Lots of crazy stuff going on. I’ll try to keep this post as brief as possible, but I could honestly write pages and pages!
In March, YouTube sent a team out here to Austin to shoot some footage on Verypink and how we use video for my business. They’ve edited a few videos from that footage that include other businesses, but here’s the Case Study they did on Verypink –
Shortly after all that excitement, YouTube flew Parker (my friend and producer) and me out to California to take part in a new program called Marketing Ambassadors. We got to visit the YouTube and Google Campuses, watch several great presentations, and eat and eat and eat and eat.

We weren’t allowed to say anything about the Marketing Ambassadors Program until today, when Google was scheduled to make the announcement. So at midnight last night, these links appeared in my inbox – New York Times, and Official Google Blog. OMG. Yes, Verypink was just mentioned in the New York Times.
We also participated in a photo shoot with the other Ambassadors. Here’s me!

Parker and I stayed and extra day in California to take a drive down the coast to Monterey. The weather was perfect. Such a great trip.

In case you were wondering how my dogs managed while I was away, Chris (my ex) stayed with them. As you can see by this photo, they were FINE. In fact, they were better than fine. In my observations, all of the things that the dogs do that I find annoying, Chris finds clever and adorable.

One last note – You might have noticed that I’m wearing a Clapotis in every single photo of me. I highly recommend taking a Clapotis with you while traveling. Not only is it beautiful and warm, but it can go from a shawl to a scarf to a blanket to a pillow, as needed.
Whoops – one more note. I’ve been kind of quiet here on my blog, but I update to Facebook nearly every day. If you’re on Facebook, friend me. I’ll friend you back. ๐
WOW!!! That’s all so crazy! And congratulations! I’m so proud of you Staci! And I’ll be sending you a friend request right after this!!!
what a fantastic experience!! and The New York Times… you deserve it! ๐
I still have a brush on my leg from running over to the rocks to pose for the timed photo.
Staci – I am so excited to hear this great news! Congrats to you and to Parker. Youtube knew what it was doing by selecting you and your amazing videos to be a part of this new initiative. What a fantastic idea! I am so happy for you and can’t wait to hear more as this rolls along. We will always be pulling for you! YAY KNITTING!!!
Holy mother, you’re famous! I’m making your ambassador photo the screen saver on my work computer today, just to brighten things up around here a bit. I’m so happy that you got this well-deserved opportunity to show your stuff. Your regular readers already knew (me, included), but now the whole world will be hip to your awesomeness!
Can’t think of anyone who deserves this more!! Congrats Staci!!
Warmest congratulations on this exposure! Your videos are top-notch; I’ve enjoyed learning from them for years. You’re living the dream! Well done. ๐
Yay! So great to see all the pictures from your trip. But I can barely see you in the group YouTube photo! Those guys in front of your were definitely stealing focus.
So glad that all of this awesomeness is headed your way!
Congratulations — very cool! Nice case study piece. And to be featured in the Times?! I hope it leads to big and better things for you.
What fun. Congrats!
Grammar nit; you could fix “Shortly after all that excitement, YouTube flew Parker (my friend and producer) and me out to California” to “Parker (my friend and producer) and I”.
Sooooo Fantastic!Proud to be one of your blog readers!Off to Facebook…
That is so exciting! I haven’t thought of you for about a year, but I suddenly felt like looking at pictures of your dogs, and so went searching for new photos of them, and ended up looking at your blog on what just happened to be the day you announced this! How wild is that? You are a huge inspiration to me – thank you for shining your light so brightly!
Congratulations!!! This is very exciting and well deserved. I love all your videos and patterns:)
Wow, Staci, CONGRATULATIONS! I’m so proud to say I knew you “way back when”! What an achievement! (And lovely photo of you!)
I feel so guilty that I haven’t been following your career; I felt like such a failure when I couldn’t figure out how to knit that beaded scarf you featured here (long ago) and never was any good at counting stitches. Maybe it’s time I gave knitting another try via your videos!
p.s. Gotta ask: Which dog is behind the camera taking pics of his “brother” and Chris? ๐
Thanks for all that you bring to the world of knitting. Your videos help me become a fearless knitter.
Well Done and deserved! Thank you for teaching me how to knit!
Awesome!! Your videos were always such a huge help and fun, too. Now everyone is going to know it — knew you were a shining star!! Bask in the limelight… enjoy every second… love the Clapotis, btw.
Very happy for you,
Congratulations Staci! This is just wonderful! I’m so happy to see you get the recognition that you deserve! : )
Congratulations, Staci! You have no idea how valuable your tutotials are to me. I live in a metro area, but there are prescious few places to learn needle/fiber arts. If I have a specific question about something that I haven’t found in any of your videos, where can I leave the message? Many thanks for all that you do for everyone.
This is wonderful Staci! I love your videos and I’m so glad you and Parker are getting amazing recognition for it.
Congratulations Staci and Parker! You do a tremendous job. Your videos have certainly educated my knitting here in Orkney, a small island off the NE coast of Scotland.
Some very well deserved recognition, Staci and Parker.
Great Presentation on Each Technique.
Staci, I am new to your Verypink.com and just fell in love with your site. You truely deserve the recognition. I love your tutorials. The best I have seen and I have watched a lot of them. It has inspired me to want to knit everyday, even if just washcloths for now. I know by just watching your videos I can make anything. Your truely a gifted teacher. Thank you for these tutorials!!!
I’ve always thought your videos were amazingly well done, it’s cool to see that YouTube thinks so too.
How wonderful! And you are so deserving: when I want to learn a new knitting technique or need a refresher, I always go to your videos first. I think you could teach anything! And you have lovely nails too (as a nail biter I am especially in awe of your manicure).
By the way, the grammar suggestion above from Rusty is incorrect. You had it right. Here’s the sentence in question: โShortly after all that excitement, YouTube flew Parker (my friend and producer) and me out to California.โ Take Parker out of the sentence. Would you ever say “Youtube flew I out to California”? No, you wouldn’t.
Sorry, my nerdyness is showing.
Hi Staci,
Congrats on the You Tube study! I know I’ve found it easy to learn new things through video. As a matter of fact I have watched your video’s on magic loop sock knitting and knit my first pair of socks just from that, (granted they were crude, but socks none the less). I also watched the video’s on the “Woman’s Top Down Raglan Sweater(spring green)”, and have knit one for my Nieces coming Birthday,(I hope she likes it). I am so happy for you that this tool launched a whole new Knitting adventure as well as helped in growing your business.
On another note, I’ve become intrigued with something called “Knooking” and wondered if you had heard of it? If so what do you think of it? Personally I just got a starter kit and have started to play around with it, so the jury is still out on my end.
Well, Thanks for all the helpful tips and tricks, and again Congratulations.
That is wonderful Staci! You know what they say…do what you love and success will follow. I know *I* have certainly learned a lot from you and I have been a knitter since I was a kid. The videos make all the difference!
Congrats to you and Parker. Your Videos are the reason I am knitting. Thanks for all the hard work.
Congratulations! You’ve deserved it! I’m a fan of your site and your videos. they are great>
Congrats, Staci! You are famous, Yay!!! I am so happy for you ~ Iryna
Congratulations, you deserve it! I hope they know how much you worth to all of us in need ? I am very happy for you!
Parabรฉns pelo seu sucesso, Staci! I love everything about you and what you make! You are the best!
Congratulations, Staci!
Best wishes for continued success and positive growth of your business.
I’ve just found your site through the YouTube coverage. Congratulations. I’m looking so forward to getting my yarn out again.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your videos! It’s the closest thing to have a master knitter in my own living room to teach! Would you consider doing the same type of videos for crocheting? There is a great need for some quality crochet videos/teaching.
Would you consider doing the same type of videos for crocheting? There is a great need for some quality crochet videos/teaching.
Thanks, Michelle! We’ve talked about doing some crochet videos, and it might happen some day. Right now I’m staying very busy with my focus on knitting!
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