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Things we talk about in this episode:
Casey’s blog post “A Tale of Two Socks”
Ursa sweater
Three Rectangles, Two Triangles
Learn to Knit a Woman’s Sweater
Podcast episode with psychologist Dr. Art Markman (process vs. product knitters)
Quick listener survey! Very quick, thank you!
No! Please do not create a triangle shawl! I do not understand why they are so popular. At barely over 5 feet tall the last thing I need is a long point directed at my ample backside!? I like rectangle shawls but would love for you to design more crescent shawls with video tutorials on how to avoid the awful hump that many crescent shawls seem to have. I love all things VeryPink- thanks for your dedication to the knitting community.
How about turning your triangle shawl around, with the point in front and the ends wrapped behind neck, and back around to front. It looks like a cowl or bandana and keeps you toasty warm while looking stylish.
Love the podcast! I am intrigued about the online study on personality type. Any chance you could link that too? I am also a process knitter. I don’t really care if I ever finish anything..and I have the WIPs to prove it 🙂
Casey is referring to the book called The Four Tendencies. Here is a link to more info, and an online quiz: https://quiz.gretchenrubin.com/
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Thanks so much!
was there supposed to be a link to Casey’s blog also??
love the podcasts (do you get tired of hearing that?)
Yes, the link to Casey’s blog post is above, and here: https://www.kcknits.com/blog/a-tale-of-two-socks
Thank you for the kind words!
Hello, love your show! You are the first podcast I listen to when I see a new show is uploaded.
Regarding your survey—I would fill it out, but I don’t like to answer household income questions on any survey. If you would add an “other” or “prefer not to say” option I would fill it out.
Keep the great content coming! And thanks for all the knitting help over the years.
Thanks, Beckie! Please don’t answer any questions you don’t want to answer – that survey is from Libsyn, the company that hosts the podcast and sets us up with some of our advertisers. I’m afraid I don’t have any control of the questions.
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