A few weeks ago I got this email from a reader named Fiona:
Hi Staci,
This is possibly a little bit strange but I just wanted to write to you to say well thanks. I’ve been reading your blog for probably around about 4 years now and have always been very impressed with all your knitting. So much so that in August 2006 I decided to give it a go for myself, now both my grans knitted like demons and my mum dabbled so they had all tried to teach me before but nothing doing, so my mum was surprised to be asked to show me again. I took to the knitting this time and it stuck, after admiring your clapotis I followed the link to knitty.com, started posting on the message board there and eventually found my way into the chat room.
There, as these storys often go, I met a boy.

At the end of August that boy became my husband and we are currently in the process of getting me a visa so I can go and live with him (he’s American, I’m Scottish).
So my point, I wanted to thank you for being an inspiration and leading me to discovering a hobby that I really enjoy and which has ultimately led me to finding someone I aim to spend the rest of my life with!
All the best
Fiona H.
*Sniff*. Someone pass the tissues. What an awesome story, Fiona. Thank you for letting me share it. Best of luck to you and your husband, and may all your “pains” be “champagnes”.
By the way…does he have a single brother? 🙂
Aww! What a wonderful story! And it was all because of you, Staci! Hee! Well done, Cupid!
You’re an inspiration to many people, Staci. *hugs*
Awwwwwwww! How sweet!
What a great story! How cool to see the progression of someone reading your blog through to their marriage!
Wow. What a wonderful story, great photos and great people. And it must feel really good to hear how your work inspired another so much. Thank you for sharing it with us too. And think about all the people who feel the same way but just haven’t written you yet Staci. Amazing. Don’t stop!
That’s so great, Staci. Glad you both shared that story with your readers. 🙂
This is so awesome! I love that the last picture features a gorgeous knitted shawl. She got a husband AND a lifelong ability to supply herself and her loved ones with hand knits — that’s quite an accomplishment for your blog!
Awesome! Nice work, Staci, and congrats to Fiona and husband! 🙂
Wow! What a great story!!
What a great story! Beautiful couple, I just love it…tear
congrats to fiona and her new hubby. and when asking if he has a brother, ask for one for me too. i could use a decent date that doesn’t have me dreading the idea of him kissing me at the end. for the record, when he drives you to your car in a yaris, you can’t escape the kiss goodnight.
Such a great story! Congratulations to all three of you!
Wooooow! That is awesoooome! What a fantastic, lovely story in these troubled times. Thanks, Staci, Fiona and Handsome American Husband for sweetening my Friday–the last crummy day of a really crummy week! Congrats to everyone! Wooooo!
Ok, good job my Sis, but why couldn’t IIII have a love story like that? Don’t you worry about me? I mean yeah, I am married NOW (and I did all by myself), but what about when I WAS single?
LOVE that story. And LOVE a man in a kilt.
this is just too sweet
what a lovely story! Isn’t it interesting how doors can be opened in life, and how crazy wonderful the internet can be.
Hi Staci~ ~ ~
What a great story and aren’t they a terrific looking couple.
Haven’t been around to see you for some time so I’v got some catching up to do.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
awww, which a sweet story!
You inspired me to get back into knitting too, but no boy (yet!) – guess I should also get on the knitty chat room, or are all the good ones (in kilts) taken now?
It is early in the morning here in Holland and this story made my day!!
I came across your blog last night when my husband was singing in my ear (he lives in Kansas and I live in Utah) the C and H jingle. One line neither of us could remember so I googled it and low and behold your site came up. Funny! Perusing your site today I saw this post. Curios to know if the groom is of Wallace decent or is she. He is wearing the Wallace dress kilt. I have the same as that is my clan. I hope she sees this post. I would love to know and if so would like to know how they fit in the clan for genealogy purposes. Thanks.