One Month

Pona has become sort of a favorite at the vet’s office, and this is his best friend there. Her name is Laurie, and she’s the vet tech who does Pona’s bandage changes every week.


Every time we get out of the car to go into the vet’s office, Pona does his DO NOT WANT routine, and refuses to walk in the door. That’s until he sees Laurie. Then his ears perk up and he wags his tail. He willingly walks through to the back with her, because he’ll follow her anywhere.

Pona’s doing well. Another few weeks in the hardware, and his leg should be healed. He feels so good lately. He’s completely off meds and gets himself around pain-free. We should be able to start heartworm treatment soon.

Pona’s been at my house for just over a month now. He’s come a long way, and I’m so proud of him.

In case you were wondering why there hasn’t been much knitting on verypink lately…it’s because it’s all about secret Christmas knitting right now.

Brave with My Hollerin’

I just got home from walking the dogs, and my heart is still racing. While walking down the sidewalk, FOUR little dogs ran up to us from a few houses away and attacked. The biggest of the four was a Shiba Inu (Basenji-sized), a Chinese Crested (rat-sized), and two little fuzzy dogs (loaf-of-bread-sized). Do I have to even say that my four were leashed? Nah, you knew that already.

The Shiba ran to Ike and immediately started fighting, while the other three tried to get in on the action. My neighbor was right behind them, so I yelled, “GET YOUR DOGS!” over the sounds of Ike and the Shiba trying to kill each other. My neighbor had the balls to walk up to me, stop, and tell me to calm down while I was trying to separate Ike and the Shiba. I yelled again, “GET YOUR DOGS!” He shoo-ed away the Shiba then picked up one of the terriers. He apologized, and I told him that he can’t let his dogs run off-leash, even if the thinks they’re going to stay in his yard. He said, “I was only walking from the front door to the car!” I said, “Your dogs can never be out of your control! Clearly you don’t have control of these dogs!”

Once things calmed down and I saw that no one was hurt, I started to detangle my legs (and the dogs’ legs) from the four leashes that had us bound together. This guy had the nerve to say, “Ma’am! Move it along now!” I stopped, looked him in the eye, and said, “Dude. Do NOT tell me what to do. I’m trying to straighten out this mess you caused.” Again, “Ma’am! Move it along!” I said, “Do not say another single word until I can get myself detangled. Shut the f*ck up for 30 more seconds.”

He could not shut the eff up, and he continued to tell me to “move it along”. I did my best to ignore him, finished detangling, and finally got moving. He yelled, “God bless you, ma’am! God bless you! Have a nice day!” Really?

Luckily, my dogs are fine. Even three-legged Pona is fine after being totally tangled in the leashes.

You might be wondering why, as a single woman walking dogs, I’m so brave with my hollerin’. Four reasons:
1. pepper spray at the ready
2. I towered over this man in height
3. I knew I was in-the-right
4. I have a secret weapon named Ike, who can be scary and protective

Whew. I need to finish my coffee and calm down. The day can only get better from here.


The Fire of the Emerald

I used this random title generator for the title of today’s post. Very silly. Now on to business –

old-computer-thumb This gentleman and his random number generator helped me pick the three winners for the pattern giveaway that I announced on Friday. The winners are Merrie, Reagan, and Karo. Send me your email, ladies, and get your prize!
lofthouse O lovely Lofthouse
Cookie or cupcake? Which one?
My fondness is strong.

I’ll leave you today with a Pona story…I walked past the spare bedroom to see this. What? I didn’t put him up there! Pona can jump now! (left to right: Tippy, Pona, Ike. Abe was in the other room.)


I Said “Lunch”, Not “Launch”!

Remember the Krofft Supershow on tv in the ’70s? With shows like Land of the Lost and Bugaloos? While putting this post together this morning I thought about one of those shows called Far Out Space Nuts. The title to this post is a line from that show. I remember Gilligan was in it. Anyway…

3…2…1…Blast off! It’s a launch! And a giveaway! Stuff that has been in the works for months is finally ready to go today. Back in June, Parker and I were busy shooting video –


Here is a sample of the results by way of a short promo –

So far, I have videos in Knitting Basics, Increases & Decreases, and Tips & Tricks. We’ve already been talking about what to do next, which is very exciting.

I’ve also released several new patterns, including Learn to Knit Socks, which includes six instructional videos to get you through the rough spots. I just counted, and I’ve taught over 80 people to knit socks at The Knitting Nest. I’ve used what I know about what trips people up in a basic sock pattern, and hopefully made sock knitting easy as pie.

If you take a look over on my patterns page, you’ll see other new designs I’ve just released – including a hat, socks, and trick-or-treat bag. I’ve also updated my About Me page, so now it FINALLY includes Tippy as one of my dogs.

You might be wondering why everything is ready to go today, and not sooner? Well, remember my post about Spam Monsters? I had to get verypink updated to the newest version of WordPress to keep it from getting hacked several times a day. I didn’t want to add a bunch of stuff to verypink only to have it spammed and cluttered by the Monsters.

Giveaway! I will randomly pick three comments to this post on Tuesday, Oct 6 to win a copy of any one of my patterns.

And because I know you’re going to ask, Pona is doing fine. He’s still unable to jump on the furniture by himself, but he is getting around really well. He will sometimes put some weight on his broken leg, but he really wants to move, he just picks it up and goes “tripod” without any difficulty.

Seriously, I’m waiting for the real Pona to show himself. The real Basenji. The one who challenges me and pushes limits and gets into things and eats sofas and puts the toilet brush in my bed and…well, you get the picture. But that Pona doesn’t exist! He’s just 100% sweetness and such a good boy. Aww.


Have a great weekend!

A Few Scratches and Dings

I have a new foster Basenji through Basenji Rescue…that happens all the time. No biggie, right?

But this one was a stray, and not an owner-surrender.
Well, not that uncommon.

But this one tested heartworm-positive.
Yikes, I’ve been here before.

But this one was hit by a car, and needed surgery for a broken bone.
Oh, lordy. Been there.

This one also needed a broken tooth pulled, and had to be neutered.
Really? Anything else?

Oh, yeah. Whipworms, a toenail broken off at the foot, and scrapes and bruises all over his body.
Stop! No more bad news about this dog!

pona-small.JPG This is Pona, quite possibly the sweetest dog in the world.

I picked his name because “pona” is the Swahili suffix for words having to do with healing and recovery. He just had all of his surgeries on Tuesday.

He’s such a brave little champ.

wendy-and-pona.JPG Pona was brought to a shelter in a small town in Texas after he had been hit by a car. Due to costs, the shelter was going to euthanize him. Basenji Rescue was contacted, and Wendy Hodges, a coordinator here in Austin, drove nearly six hours to bring him to Austin for treatment and fostering.

This is Wendy with Pona before his surgeries.

xray-lg.JPG Yeowch. This is Pona’s broken femur. See that spot that looks like two bones next to each other? That is supposed to be one long, straight bone.

The vet put a pin through the bone, and now his leg can heal.

pin.JPG Here’s his little shaved butt and his owey (okay, incision), as well as the location of the pin.

He isn’t allowed to walk or stand for a week, which hasn’t been a problem so far. I’m able to leave the crate open so that he can interact with the other dogs, and he doesn’t try to walk.

pona-and-tippy.jpg Now that we’re past the medical stuff, can I tell you that he is an awesome sweet dog? Just about a year old, and mellow as can be. He fit right into my pack without any trouble.

I’m really so lucky. He’s gotta be in pain. He could have turned out snarky and snappy. And he’s just the opposite.

bathtime.JPG My dogs really like him, but they still give him plenty of space to get the rest he needs.

Here’s Tippy, supervising the “bath” I’m giving Pona with some doggie wipes. (Poor Pona – he STINKS. If you can imagine the stinky bodily fluid, he’s wearing some of it. He can’t have a proper bath yet.)

img_8876.JPG See that giant lump on his side? That’s his RIBCAGE. He’s skinny.

Fortunately, that is going to be an easy thing to fix. Feeding him regular meals and not allowing him to exercise means that he should put on weight pretty quickly.

owey.JPG This is Pona’s future. He needs to heal a bit from his injuries, then he can hopefully start heartworm treatment in a couple of weeks. I’ll continue to foster him until he’s well, or close to it. Then we’ll find him an awesome forever home that will give him all of the love and attention he deserves.

His life is going to get better and better from here.

This is my website, and I can say whatever the hell I want, right? Okay, here it goes. I want to cause physical harm to Pona’s previous owners. I have no idea who they are, but if I ever meet them, I will punch them in the throat. They let Pona run loose without even a dog tag, and didn’t claim him at their small town animal shelter for three days, where he was forced to stay with a broken leg before he was brought to Austin for treatment. They also kept him underfed, and never had him neutered. They also didn’t bother with heartworm preventative, which is a huge thing here in Texas. WHY THE HELL DID THEY GET A DOG IN THE FIRST PLACE? Pona already suffered neglect at the hands of these people, and now he has to suffer more to get him back to good health – and it’s all their fault. Anyone want to go punch them with me?

All the punching aside, I feel fortunate to have Pona in my home. I think this is a good spot for him to recover, and he’s a joy to have around. Since my dogs are the laziest Basenjis on earth, my house is chaos-free…but the fact that I have three Basenjis means that Pona still gets nice interactions with other dogs. I also mostly work from home, which means that I’m here to tend to his needs – like carrying him outside to potty until he can walk again.

Last thing…Pona’s treatment is costing a fortune, of course. If you’re able, can you make a donation to Basenji Rescue, or buy one of our calendars? Information on both is available on the Basenji Rescue website. By the way, that’s Ike and Tippy on the calendar cover. 🙂

Thanks for listening to Pona’s story (and my rant!). Have a great weekend!

Begone, Spam Monsters!

*crickets chirping*

Oh, hi! I really haven’t been ignoring this website. In fact, I’m here tending to it SEVERAL TIMES A DAY, cleaning up spammer/hacker crap.

Are you seeing this site right now with lines and lines of links to European drug companies? Or links to a chiropractor in California? Or links to a website that introduces you to hot Russian women? That’s because I’ve stepped away from the computer, to take a shower or eat breakfast or work or walk dogs. I’ll be right back to clean it up. Sigh.

No more ranting. I’m well on my way to getting WordPress updated so that this won’t happen anymore. As you can imagine, I haven’t felt very inspired to post in a while, only to have my words blanketed in a sea of spam. I’m excited to get this fixed! I have so much to share, including new knitting videos!

Here’s a little catch-up of what’s been going on around here, Fast-Topic-Changing Friday style…

3828288540_dd3b772349.jpg I had the pleasure of dogsitting Chris’ dogs for a week in August. Five dogs is a lot of dogs, but this pack together was so much fun.

Ike is the laziest alpha dog ever, which sets the tone for a very mellow pack.


fwc.JPG New sweater. Featherweight Cardigan using Spinning Colors yarn.

Ravelry details.


2.JPG It was one year ago that Tippy came to my home as a foster dog. His name was Brucie back then, and he was on the brink of starvation and sick with heartworms. So much has changed for the better!

I’m so proud of this little man.


ishbel.JPG Finished shawl. Ishbel, also knit with Spinning Colors yarn.


drew.JPG My good friend Drew came to Austin to teach a couple of crochet classes at The Knitting Nest.

Drew and I were regular knitting buddies back in Houston, and it had been far too long since we’d seen each other. So good to see him.


3.jpg Finished hat. It’s the Vine and Leaf beret from the latest issue of Vogue Knitting.

The hat is great and I really like it, but I’m surprised that I do. It has been years since I’ve found anything in Vogue Knitting that I’ve wanted to knit. Ravelry details.


img_8638.JPG If you’ve ever photographed animals, you know that you’re pretty much at their mercy. They may or may not decide to do what you ask. They move out of the light. They wiggle. But sometimes they set themselves up for a photo without your help, and you had better have your camera ready.


pioneer.JPG Finished top. It’s Pioneer from, and this is a sample for a class I’m teaching this month. It is so. very. cute.

Ravelry details.

Can you tell I’m on a Tiffany Blue kick?


3838413658_b1138fa373.jpg I started this post complaining, so I’ll end it with a happy, smiling WillieMcGee.

Have a great holiday weekend!

And Then…

Fast-Topic-Changing-Friday. No, SUPER-Fast-Topic-Changing-Friday. That’s just the way things have been around here.

Have you ever looked ahead to your schedule, noticed that you were going to be busy, and then planned ahead to make it easy on yourself? I did laundry, caught up on emails, cleaned the house, stocked up on dog food, etc. And then…

A bunch of crazy stuff happened, throwing hundreds of tiny wrenches into my well-oiled machine. Nothing major, just annoyances, really. The kinds of things I would shrug off if they hit me one-at-a-time.

As a last straw, I started doing stupid things while trying to function in the chaos. Like realizing there was nothing to eat in the house, going to the grocery store and spending $50, and getting home to realize I hadn’t bought anything to eat. Ha!

Time to slow down and get my head on straight.

fever.jpg Poor Ike got sick. I’m sure because he ate something disgusting off the ground. Nothing serious, but I was worried about dehydration in this heat. He’s back to eating regularly and bossing the other dogs around.


img_8170.JPG I think my foot is doing well. I’m able to spend some time out of the cast now, trying to get my muscles loosened up.

It isn’t totally comfortable, so I’m trying to distinguish what is injury pain vs. atrophy discomfort. I know, I know, go to the doctor, right? My visits to the doctors have been so frustrating that I’m kinda hoping my foot just gets better already.


img_8174.JPG Aww! My breakfast made a heart!


3.JPG This is Cowboy, a foster boy I took in for 24 hours before before he went to his forever home. He was a delight! I did, however, have to stay home for those 24 hours, since there wasn’t going to be time to help acclimate him to my home more permanently. Lucky for me, Amanda brought me food that day.


22.JPG Ike and I are both on the mend.


img_8290.JPG Tippy’s got it right. Time to slow down, catch up on baseball, buy some groceries, make fun plans for the weekend, and get a grip again. Chaos doesn’t suit us.

Have a great weekend!

Sit. Stay.

Fast-Topic-Changing Friday, hold the anchovies.

I posted about my broken foot last week, so I don’t need to go over that again. This week I’d like to address what is going on in my HEAD. “My Mental Illness”, as I’m kindly addressing it.

A broken foot should make one want to slow the hell down. Sit more. Put one’s foot up. Heal. Rest. Right?

Not me. My Mental Illness took over, and I was determined to keep up with my normal schedule and activities. How could a three-pound cast hold me back? I had things to do! Places to go! People to see!

I have a problem. Well, I like to think I had a problem.

img_8062.JPG I’m trying to do more of this.

In fact, I’m not only trying to sit more, but I’m also asking others for help. Oh, it makes me so anxious, but I’m doing it.

My mom has asked me to send her a daily email listing the ways I’ve allowed other people to help me. I have been able to report back an especially great kindness from my friends – they are COOKING for me! Bringing me delish food! I do love them so.


img_8064.JPG I tilted the camera down on the tripod after taking the photo above. This was what was happening on the floor. Or, not happening.

They are very good at resting their feet.


img_8033.JPG No reason for this photo, other than the fact that I was struck by the colors of the vintage needles against my office wall color.


cast.JPG Quick update on my foot – I have no update. It’s a long story, but I have an appointment with my doctor next week, where I will get a referral to an orthopedic doctor. That doctor will be able to make sense of my MRI results.


colors.JPG The knitting I’m doing right now is secret. Shhhh.


dogs.jpg The dogs and I are about to head out for a short walk, then I’m going to REST MY FOOT. I swear.

Have a great weekend!

P.S. to my mom – All of the photos in this post were taken in my house, which proves that I’m staying home and resting.

Step-Thud, Step-Thud

No, that’s not Quasimodo sneaking up behind you. It’s me. I broke my foot. Oh, I wish I had a good story to tell about the break. Like maybe…

I dropped a sledgehammer on my foot!

Rollerderby practice!

I kicked someone!

The truth is that I WOKE UP with a broken foot. I know that sounds impossible, I hardly believe it myself. I went to bed fine and walking on two feet, and woke up around 6am in pain. I knew my foot was probably broken, but people don’t wake up with broken feet, right?

Apparently, I injured my foot some time in recent history, and KILLED A BONE. Dead. Dead bone. It’s called osteonecrosis. That bone has been getting more and more brittle, just waiting for the day that I roll over in bed and break it.

img_7996.JPG This is the classic “step-thud” photo. I was on crutches the first couple of days, but I’ve been getting around in the walking cast pretty well since then.

The good news is that all of my right shoes are getting a much needed rest.

xray.JPG Here’s the scoop.

See that little bone chip that has decided it “needed some space” from the rest of my overbearing and controlling foot? Yeah. And the really white piece of bone it broke from is the dead part. And the bottom of the dead part is more broken mess. The doctor couldn’t tell if it’s one big broken chunk, or sort of a brittle bone crumble.

img_8001.JPG We’ll know more later today, because I had an MRI last night.

The MRI should show how much bone is dead, and if my foot can heal without surgery.

Or if my foot is going to break again next time I drop a kitchen towel on it.

img_7997.JPG Here I am filling out the forms before my MRI. Are you pregnant? No. Knocked up? No. With child? No. Preggo? No. Got a bun in the oven? No. Baby bump? No. In a family way? NO NO NO.

I swear, I answered that question 20 times last night.

2.JPG Gettin’ crafty wit it.

I’ll report back with more news soon.

img_7991.JPG The dogs seem to know I’m injured, and they’re being really good. They’re being cool with short, slow walks. Well, Ike and Abe are. Tippy is a pain in the ass. Good thing he’s cute.

Finally, a well-lit photo of Abe. So handsome.

Have a great weekend on your two healthy feet!

Rolling on Camera 1

Regularly scheduled Fast-Topic-Changing-Friday has been postponed until next week so we can bring you…umm…this. Instead.

Video, video, video! Shooting knitting videos. I’m normally a person with very set routines and a very tidy house, but all of that has been pushed aside for this production. No complaints, trust me. It is a great project, I’m learning so much, and having a lot of fun.

We’re working long days, but always making time to catch up on baseball over lunch, and to enjoy a cold beer in the afternoon. Good times.

21.jpg I started the week waiting for the a/c repairman to get here. Triple-digit temps and 1000-watt lights do not mix.
img_7904.JPG Then it was back to work.
img_7932.JPG I’m not only in front of the camera, but I’m learning to be a production assistant as well.

I can change a gel, raise a camera stand, set my microphone transmitter frequency, and bring coffee to the director.

img_7953.JPG Parker, the director.
img_7955.JPG I’m really proud of the dogs for staying out of the way, mostly. They’re carefully stepping over cords and keeping away from the hot lights.
photo-2.jpg …and doing a lot of this.
img_7916.JPG It’s a really fun project and something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. Results soon.

Have a great holiday weekend!