Let the Photos Do the Talking

I had a great weekend in Austin, but surprisingly, I didn’t take photos of all the fun things I saw. (Not even one with Meg in her new sweater!) Here are a few photos I did take, and one I didn’t.

img_7122.JPG A little knitting time with my friends…
img_7133.JPG The breathtaking Wall of Cascade 220 at The Knitting Nest
img_7136.JPG Caro…
img_7165.JPG Some self-portrait action, showing the fancy necklace I scored from a piñata…

I was trying to get Meg in this photo, but she turned her head right as I snapped the shot.

img_0005-1.JPG The Moose Lodge…

Photo courtesy of Josh.

img_7025.JPG And back in Houston – skulls-and-crossbones are out, and hot-rod flames are in.

Brouqht to You By the Letter “Q”

Hopefully this won’t be too distractinq. A fast-topic-chanqinq Friday and a messed up keyboard? Let’s see how it qoes…

img_7121.JPG This is how my keyboard looks riqht now. BROKEN. That important letter of the alphabet that falls between “f” and “h” isn’t really there anymore.

I fiqured that the letter “Q” is a decent replacement. My spell-checker doesn’t aqree.


img_7105.JPG Weddinq present sweater is finished and ready to be handed to the bride.

I have another Austin-tatious weekend planned, which includes a party for the enqaqed couple. Should be a really qood time.


img_7090.JPG Crazy Aunt Purl is so nice! As a thank you for contributinq a pattern to her book, she sent me the nicest care packaqe. It included a siqned copy of her book, lovely yarn, a qift card, and a couple of mix CDs.

I LOVE mix CDs, especially when someone else makes them. These two should make my drive to Austin a breeze.


img_7098.JPG I decided to qet a french manicure, and now my nails look fake.

They are not.


molly.JPG The most knit-for baby on earth just turned five weeks old. This is my niece Molly Renee.

I can’t tell if she’s yawninq, yellinq, or sinqinq, but she’s cute.


img_7119.JPG If you were me, and you were tryinq to eat beef jerky, this is what you would see.

Have a qreat weekend!

Narrowed Focus

I’m looking forward to this weekend. I’m staying positive. Unfortunately, it’s been a rough week around here, divorce-wise.

Even though I feel like I have still have a grip, it always surprises me what emotional turmoil can do to me physically. I’ve had to narrow my focus, to take care of the things that matter most:

  • me
  • my dogs
  • being sure to eat

With my focus this narrowed, I was unable to come up with my usual, silly, fast-topic-changing Friday post. I hope to get my mojo back next week.

In the meantime, I’m congratulating myself for handling my situation with grace. “Grace” is my new favorite word. I can feel grace, I can project grace, I can recall grace, and I can look forward to grace. “Grace” helps me remember who I am.

On that note, it is clear to see why I don’t post any ugly details of the break-up here. Trust me…taking the high road isn’t always easy. It would be SO FUN to sling some mud and talk about what’s really going on. But I am remembering who I am. That isn’t how I want to behave.

I’m really okay. Really. The obstacles that are keeping me from moving are melting away. I have so much to look forward to!

And now for a pretty photo. Black and White Dog in Black and White Shadows:


Let’s all have a great weekend, okay?

A Bark? Say It Isn’t So…

Basenjis are known as the “Barkless Dog”, and it’s true, for the most part. They don’t bark. In fact, my dogs are silent most of the time.

I get a lot of questions about this “no barking” thing. Are they mute? No…they can growl, whine, and make a sound unique to the breed called a “baroo”. Baroos are reserved for really happy, excited situations.

One person even asked me this question, “When they want to bark do they do this?” (She proceeded to open and close her mouth in an impersonation of a fish.) No. They don’t do that. That wouldn’t be dignified.

So, what does a Basenji sound like?

mvi_7071_0001.jpg I’ve captured two sounds, thanks to Lou and Abe in this little movie.

Lou is barooing, but gagging at the end of it. (He is fine. I don’t know why he does this.)

Abe lets loose one solitary “arf”. He has broken Basenji Law.

img_7060.JPG Some weekend knitting…

Knitting two sleeves at a time is a great idea, unless you are totally SCREWING IT UP.

Memo to myself: I am unable to watch Parole Board on the Biography Channel and follow a knitting pattern.


At least I caught it early.

dumbdogs.JPG Here’s something interesting…Basenjis are considered the second least-intelligent dog breed, based on ability (willingness!) to obey commands.

In my opinion, the smarter dog doesn’t always obey. The smarter dog thinks for himself, wouldn’t you agree?

Basenjis are so freakin’ smart. The fact that they are on this list is just funny.

It Was a Hairy Bear, It Was a Scary Bear


I’ve kept my lip buttoned for four months, but I can finally talk about it now that I’ve seen it with my own two laser-corrected eyes.

It’s Friday, so the topics are fast and furious.

img_7038.JPG If you’re familiar with Laurie Perry, a.k.a. Crazy Aunt Purl, then you know that her new book was just released.

Laurie is a very funny young woman who is gifted at putting her humor into writing. I’ve enjoyed her blog for years.

I’ve also gotten to know her a bit, and she is as enthusiastic and charming in real life as she comes across in her writing.

At the time of publishing this post, this book is #1 in THREE Amazon categories: Divorce, Knitting, and Needlecrafts. I am so happy for her!

img_7042.JPG Imagine my glee, when back in May, she asked me to write a pattern for this book!

Lookit! Here I am!

Page 245!

img_7047.JPG Here’s the photo of the shawl from the book.

It’s made using the same lace as the Renee Baby Blanket, all sexified into a shawl, with a drapey silky yarn.

I’m excited for Laurie, I’m excited about the book, and I’m so happy that I could be a part of it.


img_7050.JPG The latest on the Wedding Gift Sweater…the back is finished. I should be able to finish it well before October 6th.


It is a cropped sweater, after all.


mother.JPG I have recently rediscovered my love for Schoolhouse Rock thanks to YouTube.

After all these years, I was shocked by how non-PC some of them are! Especially the ones that have to do with the American Revolution. King George III and Napoleon are totally dissed.

Not to miss: Mother Necessity, and We Unpacked our Adjectives.


img_7057.JPG Abe has the whole big chair to himself…
img_7052.JPG ‘Cuz there’s a Red Dog Nap Party on the sofa.

I’m not sure where I’m supposed to sit.

Have a great weekend!

Now I Just Need to Knit It.

Yay! Boo! Yay! Boo! Yay!

Opportunity blossoms from disappointment, doesn’t it?

wrap1.JPG My friend Meg emailed me last week about this sweater that I knit last year. Like a lot of other people she asked how to get the pattern.

This used to be a free pattern on the Knit Picks site, but it is no longer available. Poof. Gone.

I offered Meg my copy, but she decided that she wouldn’t have time to knit it before the wedding, anyway. (She’s getting married next month, and she wanted to wear it on her wedding/honeymoon trip.)

482656367_4dfc58e027.jpg “Wait!”, I said. “I gave the yellow one to my sister, but I made a pink one that you can borrow!”

Wardrobe problem solved!

img_7017.JPG Right after I hit “send” on that email, I did this.

I had totally forgotten that I gave that pink sweater to my other sister, on my trip to Alaska in June.

No sweater for Meg. I hated the idea of messing up the bride’s wardrobe plans when the wedding is so close.

img_7004.JPG “Wait!”, I thought. “I have time to make Meg her own sweater, in any color she wants! As a wedding gift!”

Meg was very touched with this news (she’s a knitter, too), and she did all of the appropriate thanking and gushing. Aww.

See? Disappointment! Opportunity!

img_7022.JPG The yarn arrived last night. So far I’ve knit up a curly strip of stockinette. Knit Picks Shine is such a lovely yarn.

I have two weeks to turn this into a cute sweater.

It WILL happen.

img_7012.JPG Disappointment: the refrigerator spewed ice cubes all over the floor.

Opportunity: free and plentiful low-cal treats!

Pokin’ at Ya, Pokin’ at Ya

Needles. Sharp needles. Always for good and not evil, but a bit painful at times.

Do you remember the tv commercial that said “Pokin’ at ya, pokin’ at ya”?

img_6962.JPG Ever since I started my No More Short Socks Campaign, I’ve been working on these babies – currently my own nameless design. They fit my two newest rules: toe-up pattern (no yarn wasted), and massive yardage (Fearless Fibers’ sock yarn has 550 yards!).

I’m knitting them on my most favoritest new needles – Knit Picks Options DPNs.

These needles are SHARP, and it’s getting painful.

mvi_6993_0001.jpg You see, I knit funny. I knit fast, but in a strange way. My friend Laura isn’t satisfied with using the traditional terms “picker” or “thrower” to describe how I knit, so she made up a word: “flicker”.

If you need to see this in action, I made a silent little movie.

Shooting this video was a bit awkward with the tripod in my lap, but you’ll get the idea.

img_6950.JPG Because of my weird way of knitting, the index finger of my right hand brushes the tip of the needle on every stitch. That’s okay, until my finger brushes for like the billionth time. All of the skin is worn off of my finger by then.

Knit Picks Options have actually made me shed blood on my knitting. But they’re still my favorite.

What doesn’t kill me will make me stronger, right? I figure if I keep at it, I’ll eventually develop a monstrous callous, and I’ll never be injured again.

img_6980.JPG Speaking of being poked with needles, Gus is undergoing acupuncture treatment for a neck injury.

He’s responding really well, and is nearly back to being the bossy little bastard I know and love.

ITZ FRIDAY!!1!!1!!




Okay. Enough of that. Back to myself again.

img_6924.JPG Hmm.

I thanked my dogs for their help, then told them that I could probably handle the rest of the packing myself.


Now that I’m a Harry Potter dork, I had to find my house. Please stop me before I knit a Ravenclaw sweater.

Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?


img_6944.JPG I think the City of Austin will let me move there, now that I’ve met the UT t-shirt requirement.

I was there on a game day last weekend, and the whole city was a sea of burnt orange. The enthusiasm for the team was really contagious!


The Lace & Spit pattern can now be found on my Patterns page.


And no, I didn’t fix the mistake…err…design feature shown in this photo. The pattern, however, is correct.


img_6941.JPG I don’t have a caption for this photo. If you think of a good one, please share.

Have a great weekend!


I had a very exciting weekend. I stayed in Austin, saw my friends, and got to attend my first-ever Demolition Derby.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with this rural southern US tradition, I’ll give a quick explanation. Men in helmets climb in to older, wildly painted cars and crash into each other. The end.

It was a BLAST.

The title of the post refers to something my friend Meg overheard a mother say to her toddler at the Derby (in a baby-talk voice), “Do you want to see the crash-crash?”

Hell ya!

img_6824.JPG This photo isn’t great, but it is worth the effort to try to make it out.

This is a baby, on his dad’s shoulders, with a full-on shaved mohawk.

Maybe he’ll get a tattoo for kindergarten graduation.

img_6856.JPG Here I am with Meg, between matches. (Rounds? Bouts? I’m really not sure what they’re called. All I know is the time between matches is a good time to open the cooler for another beer.)

It was really hot outside.

crashstill.jpg Here’s a little movie of the actual crash-crashing.

I am not sure why parents let their kids stand so close to the fence.

Exciting, isn’t it?!?

kidstill.jpg This is another little movie. Meg didn’t know I was recording, but we laughed pretty hard when she found out.

That’s Meg’s adorable, very cool fiancé next to her.

img_6851.JPG This is the kid Meg asked about in the last video.

We watched him sharpen a stick, then poke the other kids with it. He was totally violent and headed for preschool juvvie.

img_6842.JPG Car fire!

I tell ya, it was an exciting time. Meg and I have decided to never miss a demolition derby ever.

img_6804.JPG I didn’t get to spend the weekend with my dogs, but I have a feeling this is mostly what they did.