This has been the norm for my bedroom for the last several days:
I’m washing and reblocking all of the handknits I wore this winter. Then I will carefully wrap each one in tissue paper and store them in a bin until next fall.
Wow, right? I’m so responsible and I take such good care of my things! Responsible Adult Award goes to Staci!
Not really. I have to learn most of my lessons the hard way, and this was no exception. I learned this latest lesson from…
I left my handknits folded in my closet last summer, and when I pulled them out in the fall, I saw that MOTHRA had made a snack of one of my socks.
Never again! I’m storing everything in bins this year. Mothra can go back to Godzilla and leave my wool alone.
This project has started me on another project. As I’m choosing the handknits to wash, I’m also creating a pile of stuff I didn’t wear this winter. I plan to unravel and reknit each one into something else. I’ve already started this project, in fact.
This is my 28thirty, a totally cute sweater that I never wore. The proportions ended up being wrong on me, I guess.
Rrrrrip! That sweater is gone. Now I have a new sweater I will actually wear.
Do I look unsure of myself here? Maybe it’s because I’ve abandoned my photo project and I hadn’t taken a self-portrait in over three months.
Next up for unraveling: Ivy. Again, a totally cute sweater that I will never wear. This yarn is too nice to go to waste.