I’m finding it so hard to spend any time on the computer lately, because it’s so hard to be indoors at all! Austin has to be The Greatest Place on Earth this week. The weather is perfect, the birds are singing, and everyone is just a little bit happier. Also! Green! Since I moved here […]
My Sensitive Security System
Oy. Gotta story from last night. 4:06 am: I’m soundly in dreamland when two dogs BOLT out of bed and run for the backdoor. Thinking it’s a potty emergency, I stumble to the door, open it, and go back to bed. 4:08 am: My bedroom window is open, and I can hear that this is […]
Try to Look Natural
Hey! Glad you called! Oh, fine, fine. Busy, yeah. And you? Great! No permanent scarring, then? Very cool. Fast-topic-changing Friday, ready for take-off… First up, a successful Booga Bag class. Cute, huh? My students are awesome. Next…! I usually take a 15 minute nap every day. A couple of days ago I woke up from […]
Two. Hours.
I think all knitters know the excitement of starting a new project. New pattern! New yarn! Let’s go! Forget the dishes in the sink. Forget the work deadline. “Startitis” is like a drug. The thrill of seeing something new grow from your needles becomes an overwhelming need. Unless… You read the first line of your […]
With All the Frills Upon It
A fast-topic-changing-Good Friday… Finished sweater! Knitting Pure & Simple’s Neckdown Summer Cardigan in Aslan Trends Invernal – an angora, merino, nylon blend. This is my attempt at a vintage-y photo, but… Truth be told, that vintage dress was SO tight, that my patience ran out pretty quickly. I had to model this myself, as Anne […]
The End of the World as We Know It
Welcome to yet another fast-topic-changing Friday. You may be seated. I like REM. Yeah, the band’s alright, but it’s REM sleep that excites me right now… You see, three out of four dogs in this house are experiencing tummy problems. Every 20 minutes or so, someone needs to go outside. DAY AND NIGHT. Sometime between […]
All Dressed Up
Anne Boleyn (my knitwear stunt-double) normally wears a long-sleeved black tshirt to model knitwear, but today… She’s dressed for spring. This is Soleil, a free pattern from knitty.com. I made this for a knit-along/class at The Knitting Nest later this month. It is knit with N.Y. Cotton, a new yarn from Stacy Charles. I really […]
Going Green
Verypink is your only source for fast-topic-changing Fridays. I think. It has been abundantly clear over the last several posts that I am dogsitting Gus and Lou while Chris is traveling for work, making the doggie to human ratio in this house 4-to-1. I’ve been trying to shake things up and keep the posts about […]