7 comments on “Podcast Episode 86: Ice Cream, Sheep, and Goats in Texas

  1. Love your podcast and your videos.

    To the person who asked if K2TOG TBL is the same as SSK, they might be interested to know WHY they are not the same.

    After you slip, when you put your left needle through the front of the stitches, it’s true that it’s the same motion as putting your right needle through the back loops, so superficially, it is the same as K2TOG TBL, but the difference is that in slipping the stitches as if to knit, you are changing the way they are mounted. K2TOG TBL will TWIST the stitches (if they are mounted with the right leg in front as they typically are for Western knitters). When you slip as if to knit, you change the mount (putting right leg in back), so now knitting through the back loops will NOT twist the stitches,

  2. You mentioned that Blue Bell Ice Cream is only sold in Texas. I’m a native Texan and grew up enjoying Blue Bell Ice Cream until we began our military careers. We now live in Alabama and I’m excited to tell you we can buy Blue Bell here in our local grocers!!

  3. Blue Bell is my husband’s favorite brand!! We live in Louisiana, and I am happy to announce that it is available in all good grocery stores! Vanilla is his go to flavor!

  4. In Colorado, we had a store that opened just to sell Blue Bell ice cream… the owner would drive to Texas to get it and bring it back for us to enjoy!

    I don’t think they are around anymore, because it is being more widely distributed by the manufacturer (that sounds weird – manufacturer of ice cream!)

  5. Hi, I’m super late to this episode, but I wanted to give an opinion in library vs favorites. I personally use the library for any patterns I might be interested in, because I find my favorites get really cluttered.

    I use favorites for anything else I want to remember or appreciate, such as someone else’s project, color choices, stash items for sale, or yarns I’m interested in.

    Not sure if that makes sense, but that’s why I add things to my library even if I haven’t pulled the trigger on purchase yet.

    I think it’s just how I did things when i started, so I’ve stuck with it.

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