This lovely scarf, called Saroyan, is designed by Liz Abinante of feministy.com. After receiving a ton of requests for this, I’m happy to offer this video tutorial on Liz’s design. (Note – feministy.com appears to be down this morning, and I’ve let Liz know. Please check her website again later. The free pattern is still available via the Ravelry link below!)
This pattern is a FREE RAVELRY DOWNLOAD. The video below will walk you through the trickier parts of the lace.

Size: any length you like – the recommended yarn and gauge will give you about a six-foot long scarf
Needles: Size 10 US (6.0mm), circulars or straights
Yarn: about 350-400 yards of worsted (10 ply) yarn. For the green scarf, I used 2 hanks of Madeline Tosh Tosh Vintage in color “Jade”. For the blue scarf, Liz used Femme Fatale Fibers Venus Worsted
Additional Materials: a row counter is a good idea, you’ll also need a tapestry needle for weaving in ends
Gauge: 4 stitches per inch in stockinette stitch
Links to things you’ll see in this video:
The scarf on the mannequin is my Spiral Scarf, free pattern and video tutorial.
The yarn I used on my green finished Saroyan Scarf is Madeline Tosh, Tosh Vintage, in color “Jade”.
The red yarn I’m using to demonstrate is Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick-n-Quick.
The double-pointed needles I use for demonstration are made by Inox.
Information about the stitch markers, blocking board, and green row counter can be found on my Frequently Asked Questions page.
Slower, detailed demonstrations of the different stitches in this pattern can be found on my Techniques page.
Another great tutorial;always so clear, concise and ENCOURAGING!!! thank you. Saroyan scarf on the needles 🙂
Its really adorable. I have knitted mine a couple of weeks ago. And I helped someone to knit one, It is really a nice knitted piece, yours in green is very beautiful.
Regards from Germany,
How funny is this! I just finished one yesterday — great pattern, great result, great holiday gift. Now to make one for myself…..
I love your videos. Thank you.
I want to know how many leaves are made for each side of Saroyan scarf? I would like it to be like the sample, 6 ft. long.
Thank you,
How long does it take to make this up? I’m curious as to if I could get it done before Christmas in my spare time
Danielle – since the pattern uses worsted weight yarn and size 10 needles, it knits up fairly quickly…but it really depends on how fast of a knitter you are. I’m a fast knitter, and it took me about four evenings to knit.
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Thank you so much for the video, it’s very very very helpful !!! :))
I started the scarf after watching your vid last weekend. Finished the worsted version in acrylic since my daughter is allergic to wool…just have to block it and take it to her. Fingers were still itching to knit more so I started one in Online’s Butterfly sock yarn on size 4 needles and it’s coming along nicely. The worsted version is nice but I really like the sock yarn one a bit better. I’m not sure why that is–maybe the detail appears sharper or maybe because it contains some wool.
These scarves have made a nice change from the fingerless gloves and socks that I seem to have on my needles continually. The pattern is simple and there were only two places I would have had questions. Because I had already watched your vid before I DL’d the pattern, my questions were answered…and I got to “rewind” to get the answers…as many times as I wanted!
Love this! Good lunch-time knitting for me. One leaf per lunch break…easy, relaxing and fun to knit. Thanks for another great tutorial.
Mum loved it. Thanks a lot Staci you are talented and very generous to share Xxx
I visited Austin last week and went by the shop where you teach classes. I bought the most beautiful yarn and finished this scarf in about 10 days. Since I work 8 to 5 i only knitted in the evenings. It came out gorgeous. My question is how can I do this same pattern and make it larger?
Staci, This looks complicated for a beginner. I love intricate, beautiful patterns. What level would you say this scarf is? Thanks so much?
Nancy – I’d say this scarf is intermediate. But if you’re a strong beginner who is comfortable with the basics, the video should be enough to guide you through it.
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I finished my scarf and love it. Plan on making another one!! There was a “tip” you gave that I truly appreciate and that is to run a “life line” every few rows in case of mistakes and then I don`t have to rip the whole thing out. I do this with everything now and just wanted to say “Thank You” for sharing that with us (me).
loved making this! looks beautiful, I’ll have to make another one
as this is going to my Aunty who lives in England.
thanks so much for sharing Staci, you are so generous God bless you.
Hello and thanks for another great tutorial! I made this scarf twice once with large needles and thick yarn and a second one with smaller needles and finer yarn. Both look great but they curled into a tube while I made them and stayed curled after I was done. How can I uncurl them now that they are done?
Denice D
Isn’t size 10 kinda big for worsted yarn? I saw where someone did the leaf edging on both sides and I’d love to know how that’s done. Your Enterlac scarf pattern reeled me in and when I saw this on your site…omg already in “favorites” on ravelry. Can’t wait to start tomorrow!
Hi Stack
Would it be possible to make this one in a double knitting yarn? I have a beautiful colour already in a double knit weight and love the pattern so th two would be gorgeous if it would work out?
Thanks in advance
Do you know if it would turn out alright if I used cotton instead of wool or acrylic? It’s worsted (4 ply) yarn.
Hello, me again 🙂
How many pattern repeats are in the whole scarf?
Thanks so much! I can’t wait to try it!!
Kaitlyn – it depends on the yarn…but I really recommend wool or a wool blend so that the tension in the leaves turns out nicely. The number of repeats of the leaf pattern is explained in the free written pattern.
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Thanks so much for getting back to me! I might just have some wool blend yarn in my stash… Now to get the pattern and put it on the needles! Thanks again!
artikelnya sangat informatif sekali..terimaksih banyak
Love your videos and love this pattern. I had no trouble with the leaves but I think I forgot to M1 for the main body of the scarf a few times. I then circled all the M1s so I wouldn’t forget. I ended up with 30 sts for midsection and the scarf is only about 10 inches wide. Do you think I could add another 14 rows ? I’m sure I have enough yarn.
Thank you so much. I would not have attempted this without your informative video. I’m loving knitting this shawl.
Blessings Gail
I’m really looking forward to making this scarf as soon as I finish my queen-sized afghan. I’ve viewed several of your videos and find them quite helpful to learn new stitches.
Thank you for putting this video on the web. I just finished the first leaf and it is so beautiful. I used two different yarns and 3 different size needles to get the look I like best. I would have really struggled trying to figure out the stitches. I kept rewinding the video to make sure I am knitting the stitches correctly. I don’t know of any other teacher who would have repeated herself as much I rewound you. Thank you so much.
I just wanted you to know that I finished this scarf a few weeks ago. I made it into a triangle shawl for my Granddaughter. It turned out beautifully. Thank you for posting this video.
iam so happy that i have found an institute for knitting you are too good in knitting and expressing your feelings about the product…………………….i request you to please give more videos on fancyand simple sweaters and scarfs……………….
i love it so much……………..
This is truly a wonderful knitting scraf, and I do a lot of knitting at 70 still and belong to things, that I need wraps for my shoulders. Would love to have the pattern, but not sure if I understand do I( have to download this to follow. I am a person who needs things in front and do slowly to
get it. Have knitted many many NFLD mitts and are wonderful.
Please let me know how to get this pattern.
Great, Bev Wentzell 331 Lacewood Dr #106 Halifax, NS Canada
Bev – just click the words in the post “FREE RAVELRY DOWNLOAD”, or click here: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/saroyan
That will take you to the Ravelry page where you can get your free copy of the pattern.
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Hi Staci. Got my wool! Watched the video more than once! Check, check, stitch counter! Check! Graduated to advanced beginner! Double check! All new projects are a go! Yes! I have one question about the pattern. It says 6x, 10x, and 6x. What are the numbers referring to? I am assuming the written pattern by section? Thanks so much. Nancy.
Nancy – the “6x, 10x…” in the pattern refers to how many times you repeat the rows, over and over. I think it’s a 14 row repeat, and each 14 rows creates one leaf. The first 6 leaves are in the increase section, the next 10 are in the straight section, and the last 6 are in the decrease section. Good luck!
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Thanks Staci. I went ti the Shabby Sheep Saturday. There was a weekend sale. At the sale were cute ladies whom had knitted the scarf. They had a couple tips. They suggested to lengthen the middle section, as they felt it was needed to be longer. Since I am tall, I am planning to to that. It was a great morning to talk to ladies who had already finished the scarf.
Hi Staci, I, SLK2P: My Scarf is coming along great. I am of course a little slow. Pottery, needlepointing and everything else is all in high great. However, are you planning to do a teaching video on SLK2P decrease stitch?
It would be very helpful, then every time I need to check the detail, I don’t have to find the right place in the video. Thanks for all you do. Since I began knitting this year, I have done about 6 different scarf patterns. This has been really fun learning something new. I must say the first scarf was pretty pathetic. I think I will move to my first fitted piece next. However, the scarves have been a great way to learn new stitches. Thanks for considering the SLK2P video.
Been wanting to do this for a year or two and finally working up the nerve. I do have a question on where you get your stitch markers because the Etsy store is closed. I love all your tuts–my knitting has grown by leaps and bounds!
I made this… It looks more beautiful when you actually knit it… the leaf pattern is adorable
What happened, I have not received any of your new e-mails it must be at least three weeks!
Do yiou need to re subscribe?
I miss you!
Warm Regards,
I don’t know, Barb – nothing has changed, and I’m still putting out a new video every week. Maybe the notifications are going to your spam folder?
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Thanks for your excellent tutorial. I just finish my saroyan scarf and I´ve a question for you: In the decrease section shouldn´t we make a decrease on rows 3 and 11?
Staci, I don’t even like the color green and I think your Saroyan scarf is just gorgeous. I am so glad I discovered you…..you are one amazing, talented, giving human being! I am so glad I found you. ….. ok didn’t mean to go over the edge here but you get it! Thanks for all you do. I just downloaded your Rodeo Drive Poncho and will start early summer.
One of the comments above reminded me of something I asked my mother many many years ago. I was attempting a sweater (which I must confess I abandoned and my mother finished it) in plain stockinette stitch on something like #4 needles and just looking at my mother saying how long is this going to take?….I think she was speechless and said the obvious it depends on how much you work on it. She was at you level of knitting and also did amazing work.
Thank you so much, I feel like bowing “we’re not worthy”. You are just great! Thanks to you and your tutorial I can actually knit this and am on the 5th leaf. I finally mastered the horrid K1FB yay! I can’t wait to start on your poncho and thanks for the update….i’m one of the shorties.
Hi staci,
i want to learn lace scarf
the red one you have made
Great tutorial! So if I make this scarf with lace yarn or sock yarn, I just knit until it is big enough, correct?
I’m having trouble with the decrease section. Somehow, I don’t have enough stitches in the lace section on row 4. am i doing something wrong?
This is simple, beautiful and easy to knit. I knit this shawl in 1 day.
The yarn you used has been discontinued….what would you suggest?
Jo Ann – Madeline Tosh Vintage is still available:
You can really use any high-quality wool or wool blend in worsted weight for this scarf.
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