Is it too late to get Christmas presents? Or to buy one for myself? I had the pleasure of spending time with friends on New Year’s Eve, including my married pals Kristin and Josh. To make a long story short, Josh has an awesome camera. Josh knows a lot more about photography than I do, […]
Out with the old, in with the new. Time to look ahead to 2008. I’ve never been one to make New Year’s resolutions, but I have some personal goals this time. Easy ones: 1. Do what makes me happy. 2. Be nice to myself, and less critical. 3. Surround myself with people who make it […]
Friends Again
It’s a fast-topic-changing Friday, but first, a story with a happy ending. You may have gleaned the fact that I have been fighting with Anne Boleyn (my headless knitwear stunt-double). I was offended by how she was keeping her bedroom in the new house, and when it came to fitting hand knits, she was failing […]
Trying to Wish You a Merry Christmas
Camera? Check. Tripod? Check. Ten-second timer operating correctly? Check. Treats for bribing? Check. Dogs ready? Oy. “Oh, you’re a good boy. I wish your brother was in this photo…” “Okay, dang. Can you just… no… Ike… hey…” “Up here! Up here next to me! C’mon…” “Well, umm… ouch…” This is the best we could do. […]
Sleigh Bells in the Snow
Wow! Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat, and all. Here in Austin one hears fewer “sleigh bells in the snow” and more “flip-flops on the sidewalk”. It’s a fast-topic-changing-Friday, I hope you know the drill… My shameless begging for Christmas cards has turned out to be such a great experience! Cards have come […]
Campaign Promises Delivered
Back in September, I started my No More Short Socks Campaign. I say “campaign”, which makes it sound like a really big deal, like my socks were running for office or something, but it was really just my little thing. I have the results of the first socks that adhere to the new rules: toe-up […]
Anne Boleyn is a Filthy Slob
I could have made this fast-topic-changing-Friday post really long. Venturing into Chapter One of my new life means that there are so many crazy, funny, and strange things to talk about. I’m laughing about a thousand times a day. Seriously. Before we get started, please remember my shamless plea for Christmas cards at the bottom […]
Chapter One
And so it starts! Here are the facts: 1. I live in Austin now 2. I have two dogs with me, Ike and Abe 3. I love it here. In normal verypink style, let’s tell more with photos. (I have a special request of you, dear reader, at the very bottom of the post.) The […]
Otherwise Occupied
This isn’t an apology for not posting much over the last few weeks, but more of an explanation as to why… I have an empty house to fill. In Austin! Closing was yesterday, and move-in date is very soon. See why I’ve been busy? Aaaaand, some doggie goodness. I’m going to fall off the face […]