Slow Motion Tinking

“Tinking” is the word we use for “unknitting”, or unraveling stitches one at-a-time. In this video, I demonstrate tinking in slow-motion, both knit and purl stitches. You can see my other slow-motion videos here. You can see my regular speed tinking videos here and here. The yarn I use for demonstration is Paintbox Yarns Wool […]

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Recovering a Dropped Cast-On Stitch

In this video, I demonstrate how to recover a dropped cast-on stitch when you are using the long-tail cast-on. I hope you never need this technique, but I’m putting it out there for your reference in case this ever happens to you! The needles I’m using in this video are Knitter’s Pride Ginger. The yarn […]

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Fixing a Dropped German Short Row Stitch

In this video I demonstrate how to correct a dropped German Short Row stitch. My video on working German Short Rows (and substituting them in when a pattern calls for traditional wraps & turns) can be found here. The needles I’m using are Knitter’s Pride double-pointed needles. The yarn I’m using is Knit Picks Wool […]

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Proactive Lifelines

No need to be afraid of complicated stitch patterns! Proactive lifelines make it easy to rip back a few rows and recover your stitches if you make a mistake, even in lace knitting. The stitch used in my knitted sample is called “Pucker Cable” and is from the book Lace & Eyelets, edited by Erika […]

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Removing a Mattress Stitch Seam

In this video I show you a couple of ways to undo a mattress stitch seam, by either cutting or unweaving. The VeryPink Knits audio podcast can be found in your favorite podcast app, or here on my website. The yarn I use for demonstration is Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Bulky. My nail […]

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Reactive Lifelines Using a Circular Needle

If you’ve already made a mistake and a “reactive” lifeline will keep you from making an unraveling mess, a tiny circular needle is a good tool to use. The 40″ size 0 US needle I use for this technique is an Addi Turbo needle. The yarn I’m using for demonstration is Knit Picks Wool of […]

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Removing a Bind-Off Row

In this video, I show you how to remove a bind-off row – either to correct a mistake, or redo the bind-off (because it was too tight or too loose). Information on things you’ll see in this video: The yarn I used in the demo piece is Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Bulky. The […]

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Twisted Knit Stitches

In this video, I cover everything you ever wanted to know about twisted knit stitches. When it’s good, when it’s bad, and how to easily correct a twisted stitch. You can find more information about Knitter’s Pride Marblz needles, as well as a retailer using these links: Bryson Distributing Accessories Unlimited Knitter’s Pride Shop finder […]

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Correcting a Dropped Decrease

Whoops – you’ve accidentally dropped stitches right through a decrease! In this video, I show you how to recreate k2togs and ssk stitches (two common decreases) without ripping back rows and rows of stitches. You can see my entire “Correcting Mistakes” playlist here. The crochet hook I’m using is a Knitter’s Pride Dreamz hook. The […]

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