Fun With Language

I thought I was going to have a bit of knitting to show you today, but it will have to wait until next week. Instead…

I’ve done something very goofy. I’ve taken an otherwise normal verypink post, run it through some free translation software into German, then had it translated back into English again. There are mistakes. I find them funny.

It’s a fast-topic-changing Friday…

Remember, all of this text has been run through language translation software TWICE.

First off, I received my haircut. I recognized that that living in the south to regard and trying, south, had a negative effect on my likeness. I appear to be really seriously here, but I am happy.

Perhaps it was not really very long first of all, but it is had the longest that I it because I was a little girl.

Ahh, I said “since I was a little girl”. Here I am before the haircut a few days ago.


Does someone find otherwise this pedicure sandal to be excessively foolish? They do not work as shoes really.

Yikes. Time to use a bräunendes skin water.


Do you ever miracle like to live what it is, with four dogs? It is goods sometimes like this…
In general, it is honest more like this.Can you select four dogs in this likeness?


I hope that you have a large holiday weekend. I will pass over a post and will see you again on Wednesday. Have joke and would be certain you!

That last sentence should have said “Have fun and be safe!”, and a German beer would have been more appropriate.

Taking One for the Team

I took one for the team yesterday. I sacrificed myself for the benefit of the family pack. Threw myself under the bus, so to speak.

Sometimes to teach a lesson to a dog, you actually have to bring out the bad behavior. Abe had a bone. I walked past him, and he growled at me.

The lesson here is: You Must Surrender Whatever You Have to Mama, No Matter How Delicious It Is.

So when he growled, I immediately reached down to snatch the bone without showing a moment’s weakness. And he bit me. He was already sort of laying down, so I rolled him on his side to show that I wasn’t afraid.

I have four fang holes in my hand, but he understands now!

The lesson continued throughout the evening. Every time I walked past him, I took the bone away, pet him, then gave it back. He’s a quick study.

It’s pretty amazing that he’s come this far. Just about seven months ago he was a backyard dog with no indoor manners. He’s a really good boy now.

Truly…I’m not angry with him for the bite. I’m proud of him for learning so quickly and trying so hard to be a nice and respectful doggie.

My hand is a little tender when I knit or type, but I’ll be fine.

Last week I confessed my new-found obsession with peanut butter. It gets even better.

I believe I’ve invented a taste treat that will take over the world. It’s peanut butter AND jelly. Okay, I didn’t invent it, but I feel like I did. How could such a delicacy exist in this world without me?

I’m really too excited about it. In fact, I’m this excited.

I’m excited about this, too.

I’ve mentioned before that verypink is about to go through some big changes (with the design, not the content). We’re working on finalizing the look, but the new logo is complete.

I totally freakin’ heart this new logo.

Tiny Lou.

I finally pulled out the measuring tape. Standard male Basenji = 17″ at the shoulders. Lou = 13″.

People always say, “Cute puppy! How old is he?” Well, he’s three-and-a-half. Long past puppyhood.

Gotta envy him for maintaining a youthful appearance!