At the end of this month, I will have lived in this house for a year and a half. For the most part, I have the house looking the way I want – at least in the more public rooms. But my office. Oy. When I was a kid, we would go to visit my […]
Mostly Due to “Bitchface”
Several months ago, I put together a post where I showed some of the outtakes from my daily photo project. I’m ready to do it again, but this time with a theme. I end up rejecting about 80% of the photos I take of myself due to unwanted facial expressions, what I’m calling “bitchface” and […]
I’m here! I don’t have Swine Flu! I still have a computer! Many thanks for all of the sweetly-worded hate mails, because they worked. Lookit! I’m updating! Pardon me while I bitch for a moment. Verypink has been under a nearly constant barrage of hacker attacks. My WordPress style sheets have been full of European […]
Blooming Most Recklessly
Fast-Topic-Changing-Friday, First Spring Edition. This is the post where I make a big deal about springtime and spring colors, as if winter in Austin was something difficult to endure. As a former Alaskan, I assure you – I survived the winter unscathed. Regardless, springtime and I are total BFFs. And here we go… A big […]
Make It, Make It, Make It, Make It
Faster, faster, faster, faster! Don’t miss the video at the end of this post. You might want to go ahead and empty your bladder now, so you don’t pee your pants laughing. Fast-Topic-Changing-Friday, as scheduled. As I write this post, I’m wearing wool socks and a bathrobe that looks like an arctic sleeping bag…and I […]
A Triscuit, A Triscuit
Do you remember the old Triscuit cracker commercial sung to the tune of “A Tisket a Tasket”? I do. A Triscuit, a Triscuit! Delicious whole wheat Triscuit! I probably just aged myself. Anyway. Just a quick pattern update… I’ve just updated this Felted Easter Basket pattern to include… Instructions for this gingham design. The pattern […]
Wow…and Whoops
Man, I’ve been ignoring verypink for so long…I got a nice email that let me know that someone hacked into the site and added a bunch of spam! I think I got it cleaned up. The comments were out-of-control with spam, and there were about two solid feet of links at the bottom of the […]
Needles Clackin’
This is not a normal Fast-Topic-Changing Friday. This is a Plow-Through-All-the-Knitted-Stuff Friday, which I just made up. I haven’t been posting very regularly, but I’ve been knitting like a fiend. I’m going to keep the descriptions brief, because I have a lot of catching up to do… Central Park Hoodie! Love! I’m wearing it almost […]
No Need for Botox This Week
Edith Bunker! Come on down! You are the first four contestants on The Fast-Topic-Changing Friday! Can I still say Happy New Year? Happy New Year! Miss Manners can drop me a note if she likes. Let’s get started… First up – new foster dog. He’s a handsome one-year old named Leroy, wise and calm beyond […]