This is the last category of my favorite photos of the year – and no, I still don’t have my photo-taking-mojo back. Here are my self-portraits.
These are my favorites of 2009 and that’s all fine and good, but I think my Favorite Self-Portrait Ever still holds its title.
One of my goals with selfies is to push the limit with how different I can make myself look from one day to the next, whether it’s staging the photo, messing with hair and makeup, or manipulating the image in software. (Truth be told, I still haven’t taken the time to learn all about my camera and it’s settings, so those variables are out.)
So now I’m left with 41 days remaining in my photo project, and very little urge to pull out my camera right now. I have to hope that 2010 is the magic year that gets me going again, because I really do enjoy it.