With All the Frills Upon It

A fast-topic-changing-Good Friday…

img_9504.JPG Finished sweater! Knitting Pure & Simple’s Neckdown Summer Cardigan in Aslan Trends Invernal – an angora, merino, nylon blend.

This is my attempt at a vintage-y photo, but…

img_9523.JPG Truth be told, that vintage dress was SO tight, that my patience ran out pretty quickly.

I had to model this myself, as Anne Boleyn is currently working at The Knitting Nest.

img_9539.JPG Here’s how I’ll really wear it. In clothes that allow me to breathe.

Details on The Rav.


img_9306.JPG This is my last weekend with the Houston dogs.

120 walks.
240 bowls of food.
360 organic chicken treats.
25,0792 kisses.


14adam-600.jpg Are you watching the HBO miniseries “John Adams”? Can I encourage you to give it a try? SO GOOD.


img_9503.JPG Ike soaks up the last bit of sun in the room.


img_9544.JPG If the Easter Bunny doesn’t make it to your house, it’s because Abe got to him first. Allow me to apologize in advance.

Have a great Easter Weekend!

The End of the World as We Know It

Welcome to yet another fast-topic-changing Friday. You may be seated.

I like REM. Yeah, the band’s alright, but it’s REM sleep that excites me right now…

img_9362.JPG You see, three out of four dogs in this house are experiencing tummy problems. Every 20 minutes or so, someone needs to go outside. DAY AND NIGHT.

Sometime between 3 and 4am I just left the back door open. I might need to invest in a doggie door.

TMI? Sorry. I’m just so sleepy.


img_9365.JPG This is a still shot from a teaser for the local news last night. I think it’s me!

Blonde hair, big sunglasses, Jeep, on an Austin freeway. I wonder how many other people fit that description around here.


img_9370.JPG Now that I’ve finally finished knitting all of the samples for my knitting classes in March, I can finally do some of my own knitting again.

Sad, really…I’m close to finishing this little sweater, and it’s supposed to be 92 degrees today. But I’m pretty sure that I’ll still like pink angora next winter.


day-86.JPG This is my favorite self-portrait from this week. I’m holding Ike in a “native carry”, the traditional way of carrying Basenjis in Africa. I love the expression on his face. So content.


img_9366.JPG A dog bed, three toys, and the television remote control. Will the madness ever end?

Have a great weekend! (I’m off to take a nap!)

All Dressed Up

Anne Boleyn (my knitwear stunt-double) normally wears a long-sleeved black tshirt to model knitwear, but today…

img_9301.JPG She’s dressed for spring.

This is Soleil, a free pattern from knitty.com.

img_9303.JPG I made this for a knit-along/class at The Knitting Nest later this month.

It is knit with N.Y. Cotton, a new yarn from Stacy Charles.

img_9305.JPG I really like it. Maybe someday Anne will actually let me wear it.
img_9296.JPG Hmm…

Moments before this photo was taken, I was sleeping in this bed with these dogs. I don’t know how. See where my pillow is? Somehow, my body fit.

Dog pile on Staci!

Going Green

Verypink is your only source for fast-topic-changing Fridays. I think.

It has been abundantly clear over the last several posts that I am dogsitting Gus and Lou while Chris is traveling for work, making the doggie to human ratio in this house 4-to-1. I’ve been trying to shake things up and keep the posts about things other than canines. It hasn’t been easy.

As much as I adore these dogs and love having them here with me, it’s a bit overwhelming. Most of my days are spent feeding, walking, moving beds, picking up toys, opening doors, giving medicines, playing – the list goes on. When I do get a chance to sit down, there is never any place left for me to sit.

Today I’m NOT going to try as hard to keep the doggie content down. Because that’s what’s really going on here.

img_9192.JPG Shiny.


day-82.JPG There has been one bedroom of my house that I have ignored since I bought the place. I only opened the door long enough to throw something in. I decided it was time to make it a proper spare room.

If you want to know why I’m wearing a face mask, you’ll have to visit my flickr page.

img_9208.JPG After I cleared out the room, I was still feeling motivated, so I scraped the tacky popcorn texture off the ceiling.

I threw the dogs’ beds on the floor, satisfied with a good day’s work.

img_9210.JPG But I was high-on-life or something, because once the popcorn was removed, I decided to go ahead and repair the holes in the walls.

Then, surprisingly, I still had energy to buy paint and slap some up.

img_9238.JPG The next day I put two coats of paint on the ceiling. I might have overdone it…my shoulders are so sore that I’m unable to raise my arms above my head.

But now the room is clean, fresh, and green!

img_9213.JPG And so is this dog.


img_9167.JPG Every now and then, they actually use their dog beds so that I can sit on the human furniture.

Have a great weekend!

Wild Rock n Roll Party

I was only in my office for FIVE MINUTES checking email, and I missed the party.

Of course, I was the only one willing to clean up when it was over. Sofa cushions everywhere. Beds upturned. If they were human, it would have been beer bottles and cigarette butts.

Good thing Gus tattled on them before it got any wilder.

Watch it.


For the Rhythm of Me…

Welcome to the second-ever, fast-topic-changing MONDAY. Can I take your coat?

sperrypoem.JPG Interweave Knits is running a knitting poetry contest, and Stacy was kind enough to enter me on the sly.

This is my entry. Grand prize – your poem knit into a pair of mittens. (A grand prize only a knitter would love.)


img_9153.JPG Finished Booga Bag, knit up for a class sample.

These are so fun to make, but I think I ruined my washing machine when I felted it. Uh oh.

Details on The Rav.


e3s17_033.jpg I need to be a “Lost” nerd for a moment.

The phone call scene with Desmond and Penny was so great! Did anyone else cry and laugh and rewind it 27 times?

If there is a Team Desmond, I want to join.


img_9157.JPG Current WIP: Soleil. This is also for an upcoming class.

Please note: even Master Knitters make bonehead, amateur mistakes. I was over an inch into this when I realized that the whole thing was twisted on my circular needles.

Don’t tell anyone.


day-77.JPG This is my favorite self-portrait from last week, because I was so lucky.

1. I knew I only had one or two attempts at this before Lou got tired of me carrying him back and forth to the tripod to set the self-timer.
2. The other three dogs walked into the shot!
3. I didn’t make a totally goofy face with my tongue hanging out or anything!

Have a great week!

Round Two

I did this Celebrity Look-Alike thing ages ago, and I was inspired to try it again with a new photo.

Lucille Ball and Bette Davis ALWAYS show up for me.

You can give it a try here. After you sign up (it’s free), you’ll want to click on “Face Recognition”. Please leave a link so I can see yours!

The Good Times are Rollin’

Since I was busy drowning in doggie affection on Friday, today we’ll have the first-ever, fast-topic-changing Monday.

I have “custody” of all four Basenjis for the next four weeks, and I’m having a blast.

And here we go…

day-71.JPG It’s all dogs, all the time around here right now.

The boys have picked up right where they left off, as if they never spent any time apart. I’m having so much fun with them!

This is another photo from my self-portrait project.


img_9034.JPG I’m thisclose to being finished with my second Fiona dress, this time in a larger size.

I’ve added this size to the pattern, so now the dress can be made to fit sizes between 3 and 24 months.

Finally. 🙂


img_8991.JPG Within one hour of being at my house, Gus successfully removed the stuffing from the only two dog toys that were still (surprisingly) intact.

Good times.


img_8941.JPG Aww.

I knit these up for a friend to give away at a baby shower, in a trade with her.

She’s as good with a sewing machine as I am with knitting needles…so I made her these, and she’s going to alter a few of my tshirts to be more flattering.

This is the Baby Hat from One Skein and Super Quick Baby Socks from Blossom Knitwear. Both knit in Berroco Ultra Alpaca.


img_8882.JPG Gutters might be more important than I anticipated.


img_9032.JPG Dontcha know? All the cool kids are flipping their beds upside-down nowadays.

Have a great week!


Guess who has an extended date with four handsome men?

It’s so nice to see them together again. This is so much fun! Gotta go!


Memo to Myself

1. Please remember to keep the bathroom doors closed.
2. If you can’t find something, check the backyard.
