Giveaway! Knitter’s Pride Royale 16″ Needle Set

You are welcome to comment here, but to enter the contest, please comment on the YouTube watch page.

This needle set can be found for sale here.

Please watch the entire video for instructions on how to enter the giveaway. This contest is open to US and international viewers (customs charges may apply outside the US). The contest is open until 12:01 am (US Central Time), June 21, 2017; and the winner will be announced in video on June 22, 2017. The winning YouTube comment will be chosen by random number generator.

My nail polish is by Julep, color “Charissa”.

Podcast Episode 50: The Fewest Flopping Around Bits as Possible

Download Episode.

From our lovely sponsors this week:
Rib Magazine is all about knitting for men, and those who knit for them. You can click through to their website to order the previous issue, and/or pre-order the next issue. Here is a sneak peek at a sweater from the next issue – it is called Cayley Pullover by Irina Anikeeva. You can also follow them on Facebook for more news.

Winc is an online wine club that gives you wine recommendations based on what you like to eat/drink. They have a simple 6 question palate quiz that asks you questions like “How do you take your coffee?” or “Do you like berries?” Winc then matches you to wine that you are guaranteed to love because it is tailored to your unique tastes.

My friend Steven’s Marius Sweater, and his blog post about knitting this sweater.
The Gale Sweater mentioned in a question. So cute.
Knitting for Peace book
The storage bins Casey uses with the additional top.
Notions Box I use for stitch markers, etc.

Podcast Episode 49: Alpacas, the Secret to Happiness

Download Episode.

For more information and photos about the Phi Beta Paca alpaca ranch, visit Casey’s blog, KC Knits.

From our lovely sponsors this week:
Rib Magazine is all about knitting for men, and those who knit for them. You can click through to their website to order the previous issue, and/or pre-order the next issue. Here is a sneak peek at a sweater from the next issue – it is called Survey Pullover by Catrina Frost.
You can also follow them on Facebook for more news.

Winc is an online wine club that gives you wine recommendations based on what you like to eat/drink. They have a simple 6 question palate quiz that asks you questions like “How do you take your coffee?” or “Do you like berries?” Winc then matches you to wine that you are guaranteed to love because it is tailored to your unique tastes.

Frana’s Ranch, Phi Beta Paca
A shawl we mention in the show, Affogato.

Lifelines in Ribbing
Reactive Lifelines using a Circular needle
Ravelry Tips – Adding a Project
Ravelry Tips – Finding Pattern Help
Ravelry Tips – Using Your Ravelry Library
Ravelry Tips – Using Advanced Search
Ravelry Tips – Stashed Yarns

DIY Tutorial – Handmade Bow

Not exactly a knitting video, but how I present knitted gifts!

I mention the audio VeryPink Knits Podcast, which can be found here.

Regarding the ribbon I used…I ordered the exact same ribbon I used in this video (I needed more) and waited MONTHS for the ribbon to arrive. It never arrived. The company was JMK Ribbon and Trims, terrible customer service. That said, this ribbon appears to be a good match, 7/8″ width.

My nail polish is by Julep, color “Charissa”.

Podcast Episode 48: I Want to Knit Socks All Day Long

Download Episode.

You can find Casey’s website at, and KCKnits on Facebook.

Please take this quick survey to be eligible to win a copy of Rib Magazine!

From our lovely sponsors this week:

Rib Magazine is all about knitting for men, and those who knit for them. You can click through to their website to order the previous issue, and/or pre-order the next issue. Here is a sneak peek at a sweater from the next issue – it is called Rigging Pullover by Fiona Ellis. You can also follow them on Facebook for more news.

Winc is an online wine club that gives you wine recommendations based on what you like to eat/drink. They have a simple 6 question palate quiz that asks you questions like “How do you take your coffee?” or “Do you like berries?” Winc then matches you to wine that you are guaranteed to love because it is tailored to your unique tastes.

Other things we talk about in this episode:

Two Guys on Your Head podcast – How to recover when you accomplish your goal
Staci’s Dirty Martini sweater
Casey’s many WIPs
Socks on 9” Circulars

Advanced Tinking
Tinking Increases and Decreases
Reinserting Needle into Live Stitches
Brioche Stitch

Stitch Markers, Ring Markers, and Marking a Stitch

In this video, I cover everything and anything you ever wanted to know about stitch markers.

The Knitter’s Pride Platina circular needle set I use in the video can be found here.

You can find more information about Knitter’s Pride needles from these retailers:
Bryson Distributing
Accessories Unlimited
Knitter’s Pride Shop finder

The shawl pattern I’m knitting is now available, you can see it here on Ravelry. You can see my project page, including info on the exact colors I used, here.

Here is an Etsy search result for ring stitch markers.

My nail polish is by Julep, color “Charissa”.

Podcast Episode 47: The Bohus Episode

Download Episode.

You can find Casey’s website at

Things we talk about in this episode:
Courtney Kelley
Freyja Sweater
Poems of Color , and the book on Amazon.
Google Image Search results for Bohus Knitting (lots of photos)

Staci’s Turtlepurl Socks
Turtlepurl Yarns

Spit splicing
Winding Yarn into Two Equally-Sized Balls
Ravelry Tips – Adding a Project
Ravelry Tips – Finding Pattern Help
Ravelry Tips – Using Your Ravelry Library
Ravelry Tips – Using Advanced Search
Ravelry Tips – Stashed Yarns

Knit-Front-Back (KFB) Alternative

The KFB increase is an easy increase to work, and my personal favorite. This alternative way of working the stitch leaves you with a smoother fabric, minus the “purl bump”.

I mention the VeryPink Knits audio podcast, which can be found here, or in your favorite podcast app.

A regular KFB is worked this way.

The needles I use in this video are Lykke interchangeables.

The yarn I use is Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Bulky.

My nail polish is by Julep, color “Charissa”.

Winners Announced! Zen Yarn Garden Shawl Kits

Congrats to Sarah C., Elizabeth H., and Chere L.! Winners, check your email for a message from Staci.

If you didn’t win this time, you can visit the Zen Yarn Garden website to see more info on their three subscription boxes, It’s a Wrap, Fancy Feet, and Blanket Club.

The random number generator I used to pick the winners can be found here.

Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel – new knitting video every week, and more giveaways coming soon!