New Series – Pick a Toe, Pick a Heel Introduction

Starting next week (fingers crossed) we’re launching a new tutorial series of toe-up socks. Pick a Toe, Pick a Heel will be several sock heel and toe combinations that you can mix and match, sized for both women and men. Stay tuned!
S t a c i

10 comments on “New Series – Pick a Toe, Pick a Heel Introduction

  1. Oh Staci. I love this idea! I’m sharing this intro link with my yarn-loving friends at the HUGE company where I work (most of whom already love you).

  2. I can hardly wait. I didn’t realize how much I have been waiting for this great idea. Looking forward to your upcoming series-Pick a Toe-Pick a Heel, wohoo!

  3. Great idea! Would love to be able to choose the elements I like best. I was looking at patterns for hiking socks (May need a more durable fabric? Additional support in certain areas?). Would be great to be able to also pick based on sock use.

  4. Super splendid idea! Can’t wait!! (not my first time checking in on this… not in a hurry, just excited! ) 😉

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