Flicking Q & A

“Flicking” is a way of knitting that is a variation on English/American/throwing knitting – a way to hold the working yarn in your right hand without ever letting go of the right needle. The first (and more general) video I have about flicking can be found here.

You can find more information about Knitter’s Pride needles, as well as retailers using these links:
Bryson Distributing
Accessories Unlimited
Knitter’s Pride Shop finder

The Knitter’s Pride Platina needles I’m using can be found here.

The seed stitch cowl I’m working on is a kit from Purl Soho.

The nail polish I’m wearing is by Julep, color “Janie”.

7 comments on “Flicking Q & A

  1. Flicking is a great technique and this second video is very helpful. Do you have one that shows two-handed knitting and how to combine flicking with purling either English or Continental style?

  2. This video was really interesting. It’s strange because I flick holding the yarn in front of my finger, and trying to switch to the back gave me the same problems you found holding it in front. Just goes to show knitting style and tensioning really are quite individual.

    • I also flick with the working yarn held in front. I tried with it coming from the back and it gave me all sorts of problems… I guess if it ain’t broke!

  3. Hooray! Thank you. I had one of these very questions. I can’t wait to get back to my knitting so that I can try it ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. Stacy – I hold the yarn in front of the finger also. Tried it behind but it’s a tension thing. But question – do you find the needles add to the ease of it or detract? I normally use an interchangeable set from knit picks without an issue. Started using a fixed addi circular and huge amount of yarn overs and dropped stitches. Had to switch to continental for any speed. Wondering if it’s just me. Thx!

  5. Hey flickers! I did hold the yarn in front but thought perhaps Staci knew something we didn’t. She did. Holding the yarn in back seems to be quicker. It’s like it avoids a twist around that yarn in front has. I’m quicker with yarn in back. It’s awkward initially – but better overall. ๐Ÿ™‚ YMMV

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