebook page is probably the only place in my life that I’m organized. 🙂
I love hearing that Margaret Atwood joined! I wonder how many other celebs are there…
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very informative content at this time.
If I need a pattern for anything , I know I can go to Ravelry and find one, whether it is free or not, love the info on needles, gauge, yarns etc. sure makes knitting a whole lot easier !