I shot a Christmas video this year instead of a still photo…you’ll understand why… In case you were wondering, here’s last year. Merry Christmas! Love, Staci, Ike, Abe, and Tippecanoe P.S. 750 Points to anyone who “gets” the title.
My Camera is Resting Now
Thank you for flying Verypink Airlines. Please ensure that your seat belt is fastened, your seat back is upright and your tray-table is stowed. Please switch off all electronic devices at this time. Fast-Topic-Changing Friday prepared for takeoff… This is perhaps the worst Winter Wonderland photo in history, but! Last week! Snow! In Austin! We’ve […]
Shake It Like a Polaroid
Christmas is coming, the dogs are getting fat. Please to put an organic liver treat in the old man’s hat. (My version of an obscure Christmas song.) Friday! Change topics! Fast! I checked the map, and Austin is still in Texas. Hard to believe today. It was 34 degrees when I walked the dogs this […]
We Are Here! We Are Here!
Horton Hears a Who, right? We ARE here, I swear. Thank you for all of the kind emails wondering if we’re okay – and we are. It is my busy season right now (temps dropped a little, and everyone wants to knit), plus the fact that I’m using every spare moment I have to knit […]
Oh – I Knit This, Too.
Knitting and dogs and heartworms, oh my! Yes, it’s a Fast-Topic-Changing Friday. New pattern! This is the Ida Neck Wrap, named after my great-great Aunt Ida. She used to whip up something like this for me and my sisters when we were kids. I gave the pattern a little more umph, and made it available […]
A Piece of My Heart
It is with a heavy heart that I say that Gus, the 12-year old beloved Basenji, passed away last week. I didn’t mention anything about his illness, as we were hoping for more good days and more time with him. I met Gus about a decade ago when I met Chris (my ex). When Chris […]
Hail to the Chief
Semi-Fast-Topic-Changing Friday on the menu today. May I suggest a Cabernet Sauvignon as your wine choice? First up – I’ve made it to DAY 300 in my year-long self-portrait photo project. THREE-HUNDRED. Now the panic is setting in…how do I NOT take a photo of myself every day when the project is finished?? It’s become […]
Crazy, Indeed
Just a quick post to say a few things: 1. Hurricane Ike didn’t hit Austin. We are safe and well with no damage to the house. 2. Hurricane Ike DID hit Houston. Chris (my ex) was without power until a couple of days ago. His house was hot and humid and needs repairs, so he […]
At Least MY Ike is Calm.
Over the river and through the woods to Fast-Topic-Changing Friday we go. Ike the Hurricane? Problem for Texas. Ike the Basenji? Much less of a problem. Next…! That Guy ripped one of his wool bicycling jerseys on a tree branch. He asked me to fix it, and “make it look like Frankenjersey”. Ooookay, you got […]