Portuguese Knitting Dishcloths

all for patt

In this video, we get started on a quick project to practice the Portuguese knitting style. This pattern is written especially for Portuguese Knitting, because the garter stitch is worked by purling every row. You can get the other version of this pattern (knit every row) here. This video is sponsored by Knitter’s Pride.

This pattern is a FREE RAVELRY DOWNLOAD.

You can find more information about Knitter’s Pride needles, as well as retailers using these links:
Bryson Distributing
Accessories Unlimited
Knitter’s Pride Shop finder

The Knitter’s Pride Platina single-pointed needles I use in the video can be found here.

The yarn I used for demonstration and in my dishcloths is Knit Picks Comfy Worsted.

The nail polish I’m wearing is by Julep, color “Lorraine”.

Giveaway! We Are Knitters Acadia Sweater Kits

To enter the giveaway, scroll down and complete the form below.

Here is my finished sweater, I can’t wait to wear it! Be sure to like and queue Acadia on Ravelry.

finished sm

You can visit the We Are Knitters website, and see the Acadia sweater kits and all of the colors available here.

We Are Knitters Acadia Giveaway & Newsletter

* indicates required

Please watch the entire video for instructions on how to enter the giveaway. This contest is open to US and international viewers (customs charges may apply outside the US). The contest is open until 12:01 am (US Central Time), August 10, 2016; and the winners will be announced in video on August 11, 2016. The winning email addresses will be chosen by random number generator.

Podcast Episode 5: Stitch-Canary

Download Episode.
To get your knitting question answered on the show, email your question to podcast@verypink.com.

You can see Casey’s website and her social media buttons on kcknits.com.

Information on things we mention in this episode:

Correcting Mistakes Video Playlist
Make 1 Increase
Find Your Needle“, the video series I did for Knitter’s Pride

Vogue Knitting Stitchionary Books
The Reader’s Digest Complete Guide to Needlework
The Knitting Answer Book

VeryPink Men’s Sweater Tutorial

Links to our projects we talk about:
Staci’s Acadia Sweater
Casey’s Lake Diamond

Color My Cuffs Tutorial

brown boots 2 vp patt

Color My Cuffs is a good introduction to fair isle knitting, or a bit of fun if you’re experienced with fair isle. In the video, I demonstrate the basic techniques used for this and all stranded knitting projects.

This free pattern, coloring page, and video tutorial is sponsored by KPC Yarn, using their Novomerino DK.

Get your free pattern HERE. This link will give you the option of downloading the coloring page and/or the pattern. If you prefer a jpg image of the coloring page (to use in a coloring app on your mobile device), you can find that download here.

Sizes: To fit calves of 15”, 17”, 19” (small, medium, large). (Pattern includes a note on modifying from these sizes.)
Needles: Size US 4 (3.5 mm) 16” circular needle
Yarn: KPC Novomerino DK yarn, the colors I used are listed below, about 150 grams necessary for one pair
Additional Materials: tapestry needle for weaving in ends
Gauge: 6 stitches per inch

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The KPC Novomerino DK yarn colors I used in my cuffs in the photo above:
Orange Peel

Information on things you’ll see in the video:
The artist who drew the coloring page is Paula Pertile, Etsy shop DrawingsofKnitting.

The nail polish I’m wearing is by Julep, color “Lorraine”.

Color My Cuffs Coloring Page

coloring page vp

Download and print your Color My Cuffs coloring page HERE, and be sure to check back on July 27 for the free knitting pattern and tutorial, sponsored by KPC Yarns. Note – for the easiest knitting, only use two colors per row.

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If you prefer to color using an app on your mobile device, you can copy the jpg version of the coloring page below to open in your coloring app.

Color My Cuffs Coloring page Image

The artist who drew the coloring page is Paula Pertile, Etsy shop DrawingsofKnitting.

The KPC Novomerino DK yarn colors I used in my cuffs in the photo above:
Orange Peel

Winners Announced! SKEINO Floating Garden Shawl Kits

Congratulations to Jane I., Regina L., Iryna B.!

If you didn’t win this time, you can find the SKEINO Floating Garden Shawl kits here:
US and the rest of the world
European customers

The free Floating Garden Shawl pattern is available by visiting the same links above.

We had some issues with producing this video this morning – please forgive the roughness.

The random number generator I used to pick the winners can be found here.

Podcast Episode 3 – Acrylic Woes

Download Episode.

To get your knitting question answered on the show, email your question to podcast@verypink.com.

You can see Casey’s website and her social media buttons on kcknits.com.

Information on things we mention in this episode:
Color My Cowl, free pattern and tutorial
Trusted online retailers, Knit Picks and WEBS
Video, Lefties vs. Righties
Video, Mirror Knitting
Tunisian Shaker Dishcloths, free pattern and tutorial
Video, Winding Yarn into Two Equally-Sized Balls
German Short Row Socks, pattern and tutorial
Bulky Sleep Socks, pattern and tutorial

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SKEINO Floating Garden Shawl Tutorial

Floating Garden thumb

The Floating Garden Shawl is an elegant shawl/poncho hybrid, easy to wear and fun to knit in gorgeous SKEINO handpainted yarns. Visit one of the links below to get your yarn kit and free pattern.

The free Floating Garden Shawl pattern is available here on Ravelry.

The colorway I’m wearing in the video is Daphne. The colorway I show (unknit) is Connie. The pin I used to close my shawl is called a pennanular brooch, and is available at many Etsy stores.

SKEINO has their own YouTube channel, you can check it out to see a variety of videos on knitting and yarn dyeing.

The nail polish I’m wearing is by Julep, color “Lorraine”.

Edited to add – after a request in the YouTube comments, here is the image of the schematic drawing I used in the video.

Floating Garden Schematic sm