A few weeks ago I got this email from a reader named Fiona: Hi Staci, This is possibly a little bit strange but I just wanted to write to you to say well thanks. I’ve been reading your blog for probably around about 4 years now and have always been very impressed with all your […]
Angry Eyebrows
Here is the progression of my Halloween costume this year: First, I scored a black wig for $6 at Target… Then I made a fake pregnant belly using pantyhose, fiberfill, and rubber bands… I collected a few more bits, including black liquid eyeliner… And, bang! Chola! Here is one definition of Chola from UrbanDictionary.com: hardcore […]
The Big Q
Flavor hits my lips Sleepiness overwhelms me Much like Pavlov’s dog. The haiku speaks the truth! I took NyQuil last night, and before the medicine had even hit my throat, all of my muscles relaxed and begged for sleep. Classic conditioned response. I slept for 11 hours last night. I felt the woozies of a […]
I was calling Pona The Bionic Dog until today. Today Pona decided to remove his bandages, and I finally got a look at the hardware. Now he’s FrankenSenji. I knew what was under there, but I am shocked at how it actually looks! Bolts! Rods! Pins! Surprisingly his skin looks fine and healthy, as if […]
Brave with My Hollerin’
I just got home from walking the dogs, and my heart is still racing. While walking down the sidewalk, FOUR little dogs ran up to us from a few houses away and attacked. The biggest of the four was a Shiba Inu (Basenji-sized), a Chinese Crested (rat-sized), and two little fuzzy dogs (loaf-of-bread-sized). Do I […]
The Fire of the Emerald
I used this random title generator for the title of today’s post. Very silly. Now on to business – This gentleman and his random number generator helped me pick the three winners for the pattern giveaway that I announced on Friday. The winners are Merrie, Reagan, and Karo. Send me your email, ladies, and get […]
I Said “Lunch”, Not “Launch”!
Remember the Krofft Supershow on tv in the ’70s? With shows like Land of the Lost and Bugaloos? While putting this post together this morning I thought about one of those shows called Far Out Space Nuts. The title to this post is a line from that show. I remember Gilligan was in it. Anyway… […]