Have to share this! From the artist’s mother –
I watched this tutorial with my 9 year old daughter. We’re working on teaching her to knit. She sat next to me, enthralled with you, and went so far as to draw a picture of you doing your tutorial video, complete with the coffee cup (that is identical to some we have), and the quote “Weaving ends is fun”. Anne makes an appearance in her rendering as well.

Love the level of detail, including the camera and the dog in the bed on the floor. Thank you, Feisty Irish Wench, for scanning this and sending it to me! Delightful.
You are welcome 😉
Funny you post this today…because my 2 year old (the artist’s little sister) has gotten into the yarn this morning. The last few weeks, I have been working on piecing together a comfort blanket to send to a grieving Angel Mommy, and finally finished it yesterday. Apparently I’ve done nothing but “yarn” for the last several days, so according to Blur, I need to still be doing “yarn”. She retrieved the skein and crochet hook that I was using and brought it to me, saying “here mommy, you yarn”. At least she didn’t clamber up in my lap and whack my jaw with her skull as she plunked down with the hook in her hand (narrowly missing my eye) and say “mommy, I hep you koh-shay”
Sorry honey, but today mommy’s wrist is unhappy with her, so if anything, mommy’s going to knit.
So, so cute! The next time I’m grumbling about weaving ends, I will think of this picture and remember that it’s fun. And I love that she included Anne Boleyn!
You made a true believer out of me—after learning your umbrellas and smiles technique, I actually like weaving in ends!! That 9-year-old recognized true wisdom when she heard it.
That is really cute and the details are amazing!