Sizes: Dishcloth is 8β diameter, Coaster is 4.75β diameter
Needles: Two size 5 US (3.75mm) double-pointed needles, 7β or longer. (You can also use circulars or straights. The shortness of DPNs makes it really easy to turn your work on the short rows.)
Yarn: Knit Picks Comfy Worsted in two colors, or another worsted-weight washable yarn
Dishcloth: about 20g each color, or 40 yards each color
Coaster: about 5g each color, or about 11 yards each color
Additional Materials: Worsted-weight scrap yarn, crochet hook size H, tapestry needle
Gauge: 5 stitches per inch in garter stitch
Pattern includes row-by-row instruction for dishcloths (with and without a picot edge), coasters (with and without a picot edge), and guidelines for modifying the pattern.
This pattern is available in three different formats, each includes links to 4-part video tutorial:
2. Amazon Kindle digital download (suitable for Kindle devices and devices that use the Kindle app): $4.00 US
3. eReader (For non-Kindle eReaders, like Sony eReader and Barnes & Noble Nook, or any device using the Google Play Books app) $4.62 US

Many thanks to Annie from Knitsofacto.blogspot.com for allowing me to use her unique picot edging in this pattern. You can see Annie’s designs on her Ravelry page.
The book I refer to in the video is A History of Hand Knitting, by Richard Rutt.
Links to things you’ll see in the video:
The cabled scarf on the mannequin is my Learn to Knit an Aran Shawl patttern + video tutorial.
The yarn I used in my finished dishcloths and coasters is Knit Picks Comfy Worsted. The colors I used are Rosehip, White, Marlin, Carrot, and Honey Dew.
The pink notions box I use to store stitch markers and tapestry needles.
The yarn I used in my bulky sample is Berroco Peruvia Quick.
Tapestry needles similar to mine can be found here.
The wood needles I use for demonstration are by Clover, size US 10.5.
Thank you for this simply lovely pattern. It’s quick and relatively easy yet variable and not boring. I’ve done my share of short rows on blind faith but am actually understanding how they work after two dishcloths and liking. Them much better! I, too, immediately wanted to do a 16-segment one. After looking up of info on circles and covering the back side of all your pattern pages with math ( I got a C in geometry and still hate it), I decided 12 segments was a close enough connection with colonial Shakers for me. So I started right in on my second one, switching from Sugar ‘n Cream rope (aching fingers, yes) to Cotton Ease and 1812 Cotton in terra cotta and light green to match my sister’s kitchen, and doing a 16-st no picot one. Lo and behold and holy cow, I reached segment 11 and saw I was no where near the end of my circle. Yep. It took exactly 16 segments to close it!!??!! Each section is 1 1/2 inches wide at the edge, the circumference is 24″ and the segments are 3 1/2″ long. Size 5 needles as before. Gauge? Hard to measure on these. I got about 5″ on the straight rows and 6 in the short row area when I measured, but it’s actually between 5.7 and 5.8 overall apparently. As someone at EZ’s knitting camp once said, ” Gauge swatch? Isn’t that Norwegian for ‘lying bastard’?”. Anyway, it seems to be row gauge that determines how many segments to get around the circle. One day I may get out my size 1 dpbs and play around with fingering yarn on the premise that you case on enough stitches to equal half your desired diameter and work short row segments accordingly every two rows until you run out of sts for each segment and knit as many as it takes to get around. But not today. This daintier 16-segment one on 5’s is very nice. By the by, it’s much easier to keep on track in the picot version. You can tell straight away if you’ve missed a row or added an extra one. But I kinda like the plainer edge. I’ll bet the Shakers did, too. I may try a slipped stitch edge next…. As you can see, I am getting a lot of bang for my four bucks. Thank you!
Would it be possible for you to show the Japanese short row technique doing this washcloth? Have just recently seen this method and it is sooooo nice.
This is a great pattern! I’ve knit up several using leftover yarn. They were all layed out on my table and thought they would also make a gorgeous patchwork kind of blanket. I had a large knitted square and centered the shaker dishcloth on it. It looked really cool.. No idea how to knit it up though.
Hi Staci,
This is such a nice pattern. I can’t wait to start it. Thank you so much for it. You are a wonderful teacher and such an elegant speaker. I owe my knitting skills to you.
Hi Staci,
Thank you so much for your teaching videos. I don’t live near yarn shops that teach knitting, so when I found your videos I was so excited and learn something new with each one. I have a question concerning yarn weights. I found a cotton blend yarn that was labeled worsted and used it on a coaster. I could have used one more segment to close it up…and that was on a #6 needle. It must have been too thick compared to the yarn you used. There must be a difference in thicknesses of worsted yarns. Should I look at the label and and get a yarn closer to the size needle you are using? Is the Comfy yarn a bit finer? Thanks for the time you invest to do what you do…and to the excellent job (is it Parker?) does on shooting the videos I actually get motion sick from some other ones online HA.
Linda – yarn weights can vary greatly, even if they have the same name like “worsted”. That is why gauge (stitches per inch) are all important. You always have to get the same gauge in a pattern as the designer, and either go up or down needles sizes until you do.
Hope that helps!
S t a c i
I think I had a senior moment. I was so excited about the project I just jumped right in. I am on my way to do the swathing. Thank you for your help Staci.
PS: It would help if I could spell HA
Hi Staci
I love your patterns and tutorials. you taught me how to knot socks!!
I want to make this dishcloth using standard dish yarn- peaches and cream or lion kitchen yarn. I use 4.5 mm needles with dish yarn. can i follow the pattern asi or are there modifications? thanks
KNIT !!!!
not knot
no asi
Hi Mary – you can follow the pattern as it is written using any needle and yarn combination. The only difference will be if your gauge is tighter or looser than what I list in the pattern, then your dishcloths will end up being larger or smaller.
S t a c i
Hey there! Thanks again I have had a lot of fun with this pattern! On my latest project using it, I somehow got the crochet chain backwards and when I went to unzip and put the stitches on the needle I decided to go ahead and continue from the outside inward. I know I should have stopped and tried the other side but I over committed to a bad idea and I have pretty much dropped most of the stitches. Is there any advice you can give to help me reclaim my stitches? I fear I may have ruined a lot of work.
Thanks again! You are a boon to yarn-crafters all over but we’re proud to have you in Texas!
Thai – crochet chains will only unzip from one direction, and if your crochet chain is backwards, you have to unzip it the way it wants to be unzipped. Recover your live stitches, as I demonstrate. Then you can work the Kitchener stitch from the opposite side – no big deal.
S t a c i
Hello, I would like to purchase the pattern for this beautiful dishcloths, but I do not know which of the 3 patterns I choose. Can you help please.
Sandra – if you want a traditional, printable pattern, you’ll want to purchase the PDF version (option #1).
S t a c i
… but this version (printable pattern) has videos too? Video (4 parts) is complete, I mean row-by-row.
And last, you have patterns in Spanish.
Sandra – yes, each version of the pattern includes links to the videos. You can also view the 4-part video here on this web page.
Sorry, I do not have patterns in Spanish, although the subtitles in my videos can be translated to Spanish.
S t a c i
Staci thank you very much, and I have the pattern. I just bought
Hugs from Sweden
Sandra π
Hi Staci
I just saw your work, i went very much to knit this Dishcloth.
Do you have a vido to give/buy with step by step instruction, that i will be abale to folow?
to read instruction sepcialy in english to very diffcult for me.
i will be havppy to pay for a vido link.
thanks very much.
ziva – jerusalem – israel
Ziva – the video can be set for the captions to translate into any other language (just click the “CC” button in the video player, and select “translate captions”, then select your language. Unfortunately, the written pattern is available in English only.
S t a c i
Hi Staci, I purchased this pattern a while ago. I had to erase my iPad because of problems and now can’t find this pattern. Can I download it again somehow? Or will I need to purchase it again. I love it by the way. Thanks
Hi Staci,
I purchased the pattern for “Shaker Dishcloths & Coasters”. I downloaded the pattern & did a quick review of the Parts 1-3 of your video, but when I tried to view your video the next day, it stated, “This video unavailable. Sorry about that.” As a novice knitter,I need to view your video as I knit. Part 4 is available on You Tube, however I need Parts 1 – 3. Please assist me with this matter. Thanking you in advance for your support and guidance.
Judy – I’m not sure why you were having trouble, but all “parts” of the video exist in one video: http://youtu.be/wh9nO9aM-fo
The links in the pattern are time-coded, and there may have been a YouTube issue with time-coded links. The video is, and always will be available.
S t a c i
Please help. I want to buy the PDF #1 pattern, click on it and then when I click on “view cart”, nothing happens. What am I doing wrong? I just can’t seem to purchase it. HELP!
Thanks for any information you can send my way.
Cookie – the PDF version of the pattern can be purchased and printed from your computer. The links to purchase are working fine for me, but if you’re having trouble, you can purchase the pattern directly from my Ravelry store here: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/shaker-dishcloths-and-coasters
Hope that helps!
S t a c i
I have just finished my first dishcloth, and while I am happy with it and casting on to make another, it does seem as if it’s possible to pull too tightly. My Kitchener row and center hole both puckered and are, respectively, a bit distorted and lumpy, even after washing and drying. Practice and experience to add to your solid pattern and thorough video explanation. π
After not having picked up knitting for about 30 years I began watching your videos recently. I am proud to say I have completed 2 knitted sweaters and several other things. I just wanted to thank you for making your videos so clear and concise. I’ve always been able to ‘read’ the patterns just not know how to complete the task. The Shaker dishcloths have been my first knitted purchase (along with the sweater pattern).
I just wanted to tell you ‘Thank You’ for helping me to love knitting!! I have always loved the knitted look of items but this makes it so much more fun to be able to make my own items. My 14 Grand Children will be Thanking you someday as well for all the goodies their Memaw makes!
I finished my 1st shaker dishcloth and I have a friend who loves the look of it so much I’m thinking of making more and putting them together in an afghan. I used a size 9 dpn so it came out to about 11 inches across (nice size) Once a get 4 made I can then decide what to put in the ‘hole’ unless I stagger them.. Oh the possibilities!!
Hi Staci:
So just finished a washcloth, and am so glad someone asked you about the yarn you use -vs- cotton. My hands hurts so badly it took me a whole day to make this one. I just ordered the yarn you recommended so I am looking forward to trying that out. My question is as a washcloth does it wash dishes and then dry out the same as cotton would?
Thanks for the great pattern, another addition to my Staci collection.
Katrina – I haven’t tried knitting this dishcloth (or any dishcloth, for that matter) in 100% cotton, so I can’t really compare this yarn to 100% cotton. I don’t use the dishcloths for washing dishes, but for drying dishes and wiping spills and drying my hands. I find that they are absorbent, and dry quickly.
S t a c i
Chose this pattern to master as a neophyte knitter and am having such fun! It’s perfect for my skill level and learning to count, recognize stitches, tink, and imagine solutions to issues. Moreover, this project feeds the craving for a sense of accomplishment that creating a coaster in a few hours does well. Thanks so much for all you do so well.
I’m late to the party ???? but do have a question about your Comfy usage and a question about sizes.
1-Have you ever had any heat damage on the hotpad sizes because of the acrylic content?
2-Have you thought about expanding the pattern to include a dinner plate size? That would make a cute set for a hostess gift, I think. I don’t think it would be too tough to figure out, but it could be a fun new thing for you to share with your followers.
Suzie – thank you for the note. I’ve been using dishcloths made with Comfy mostly for wiping counters and drying hands, but sometimes to lift a hot lid. With any yarn you use, you have to check the care instructions on the label. If it can handle ironing, it can handle heat.
The pattern includes instructions for making the circles any size.
S t a c i
BTW, I REALLY love your work…the videos, patterns, and stitch demonstrations!
Your videos & instructions are always so clear, I love them! I just purchased this pattern and then stumbled on the video.
Curious, can I use the German Short Row technique?
I don’t care for any holes, even little ones, in dishcloths…. I made the little one, came out fine til I tried to pick up stitches from the provisional cast on, messed it up so bad I had to rip the entire thing out, grrrrh! Next time I will have a life line and use waste yarn.
Thank you for your hard work in writing up and video making, it is appreciated very much.
Thank you for the note, Dinna. Yes, you can use GSRs, but there really isnβt any reason to. The awesome thing about GSRs is that they eliminate the need to pick up the wraps, which can be difficult in traditional wraps and turns. But this pattern is in garter stitch (knitting every row), and picking up the wraps is not necessary or part of the pattern. If you prefer to use GSRs you certainly can, they wonβt hurt anything in the pattern.
S t a c i
Hi Stacy,
I purchased your pattern for the shaker dish cloth. They are so adorable. I am getting requests to sell these items. I would like to know if I have your permission to sell the items made out of your pattern. Thanks in advance.
Hi Clarissa – thank you for the note, and thank you for asking. Sorry – as it states in the copyright info at the end of each pattern, my patterns are for personal and non-commercial use only.
Again, I thank you for asking!
S t a c i
when you k across on the shaker dishcloth pattern how do you keep holes from forming where you turned any help would be most appreciated
I was wondering the same thing about the holes
You have taught me so much in just a short time ! I really enjoy your videos. The dishcloth was one of first
items I made from your website. I just came back to look up something else, and decided to try this type of dish cloth. Can’t wait to try it.
Right now, I am in the process of learning how to do cables for knitting.
Again, I really enjoy your website and have learned a great deal from you!
I just bought this pattern and will use the coaster size for little facecloths. I go to your videos when ever I have questions. I am a self taught knitter and you are always helpful.
I just love the retro look of these dishcloths! I have small hands and do 18 stitches. I also started doing German Short rows and it is soooo much better! Easier and no holes! I hope Staci will add a video showing how to convert.