The pattern for the fuchsia lace shawl can be found here.
(I don’t have a Ravelry page for this project – I believe I used Malabrigo lace yarn.)
The pattern for the green scarf on the mannequin.
My Ravelry project page for the green scarf (includes yarn info).
The bulky blue yarn I’m using to demonstrate is Knit Picks Swish Bulky.
The double-pointed needles I’m using are Crystal Palace wood needles.
video freezes before the technique is shown!
Hi Gaye – the “freezing” problem is due to your internet connection. To get past that, hit “pause” and allow the video to load for a minute or so. Then you should be able to watch the video without problems.
Another excellent, informative video. I’ve only done the garter tab once, for West Knits Pogona shawl. I did it correctly, but as I was executing the cast-on I did experience a bit of uncertainty as to whether I was doing it right. Your video provided confirmation that I did knit it correctly. Thanks so much.
I realy liked this pattern alot how do I download it
That was a great tutorial. I wish I had this 3 months ago when I started a lace shawl for my mother. I actually didn’t do it correctly, but it turned out the way it was supposed to. I hope this helps others who need it.
What great timing! I just purchased yarn for my first lace shawl a couple of days ago. I was going over the directions thinking…”what?” Now I know what to do, thank you SO much!
P.S. I learned how to make socks through your wonderfully clear tutorial!
I just started knitting Damson by Ysolda Teague and I suddenly remembered this tutorial…and I am glad I did because the directions confounded me at first. Thank you!
Thanks Stacy,
Your video is the only one that clarified this casting on to me, as usual.
Thanks thanks thanks, you are the best teacher EVER.
This is so helpful! Wish I had seen it BEFORE I struggled with the Citron scarf!
Hi Staci, could you please give me the pattern for the Garter Tab shawl instructions? I went to the website, I think, but I want to make sure I am looking at the right one. Thanks for your help
Hi Bev – there is no pattern that I have supplied…this video is showing how to do something that knitters encounter in patterns. Usually the pattern is something like this –
CO 3
K 6 rows
Pick up 3 stitches from long edge of garter stitch, then 3 stitches from CO edge.
9 stitches total.
S t a c i
Where in Texas are you? I’m in Austin and would LOVE to attend your knitting class. Have so many knitting questions.
You are the best! Every question I have you are there to answer!
Once you do the garter tab do you just go back and fourth in rows? I am sooooo confused about where to go from there. would love to make one.
Linda – this video shows you how to complete a garter tab when the pattern you’ve chosen calls for one. You have to choose a shawl pattern first, which will tell you where to go after you knit the garter tab.
S t a c i
This was incredibly helpful. I am about to start a shawl, and this is exactly where I am stuck, but not anymore. Thank you so much for posting it!
Thanks Staci – you just saved me a trip to my wool shop later today. Although I can now see that my pattern instructions are very clear I simply could. It get my head around this cast on! Your website is always the first place I go to when I get stuck and once again you have not let me down. Thanks So much!
Thank you so much! Whenever my mother and I have a knitting problem we don’t even bother to google it – we just look for one of your videos!